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[SOLVED] wine: How to pass filenames to win apps?

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I'd like to be able to open up a wine app when clicking on the file; eg to open Foxit reader. The command would be wine /path/to/spice/foxit.exe. But that just open the app itself; how would I pass the pdf filename? Anything I tried just results in foxit coming up with a dialog box, lecturing me on "usage".

The reason I need to use the win version and not the linux one, is the win one runs much faster even over wine (important with big files); and the win one has annotation tools which the linux one does not.

There are other win apps where I have the same problem, of passing filename to the win app.

Help please?

man wine says you'd just use them normally. Though I think it would need full Win paths, escaped as appropriate.

e.g. wine 'C:\windows\notepad.exe' 'Z:\tmp\my.pdf'

Well that worked... but I realized I would have to reconstruct a win path from the linux one... that seems way beyond what is easy and reasonable, so that project is shelved.


not sure what you have, but if you have a graphical file manager (with the right associations) you can have a bookmark to navigate directly inside your /home/tc/.wine/pathway to files


right hand clicking (for a right hander)

on the target file .....you choose the windows wine app (foxit reader) to open the file....instead of epdfview (or other linux pdf readers as eg)

This should work for any wine app that you have installed.

this mostly works in the lxde file manager.....pcmanfm or (2) but not extensively tested.

good luck

I has a bit of a go in rox... got nowhere... any pointers with rox?


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