Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Q&A Forum

VLC freezing and not playing on-line radio

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Arslan S.:
to store changes and for changes to be persistent do following

--- Code: ---sudo alsactl store
echo "etc/asound.state" >> /opt/.filetool.lst
echo "sudo alsactl restore" >> /opt/bootlocal.sh
--- End code ---

no sudo for command in bootlocal.sh since it is executed by root


ignoring your vlc issue.....are you able to play any sound once you have sorted out your alsa configs thru the browser?

I use the Adobe plugin .....closed source.....plugin is saved to /usr/local/lib/mozilla/plugins and the standard TC firefox

Hopefully after looking at the domain you can navigate to the 80 by clicking on listen now and get this image?

2 different KISS (Keep It, Simple Stupid) approaches:

--- Code: ---wget http://www.sky.fm/mp3/the80s.pls && mplayer -playlist the80s.pls
--- End code ---
For the first time playing a playlist, from then on:

--- Code: ---mplayer -v -playlist the80s.pls
--- End code ---
Acts also sort of like a bookmark, having the playlist locally available.


--- Code: ---mplayer -v -playlist http://www.sky.fm/mp3/the80s.pls
--- End code ---

Works like a charm with Mplayer-nodeps.   ;D

(I'd guess could work in a similar way with other players, e.g. vlc)


yep good stuff try mplayer

if it fails can you advise what codec packages you have installed pls?

I am thinking if you play mp3 quality you are likely to need the lame package


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