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Is it confirmed solution that will be implemented in next PiCore releases, or you need anybody who will test that things?

AFAIK, bmarkus is alone on developing piCore, and he might have other priorities than locales. So if you would be willing to test and report success, I'm sure bmarkus would be glad to hear and might consider to add respective extensions to the piCore repo earlier than currently planned (if at all).

I 've installed both getlocale.tcz and base_locale.tcz from x86 repos with deps from armv7 as you said.
In 7.1b4 system (I haven't a second microSD flash, so before i decided to try on current system).
Of cource I used deps from 7.x armv7 app version branch.

When getlocale.sh asked me for locales, i checked en_US.UTF-8/UTF-8 and ru_RU.UTF-8/UTF-8 only.
The mylocale.tcz is generated, and as result i got mylocale.tcz and base_locale.tcz packages installed.

But now I get a question, how i can set up boot args to set lang to new locale???

F2, F3, F4 keys don't work at boot time on Raspberry Pi - it uses different bootstrap scheme rather then classis x86 PCs.


Where i must type that?
Just typing it after system load does nothing.

tc@box:~$ locale -a

Two additional locales appears :)

But topic is about system app translations...
Where must I set lang that differs from en to test?
FAQ says to use boot args by pressing F2, F3 or F4 buttons, but they don't work, at least at my RPi3 during boot time.


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