Tiny Core Base > TCB Talk


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will the translations be in a rc before final?

No, the translation files are in an extension. There's no "head translator" approving them either. The files are pulled manually every once in a while.

edit: Ha, that's a spambot, copying sentences from earlier. Fooled me for a second. Banning.


--- Quote from: curaga on September 25, 2019, 10:08:33 AM ---
--- End quote ---

How do I add the "TR" language?

What commands must be entered!?


--- Quote from: curaga on September 25, 2019, 10:08:33 AM ---No, the translation files are in an extension. There's no "head translator" approving them either. The files are pulled manually every once in a while.

--- End quote ---
OK, i installed base-locale.tcz and how to apply my language?
BTW. The last version of this extension was from "2014/08/14 Refresh for 5.3".

If you install getlocale.tcz and run it, it will generate a locale extension for you, and show what bootcode to add. When you have done that, all apps that have a translation for your language will be in that language.

And yep, it's been a while.


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