Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 3.x

Web page of extension updates and postings

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Jason W:
2.x also fixed.

Just stumbled across this post.

This is great, could you add a link to the updates page that says "View recent updates" on the repository web page ?

Could you also make the complete history page same? It has narrower columns so the dates get wrapped, losing the nice compactness.

Jason W:
AlabamaPaul - I will look into where else we might can make the extension update page available.

Jur - Are you talking about the "Change log" column?  I think that is made less wide by earlier entries in the comments column.  I did a test and confirmed it.

No, the date column only is too narrow. It starts out good as the page loads but the whole thing seems to get scaled narrower and narrower, and the date column ends up too narrow to prevent them wrapping.


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