Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

3.x bibletime lib bug



--- Code: ---tc@box:~$ bibletime
UTF8Transliterator: ICU: no resource index to load
UTF8Transliterator: ICU: status U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR
(BibleTime 2.7) _FATAL_: Cannot mix incompatible Qt libraries
Please report this bug! (http://www.bibletime.info/development_help.html)Aborted

--- End code ---

Jason W:
Perhaps an issue with the dep files, I edited them and it should work.  qt-4.x instead of qt-4.5.  Extension was built for 2.x but I copied to 3.x also.  Should be fixed now.

Jason W:
Actually, I need to remove it from 3.x as qt 4.5 was what it was built with for 2.x as well as a specific version of icu.  

Basically, at this point there are becoming differences in the two repos enough so where I need just to upload to the repo tested by the submitter and not assume it works for both.  

bibletime works in 3.x, just some dep files need to be adjusted.

New dep file for sword:

--- Quote ---curl.tcz

--- End quote ---
New dep file for bibletime:

--- Quote ---sword.tcz
--- End quote ---

sword needs to have icu in its dep changed due to different names from 2.x and 3.x.
bibletime needs the qt extensions in the dep file changed to 4.x and needs the libEGL found in Xorg-7.5.

Jason, can you make these dep file changes for the 3.x extensions?

Jason W:


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