General TC > Tiny Core on Virtual Machines

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--- Quote from: tclfan on December 24, 2009, 06:06:22 AM ---Do you get just mouse integration or video exceleration as well?

--- End quote ---
I never used VMware/VMplayer so I don't know the content of the feature 'video exceleration'.

Virtual Box manual page 60 reads as follows:

--- Quote ---Better video support While the virtual graphics card which VirtualBox emulates for
any guest operating system provides all the basic features, the custom video
drivers that are installed with the Guest Additions provide you with extra high
and non-standard video modes as well as accelerated video performance.

Finally, if the Guest Additions are installed, 3D graphics for guest applications
can be accelerated; see chapter 4.9, Hardware 3D acceleration
--- End quote ---
So I guess, Virtual Box has got no player of its own, but you can install other players and will get the needed acceleration.

Best you give it a try. Its easy to download, install and test.

I meant to say I was using VMware VMplayer, which is VMware equivalent of the VirtualBox. VMware Tools that you install in the virtual machine correspond to VirtualBox Additions and provide video enhancement in addition to other functions, like mouse integration. Basically I was curious if the currently available extension - Vbox Additions also have the video enhancement, which means dynamic resolution, acceleration, etc.
Did you install Xorg in the TC VDI?

The VBox additions extension does include video acceleration, dynamic resizing, mouse integration and more. It does depend on Xorg and friends.

  8) Hi Joxo009

I wish to thank you for your kind support and knowledge sharing.

I did achieve:

1. keymap configuration and
2. file sharing
3. understanding that the vbox guest additions provided in the repository do not provide for configuring a TC screen resolution matching that of my laptop.

Was not successful in installing new menu options or items for sharing/unsharing (hum ... a litle help here would be welcomed, sorry me for being dumb). Just didn't get on how to do it
Ahh ... Didn't find a way neither to "unmount" the sharing

What I did more: played with XFCE and LXDE desktops, but didn't adopt them. Once solved some additional problems, I plan to install one of these desktops and offer the vdi for some kids and no so kid friends, to play with.
Oh, in the meantime I went through the intallation of all the release caditates and stable releases.

I hope you'll keep your good support for which I'm very thankfull and, for shure, others will be too.

Mean ... as meaner it can be  ;D

 There is only 1 'p' in weeping.


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