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Author Topic: oo2  (Read 1545 times)

Offline Jason W

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« on: September 23, 2009, 01:33:54 PM »
Converted to squashfs and the user.tar.gz replaced with startup script:

Code: [Select]
Title:          oo2.tcz
Description:    openoffice
Version:        2.3.1
Author:         see list of sites below
Original-site:  see list of sites below
Copying-policy: see list of sites below
Size: 110M
Extension_by:   juanito
Comments:       openoffice for tinycore
                Requires expat2.tczl, fontconfig.tczl, libxml2.tczl
                May also require gtk2.tczl and/or its dependencies?
                ..and libIDL.tczl, libxslt.tczl
                This extension contains:
                OOo_2.3.1_src_core - LGPLv2.1 - http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/openoffice/stable/2.3.1/OOo_2.3.1_src_core.tar.bz2
                OOo_2.3.1_src_system - LGPLv2.1 - http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/openoffice/stable/2.3.1/OOo_2.3.1_src_system.tar.bz2
Change-log:     2008/12/09
                Moved symlinks in /usr/local/bin to user.tar.gz
Current: 2009/09/23 Replaced user.tar.gz with script and
   converted to squashfs. (Jason W)

Offline jpeters

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Re: oo2
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2009, 10:56:18 PM »
ah....interesting. The script runs  from /usr/local/tce.installed, where you just unpack the renamed user.tar.gz

Code: [Select]
tar xzf /usr/local/oo2/share/files/files.tar.gz -C /

Offline Jason W

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Re: oo2
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2009, 04:25:43 AM »
Yeah, in this case it was either do that or create the symlinks by command.  I was short on time being in the middle of other things and took the easy route with this one.  Naturally, using cp or rsync to copy symlinks is a no go to work across both ram and mount usage since in mounted form the symlinks become symlinks to the files in /tmp/tcloop.  Creating the symlinks would have really been more correct but the difference is only a few bytes in a 110MB extension.

I don't normally use a tarball for files to be copied, but if they are numerous or large it would actually help save on space and simplify the startup script.  Of course, for normal files either "cp -p" or "rsync -aL" will work across both modes since those commands copy the target of the symlink rather than the symlnk itself.