Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64

loading ffmpeg4.tcz at boot causes unresponsive keyboard

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I'm on an old T400 Thinkpad with integrated intel graphics. I've been using TC10.1 64-bit as my daily driver for a few months now, without any issues.

Today I installed ffmpeg4.tcz to see if it would solve an issue in chromium web browser (youtube videos work, but videos on several other sites do not work).

To my surprise, when ffmpeg4 and its dependencies are loaded at boot, I end up with a completely unresponsive keyboard, necessitating a hard reboot and removing ffmpeg4.tcz from onboot.lst.

These are the video- and keyboard-related extensions that are loaded at boot via onboot.lst:

--- Code: ---Xorg-7.7
--- End code ---

I'm a bit dumbfounded by this. Any idea how to troubleshoot?

Hi GNUser
I would try to narrow it down to one of the dependencies by loading them one at a time. Extensions sometimes have
  /usr/local/tce.installed  scripts that may also come into play. Get a copy of the  .tree  file:
Then do a  sort/unique  on it and see what it loads that's not currently listed in  /usr/local/tce.installed.  Load them one at a time
until one breaks the keyboard. Preferably loading extensions which have no dependencies first.

Hi, Rich. Good idea. I'll do that tomorrow when I have time and will report back.

Hi, Core guys!

Maybe the extensions' loading order matters? I thought that graphics must be loaded before Xorg. And in general applying their scripts is not commutative operation, i think.


Wow, that's quite the dependency tree! Undaunted, I finally found the culprit:


If I add that extension to my onboot.lst, keyboard is unresponsive after boot. Mouse works, so I can click on the aterm icon on wbar, but keyboard activity causes nothing to appear in the terminal. Ctrl+Alt+F1 also does not work, so I cannot change virtual consoles.

Only way to reboot is a hard reboot or, interestingly, I can use the keyboard to trigger an emergency reboot using L_Alt+SysRq+reisub. My guess is that the kernel can respond to the keyboard, but not X.

Another interesting observation is that loading ffmpeg4.tcz (which pulls in v4l-dvb-4.19.10-tinycore64.tcz as a dependency) after the system is up and running causes no problems, so my workaround for now is to load ffmpeg4.tcz via a job in ~/.X.d rather than via onboot.lst

Even though I have a workaround, I'm still interested in exploring this further (if some more experienced hands can guide me) to figure out how to load ffmpeg4 the proper way via onboot.lst.


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