hi juanito, thanks for your answer. even if it is not what i hoped for. but.. your web-site, your rules.
hi jazzbiker,
tce for console and Apps for X gave all the heart wants.
maybe I should highlight it again, to clarify: it was about how TC is seen from outside of the linux world. Like when someone want do "have a look over it", but from stupid win10 (foced by "others" on me, like corporations). So I could do some "work" on evaluating the apps size, the diverisity of categories, etc. FYI: i have no (major) problems when "working" from INSIDE of tinycore
EDIT: I did the full listing in Excel, and I can do it again, if in need. because i see (sorry!) not many/often new versions apps. And I start to cristalise the comparison TC versus other "distros". (security, small size, speed, portability).
the competition is caching up guys