Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce that Tiny Core 8.1 rc3 is available for public testing: is a release candidate. If you decide to help test, then please test carefully. We don't want anyone to lose data.
We appreciate testing and feedback.
Changelog for 8.1 rc3:
* patched busybox rpm2cpio lzma bug
* tc-config: static ip - from andyj
Changelog for 8.1 rc2:
* added lzma functionality to busybox
Changelog for 8.1 rc1:
* busybox updated 1.25.1 -> 1.27.1
* busybox CONFIG_FEATURE_SYSLOGD_READ_BUFFER_SIZE=512 re-established
* duplicated busybox syminks removed
Note also that the firmware and tc-install content in the CorePlus iso has been rationalised