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Author Topic: Core v8.2rc1  (Read 7768 times)

Online Juanito

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Core v8.2rc1
« on: September 12, 2017, 06:11:40 AM »
Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce that Tiny Core 8.2 rc1 is available for public testing:


This is a release candidate. If you decide to help test, then please test carefully. We don't want anyone to lose data.

We appreciate testing and feedback.

Changelog for 8.2 rc1:
* busybox updated 1.27.1 -> 1.27.2
* busybox CONFIG_FEATURE_UNZIP_CDF set to preserve executable bit
* tc-config: adjusted adduser location

Offline code

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Re: Core v8.2rc1
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2017, 09:58:20 AM »
I have a Tinycore 6.4.1 x86 frugal install. It has an admin user and dropbear installed and running. It also has rsync and htop installed. This is used as a starting point in a automated build sequence.

I'm trying to update it to use CorePure64 8.2rc1.

I'm just downloading rootfs64.gz, modules64.gz and vmlinuz64 from here http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/8.x/x86_64/release_candidates/distribution_files/.

Code: [Select]
wget http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/8.x/x86_64/release_candidates/distribution_files/rootfs64.gz
wget http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/8.x/x86_64/release_candidates/distribution_files/modules64.gz
wget http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/8.x/x86_64/release_candidates/distribution_files/vmlinuz64

sudo mv vmlinuz64 /mnt/vda1/tce/boot/
sudo mv rootfs64.gz /mnt/vda1/tce/boot/
sudo mv modules64.gz /mnt/vda1/tce/boot/
rm -f /mnt/vda1/tce/boot/core.gz /mnt/vda1/tce/boot/vmlinuz

vi /mnt/vda1/tce/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf

In extlinux.conf I use the three new files. Note: this is still using syslinux from Tinycore 6.x.

Code: [Select]
# ...
KERNEL /tce/boot/vmlinuz64
APPEND initrd=/tce/boot/rootfs64.gz,/tce/boot/modules64.gz #...

After a reboot it is running 8.2.rc1 according to `version`.

The extensions in onboot.lst are not being loaded correctly. Since they are from Tinycore version 6.4.1 x86, should they work?

When I try to load them, it says they are already installed. But I can't run them.

Code: [Select]
$ tce-load -i htop
htop is already installed!
$ htop
-sh: htop: not found

Offline Rich

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Re: Core v8.2rc1
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2017, 10:21:19 AM »
Hi code
Isn't  CorePure64  a 64 bit kernel that requires 64 bit extensions?

Offline code

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Re: Core v8.2rc1
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2017, 11:52:52 AM »
Yes you are correct, so it is not supposed to work. Thanks for clearing that up.

Offline Rich

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Re: Core v8.2rc1
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2017, 12:05:46 PM »
Hi code
This is from another thread:
You can have three versions of tinycore:

core - 32-bit kernel modules + 32-bit apps
core64 - 64-bit kernel modules + 32-bit apps
corepure64 - 64-bit kernel modules + 64-bit apps

core - core.gz (or rootfs.gz + modules.gz) + vmlinuz
core64 - rootfs.gz + modules64.gz + vmlinuz64
corepure64 - corepure64.gz (or rootfs64.gz + modules64.gz) + vmlinuz64

The difference between alsa-modules-4.2.9-tinycore64.tcz and alsa-modules-4.2.9-tinycore.tcz is that the former contains 64-bit kernel modules and the latter contains 32-bit kernel modules.

Maybe  core64  is what you wanted? Then this might be of interest to you:
It's a matter of the CPU chosen. In our 32-bit releases, we support 486 minimum, and Xen in current kernels requires a higher minimum CPU - so to even be able to see the options, you'd need to pick a higher minimum CPU.

However, our 64-bit kernel has all the relevant Xen options enabled. So you should be able to run either Core64 or CorePure64 on Xen as-is.

Core64 is the 32-bit userspace but with a 64-bit kernel, while pure64 is all 64-bit. The easiest path would be to use the 64-bit kernel on your current 32-bit installed image:
- create core64.gz by "cat rootfs.gz modules64.gz > core64.gz"
- in your bootloader, replace vmlinuz by vmlinuz64 and core.gz by core64.gz

All the mentioned files can be downloaded in the distribution_files directory, under the current release download dir.