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mount sr0 with audio-cd - how?

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I managed to do something :P that enabled "gvfs-mount cdda://sr0" to work.

Nautilus would display audio tracks as "wav" files, audacious would play an audio cd, but rhythmbox still would not play.

Now to find what that something was...

It seems the trick is:

*start gnome-session
*open nautilus
*exit to console prompt
*start gnome-session again (alt=f2-r does not seem to be sufficient)
*gvfs-load cdda://sr0 (with an audio cd already in the drive)

..and then audacious, nautilus and sound-juicer will display/play the audio cd.

'Hard to believe so many apps depend on this to be able to play an audio cd - I'll definately be sticking to xmms outside of gnome-session  :P

To correct/expand on the above:

Using flwm (without the dbus or gvfs daemons started)

* audacious will play an audio cd (services -> play cd)
* rhythmbox will not play an audio cd
* sound juicer will play an audio cd
* totem will not play an audio cd
* vlc will play an audio cd (playback -> play -> disk -> audio cd)
* xmms will play an audio cd

Using gnome-session (with cli command "gvfs-mount cdda://sr0)

* nautilus will display audio cd tracks
* rhythmbox will not play an audio cd
* totem will play an audio cd

Using gnome-session (with udev-extra loaded)
* nautilus auto-mounts the audio cd
* rhythmbox will play the audio cd

Note the above will not work if wbar is used to launch apps in gnome-session.


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