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Tinycore libraries

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I cannot think of any case where an extension needs to have libraries in /usr or /usr/lib - some, like hplip, are more difficult than others, but usually no problems are encountered.

Perhaps you could give an example?


Sorry, i have very little experience with compiling linux applications, so I cannot give proper answer to that. I have compiled SANE source, and found that there is standard makefile/config system and libraries can be installed at desired installation point. That anyway requires some coding discipline and "hardcoding" is always possible.

I have few year professional experience with C/asm embedded coding, and I have build large programs and C-libraries, so I have some experience with problems in C-library maintenance.

But it is anyway up to linux community rules, technically it can be whatever wanted. And if 97% of applications are well coded and 3%  (flashplayer) is not, it is still problem.

Kernel itself is probably statically linked, so this "distro-problem".

I don't have found dCore documentation, but it it said to be "mountable extension system" whatever that means, is one possible way to solve this problem.

Of course, linux-like workstation/server level multiprocessing environment is very complex.

Even command-line environment is very complex, but typically at X-term/grafical environment complexity explodes.

There are several API-layers, window manager libraries, many inter-process signaling systems and whatever-have-ever-invented qizmos.

And there are thousands of coders scattered over word using his/her favorite editor, compiler, language, programming style etc..

And I'm sure, there is still native C-code from -70:ies unix, (at least on sendmail source code...)

So, is there applications on "/lib" "/usr/lib"? Nobody knows, I think ... 


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