Tiny Core Extensions > Extension requests

FPC (FreePascalCompiler) and Lazarus (IDE)

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Lazarus 1.2 Final has just been released.
Please, someone update the package with the final release. Thanks.

BTW, since it works both with gtk 2.8 and qt4.5 (32 or 64bit), which of the two will the package be built on?


send a PM to the extension maintaner asking to update it. He/she will give more details.


FPC 2.6.4 has just been released!


--- Quote from: Zendrael on March 05, 2014, 03:33:48 AM ---send a PM to the extension maintaner asking to update it. He/she will give more details.

--- End quote ---

I have sent him a PM, but got no reply. I suspect he is no longer active on this community. His latest login was in May 2013!

Could someone else please take up the job and prepare those two extensions?

I can make the update but I'm not sure if it will be acceptable because I am not using TinyCore on a daily basis.


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