Here is what I did to get a working TinyCore desktop on Allwinner (Hackberry):
How to assemble TinyCore for Allwinner A10 from current "parts":
(1) Download all the *.bz2 files and the *.img.gz file from the repository site.
(2) unzip the image file (gunzip *.img.gz) and dd the image file to card (dev/foo)
(3) Create a second partition, ext3 or your preference, on the rest of the card with gparted, etc.
(4) in the ext3 partition, mkdir /tce and within it mkdir /tce/optional and /tce/ondemand
(5) unzip the other repository files (tar xjvf *.bz2) into the /tce/optional directory
(6) in /tce, touch onboot.lst
****IF and only if you are NOT using a Mele, you will need to fix a few things now.
For a Miniand Hackberry:
(a) dd sunxi-spl.bin and u-boot.bin for your device to the "boot" section of the card AND
(b) copy your script.bin to the first (FAT) partition to replace the one that is there.
EDIT: "The two "boot sector" files came from jas-hacks' work at: with links to the sources at" /EDIT
(7) Put your sd card in the device and BOOT!! (into the bterm interface)
( 8 ) Load import.tcz (tce-load -i import)
(9) Have import get the Debian wheezy list: (import setup)
(10) Import xorg (import xorg); standby to answer q to one download, wander off for awhile.
(11) There will now be a directory xorg/ ; cd into it and mv * /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/optional/
(12) Similarly, import hsetroot and xterm and move the resulting files to optional.
(13) Might be a good time to create mydata.tgz; ( -b)
(14) Edit /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/onboot.lst to load on boot:
xorg.tcz (note lowercase x)
Xprogs.tcz (note uppercase X)
(15) reboot, use (right click)->SystemTools->RunProgram to launch xterm,
(16) In /home/tc, uncomment xterm in .xsession; backup ( -b)
(17) reboot...desktop plus xterm will appear.