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Author Topic: Which version of TC do you run, what apps are you using?  (Read 5055 times)

Offline Rich

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Which version of TC do you run, what apps are you using?
« on: April 21, 2012, 10:34:28 AM »
I'm starting this thread in response to this:

Hi avalon
I am wondering what are others using sol old machines for and they work ....
15 year old machine with original Pentium (MMX) 233Mhz and 256Mbyte RAM running Samba as a file server
under TC2.1. Transfer speed  is 4-4.5Mbytes/Sec. Dropbear for remote access.
Dell Inspiron 8000 used mainly for browsing (Opera 10) and Flash under TC3.4. Using ALSA for sound.
Dell Precision M70 used for cross compiling Windows apps under TC3.8.4. Remote access of a couple of
Windows2008 servers using FreeRDP v1.0.1. Opera 10, OpenOffice, Xorg7.5
Dell Dimension 4100 dual boot TC3.8.4 and TC4.1. Remote access of a couple of Windows2008 servers using
FreeRDP v1.0.1. Opera 10 (TC3.8.4), Opera 11 (TC4.1), Xorg7.5
The last three machines also run Geany for editing source code. Compiletc for compiling. Wireshark for analyzing
network traffic. FoxitReader for viewing PDF files. Midnight Commander for its ability to view files in ASCII or hex.
Cifs-utils for accessing Samba/Windows shares. Gdb (debugger) for when I misplace a pointer. Gparted for drive
partition management.

Offline thane

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Re: Which version of TC do you run, what apps are you using?
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2012, 04:45:47 PM »
TC 4.4 on a plain vanilla box (AMD, 2G memory, 8G USB stick, no hard drive).

Namoroka, Flash 11, SMPlayer, epdfview, BOINC (third party app), plus a few games and utilities.

Up until a couple of years ago I was a Windows user exclusively (had a little experience with AIX at the office though). Belatedly realized that 95% of my personal computer use was websurfing, so went looking for a Linux distro that would let me install only apps I actually wanted to use. Tried a couple of other distros and then found TC (1.8 at the time), which was just what I was looking for. Stayed with it ever since.

edit: I should note that initially I was running TC (up through about 2.11.2) on a Compaq Deskpro (Pentium III, 512M memory, CD + USB stick because of flaky and later dead HDD). Worked fine there although no USB boot and extension loading was slow because of USB 1.0.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 04:50:18 AM by thane »

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Re: Which version of TC do you run, what apps are you using?
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2012, 08:52:44 PM »
Core 4.4 on a Dell SC440 (upgraded to 4 GB RAM and 1TB disk) using Samba to share some storage for backup use by Windows boxes

Core 4.4 on a Dell SC440 (upgraded to 4GB RAM and 0.5 TB disk and hacked to accept a video card capable of using a 1080P monitor) my primary home desktop - X0rg-7.5, jwm, minefield7, filezilla, rdesktop, emelfm2, sylpheed, other extensions as needed.  Always booted from USB stick because the same stick is used on....

Dell Dimension 4700 (a retired PC at work w/512 MB RAM and Window XP still installed on the HD) used primarily for rdesktop access to some Windows servers.

Core 4.0 on a Dell Dimension 4600 (a retired PC at work w/ 512 MD RAM and the HD and CD-ROM drives physically disconnected) booting from a dedicated USB stick, used for EDI work and as a utility web server.   Openssh, bftpd, cherokee, others as needed.

Three old boxes, much like Thane's Compaq but at 350 Mhz,  running... maybe tc2.x? ... it has been a while since I fired up any of them.  :)

A Toshiba Magnia SG20 - (headless) in the midst of an upgrade to Core 4.4 (maybe 4.5, if I wait) - openssh, cherokee, bftpd, gtm5.

The first SC440 (above) will probably be getting the video card hack (like the second one) so I can retire the old 17" CRT monitor (I sometimes let the kids play online flash games on it and they're complaining about video performance - and I want to bring it back into sync (hardware-wise) with its twin).

I've switched to using grub4dos on everything, though the old Compaqs might still have the legacy grub extension.

32 bit core4.7.7, Xprogs, Xorg-7.6, wbar, jwm  |  - Testing -
PPR, data persistence through filetool.sh          |  32 bit core 8.0 alpha 1
USB Flash drive, one partition, ext2, grub4dos  | Otherwise similar

Offline chattrhand

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Re: Which version of TC do you run, what apps are you using?
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2012, 04:18:56 PM »
I am using TC since 3.6 for installing cable modems and testing fast internet connections on a Lenovo R61 Laptop. I always try to apply the newest stable version, actually 4.4
The extensions installed are kmaps for german keyboard, alsa, abiword, firefox with flash, gpaint, gimp, gnumeric and some more. They are updated via AppsAudit every week with no problems since.

At home I am using a DELL Latitude C540 Laptop, a MacMini 1,7 GHz Intel and mainly an iMac 2.0 GHz intel.

On DELL the Ubuntu 8.04 is replaced by TinyCore as it is running faster with 256 MB RAM, and works perfectly. with all of the builtin hardware.

On MacMini TC is running perfectly too, but actually I will not replace MacOSX.

iMac is the main workbench for trying TC and other Linux editions, but I found some problems specific to iMac: While sound  is ok with almost all of the different Linux editions I tried, I did not get the sound card working with TC, neither alsa nor oss. As TC is the only system that can eject its CD on the fly this is a good tool for burning CD and DVD.

On iMac I found another problem: My frugal installations created with TC0 4.1 and older can not be started with 4.2 and newer, so I need my 4.1-CD for CD burning. So it is fine that the extensions update with Apps Audit work even with TC 4.1.

SCM is a fine way to bundle the huge list of extensions and their dependencies that appears on the Apps tool. Newcomers will appreciate it.

Actually I am trying TC4.5rc2. It is a good idea to push AppsAudit under the roof of  Apps tool.


TC is the future. It is small, beautiful, fast and stable and easy to understand, so it is an excellent way for normal users to learn and to adapt it to their proper use.

TinyCore, SliTaz, LinuxMint, Tails, Mac ...

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Re: Which version of TC do you run, what apps are you using?
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2012, 11:57:16 PM »
I use Core 4.5 in my netbook (2gb ram atom 1.6ghz) for all purpose.
This is my boot list but i have tons of software on deman:
Code: [Select]

I have other pc, but i use the same sd card for all.

Offline avalon

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Re: Which version of TC do you run, what apps are you using?
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2012, 02:20:53 AM »
Ok, here's my take. The only distro I found running reasonably fast was TC. Installed a cups print server with a raw queue on pentium 100, 64MB EDO RAM and 1G HDD. TC 4.x current microcore. Also I have sshd running so I can keep the machine headless and keyboard less. I had troubles using a filtered queue, maybe I have to install lots of extensions to have it working but raw queue is good enough and doesn't put the machine on its knees.

The only thing I'm now willing to improve is APM. This is a very old machine without ACPI but can power on/off in software through APM. But APM is not supported by TC.  So naturally I'd like to be able to shut it down by the button instead of ssh -c halt. I'll open another topic about that though.

P.S. Thanks to Juanito for being so supportive fixing extlinux and cups to run on 586!
P.S. And thanks to the other forum members that are also giving useful information and suggestions! Thanks for being a friendly community  :)
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 02:22:38 AM by avalon »

Offline solorin

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Re: Which version of TC do you run, what apps are you using?
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2012, 03:32:42 AM »
i'm nomadic so I run the lastest version of Core (not RC's) off
an 8gb Sandisk thumbdrive(literally smaller than my thumb),
and just plug it into whatever workstation or laptop
i have available in front of me. Right now, it's an Asus EeePc.
But I've had good experiences with Dell and Acer laptops.
i've had trouble booting IBM/Lenovo Thinkcentres, but that could be
any number of factors.
usually the machines are i686's somewhere around 1 gHz or so i think.
and have anywhere from 1/2 gig to 4 gigs of ram.

my onboot.lst is:

and whatever i need for connectivity that week.
i've a great deal on demand too, but some highlights include:

so you can see I use it like a basic desktop, with some websurfing/multimedia.
I'm in aterm all the time, so i've customized it with Solarized colors,
and a nice big readable font (zevv-peep.tcz).
Despite vim being loaded I find myself using busybox vi more often.
i don't run anything too heavy, so usually everything is really snappy.     
tho when I do, sometimes performance is suprisingly disappointing.             
(recent experiences with gimp, inkscape and xxxterm come to mind)
but Core is more than adequate for my usage at the moment.
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Re: Which version of TC do you run, what apps are you using?
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2012, 04:36:32 AM »
running tcl 4.3.1 on an old Compaq Presario 700 laptop from about 2001.
 (256 ram) athlon mobile 1.2ghz

0)VLC for movies
1) mplayer-no-deps for movies...
2)Opera 11
3 firefox with "memory fox" extension
4) mpg123
6)QtWeb  for surfing
7) Flash
10)xorg 7.4

other apps

