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Author Topic: extension audit script  (Read 148922 times)

Offline Jason W

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extension audit script
« on: July 25, 2009, 10:33:55 AM »
I am going to be auditing extensions more closely, and basically using a script such as this one.  It would behoove extension submitters to run this script in the directory where their extension files are before submitting to help ensure the integrity of the repo.  This basically checks the md5s, checks to see if the tce and tcz extensions are valid tar.gz or mountable files, and checks the info files for basic info.  Suggestions for features or improvement are welcome.  I will be adding improvements in time but this I think is a good starting point.  Proper list files are created by this script.

Errors that are caught before submission save a lot of time for everyone compared to those found later, so thanks in advance for checking extensions before submission.   And thanks for the continued hard work that is being put into contributions.

TC version 3 Script attached.

Code: [Select]
# Extension audit script

. /etc/init.d/tc-functions

MIRROR=`cat /opt/tcemirror`


if [ ! -f /usr/local/tce.installed/file ]; then
echo "${RED}Install the file.tcz extension.${NORMAL}"
exit 1

if [ ! -f /usr/local/tce.installed/diffutils ]; then
echo "${RED}Install the diffutils.tcz extension.${NORMAL}"
exit 1

if [ ! -f /usr/local/tce.installed/squashfs-tools-4.x ]; then
echo "${RED}Install the squashfs-tools extension.${NORMAL}"
exit 1

if [ ! -f /usr/local/tce.installed/wget ]; then
echo "${RED}Install wget extension.${NORMAL}"
exit 1

checkstartup() {
if [ -d "$TMP2"/usr/local/tce.installed/ ]; then
     if [ `ls "$TMP2"/usr/local/tce.installed/ | wc -l` == "1" ]; then

OUT=$(ls -d -l "$TMP2"/usr/local/tce.installed)
      PERM=$(echo $OUT | cut -d" " -f1)
      OWNER=$(echo $OUT | cut -d" " -f3-4)

      [ "$PERM" == "drwxrwxr-x" ] || [ "$PERM" == "drwxrwsr-x" ] || export FILE=1
      [ "$OWNER" == "root staff" ] || export FILE=1

    if [ -f "$TMP2"/usr/local/tce.installed/"$BASENAME" ]; then
if [ ! -x "$TMP2"/usr/local/tce.installed/"$BASENAME" ]; then
export FILE=1
echo "${YELLOW}Will rebuild ${BLUE}"$F"${YELLOW} for wrong /usr/local/tce.installed perms.${NORMAL}"
echo "$F" >> /tmp/submitqc/wrongstartscriptperms

    if [ ! -z `ls "$TMP2"/usr/local/tce.installed/` ] && [ ! -f "$TMP2"/usr/local/tce.installed/"$BASENAME" ]; then

echo "${YELLOW}Will rebuild ${BLUE}"$F"${YELLOW} for wrong /usr/local/tce.installed script name.${NORMAL}"
echo "$F" >> /tmp/submitqc/wrongstartscriptname
export FILE=1


if [ "$FILE" == "1" ]; then

unset FILE
echo "${BLUE}"$F"${RED} has more than one /usr/local/tce.installed script.  Please remake.${NORMAL}"
unset FILE


checkmaintainer() {
unset NAMES
if  wget -O /tmp/submitqc/."$F".info "$MIRROR""$VERSION"/tcz/"$F".info > /dev/null 2>&1; then
MAINTAINER=`grep "Extension_by" /tmp/submitqc/."$F".info | cut -d: -f2`
SUBMITTER=`grep "Extension_by" "$F".info | cut -d: -f2`
echo "Extension: "$F"" >> /tmp/submitqc/tcemaintainer
echo "Maintainer is "$MAINTAINER"" >> /tmp/submitqc/tcemaintainer
echo "Submitter is "$SUBMITTER"" >> /tmp/submitqc/tcemaintainer
echo " " >> /tmp/submitqc/tcemaintainer
echo " "
echo "${BLUE}"$F"${YELLOW} is maintained by ${GREEN}"$MAINTAINER"${YELLOW}. You are ${GREEN}"$SUBMITTER"${YELLOW}.  Make sure the maintainer is aware you are updating his extension.${NORMAL}"
echo " "
echo "$F" > /tmp/submitqc/.extname

echo "EXT: "$F" - SIMILARLY NAMED EXTENISIONS:" >> /tmp/submitqc/similarextensions
> /tmp/submitqc/.temp
for I in `grep $(basename "$F" .tcz) /tmp/submitqc/.info.lst`; do echo "$I".tcz >> /tmp/submitqc/.temp; done
for I in `cat /tmp/submitqc/.info.lst `; do grep "$I" /tmp/submitqc/.extname >/dev/null && echo "$I".tcz >> /tmp/submitqc/.temp; done

cat /tmp/submitqc/.temp | uniq >> /tmp/submitqc/similarextensions

NAMES=`cat /tmp/submitqc/.temp | uniq`
if [ ! -z "$NAMES" ]; then
   echo "${BLUE}"$F"${YELLOW}  has some similarly named extensions in the repo.  Make sure yours does not \
   collide with these:${NORMAL}"
   echo " "
   echo "${GREEN}"$NAMES"${NORMAL}"
   echo " " >> /tmp/submitqc/similarextensions
   echo " "

checkdiff() {
[ -f /tmp/submitqc/listfilediffs/"$F".difflist ] && rm /tmp/submitqc/listfilediffs/"$F".difflist
[ -d /tmp/submitqc/listfilediffs/ ] || mkdir -p /tmp/submitqc/listfilediffs/
#> /tmp/submitqc/listfilediffs/"$F".difflist
if  wget -O /tmp/submitqc/."$F".repolist "$MIRROR""$VERSION"/tcz/"$F".list > /dev/null 2>&1; then
diff -NBa -U 0  /tmp/submitqc/."$F".repolist "$F".list > /tmp/submitqc/listfilediffs/"$F".difflist
  if [ -s /tmp/submitqc/listfilediffs/"$F".difflist ]; then
echo " "
sed -i '1,3d' /tmp/submitqc/listfilediffs/"$F".difflist

sed -i '1i ---' /tmp/submitqc/listfilediffs/"$F".difflist
sed -i '1i Minus means file is in the existing repo ext. and not in yours' /tmp/submitqc/listfilediffs/"$F".difflist
sed -i '1i Plus means file is in your ext. and not in repos' /tmp/submitqc/listfilediffs/"$F".difflist
    echo " "
   echo ${BLUE}"$F": "${YELLOW}There are filename differences in your extension and the one\
existing in the repo,they are noted above and stored in ${BLUE}/tmp/submitqc/listfilediffs/"$F".difflist.${NORMAL}"


 sleep 5
[ -f /tmp/submitqc/."$F".repolist ] && rm /tmp/submitqc/."$F".repolist


checkappend() {
if find "$TMP2" -maxdepth 1 | grep "_1"; then
export APPEND=1

if [ "$APPEND" == "1" ]; then
echo "${BLUE}"$F"${RED} has unwanted data appended to it. Please remake.${NORMAL}"
echo "$F" >> /tmp/submitqc/appendeddata
unset APPEND
sleep 3

checkblock() {
if ! unsquashfs -s "$F" | grep "Block size" | grep "4096" > /dev/null; then
echo "${BLUE}"$F"${YELLOW} is not 4096 block size.  Rebuilding with -b 4096.${NORMAL}"

rebuild() {
mkdir "$F".123456789
cp -a "$TMP2"/* "$F".123456789/
chmod 775 "$F".123456789/
#if [ "$BADPERM" == "1" ]; then
#for I in `find "$F".123456789/ -type d`; do stat -c '%a' "$I" | grep 755 >/dev/null || \
#stat -c '%a' "$I" | grep 775 >/dev/null || stat -c '%a' "$I" | grep 2755 >/dev/null || stat -c '%a' "$I" | grep 2775 >/dev/null || chmod 755 "$I" ; done

if [ ! -z `ls "$F".123456789/usr/local/tce.installed/` ] && [ ! -f "$F".123456789/usr/local/tce.installed/"$BASENAME" ]; then
mv `find "$F".123456789/usr/local/tce.installed/ -not -type d | tail -n 1` "$F".123456789/usr/local/tce.installed/"$BASENAME"

if [ -d "$F".123456789/usr/local/tce.installed ]; then
chmod -R 775 "$F".123456789/usr/local/tce.installed
chown -R root:staff "$F".123456789/usr/local/tce.installed
sudo busybox umount -d "$TMP2"

mksquashfs "$F".123456789 "$F".new -b 4096
mv "$F".new "$F"
rm -r "$F".123456789
sudo busybox mount -o loop "$F" "$TMP2" > /dev/null 2>&1
[ -f "$F".md5.txt ] && rm "$F".md5.txt


checkbasedirperm() {
if ! su tc -c "ls "$THISDIR"/"$TMP2"" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "${YELLOW}Rebuilding "$F" for unreadable base squashfs directory.${NORMAL}"

checkdirperms() {
for I in `find "$TMP2" -type d`; do
if ! stat -c '%a' "$I" | grep 755 > /dev/null && \
! stat -c '%a' "$I" | grep 775 >/dev/null && ! stat -c '%a' "$I" | grep 2755 >/dev/null && ! stat -c '%a' "$I" | grep 2775 >/dev/null; then
#export BADPERM=1
DIR=`echo "$I" | sed "s:"$TMP2"::"`
echo ""$F":  `stat -c '%a' "$I"`  "$DIR"" >> /tmp/submitqc/baddirperms
echo "${BLUE}"$F": ${GREEN}"$DIR"${YELLOW} directory has suspicious permissionss: ${GREEN}`stat -c '%a' "$I"`${NORMAL}"
sleep 3


echo_green() {
if [ -f "$F".md5.txt ]; then
echo "${BLUE}"$F"${GREEN} is a valid tcz file. Checking MD5 for ${BLUE}"$F":${NORMAL}"
md5sum -c "$F".md5.txt
if [ ! "$?" == "0" ]; then
echo "${RED}Md5sum failed for "$F"${NORMAL}"
echo "$F" >> /tmp/wrongmd5
echo "${BLUE}"$F"${GREEN} is a valid tcz file.  Creating MD5 for ${BLUE}"$F":${NORMAL}"
md5sum "$F" > "$F".md5.txt

cd "$TMP2"
find `ls` -not -type d > ../"$F".list
cd ..

zsyncmake "$F" > /dev/null 2>&1


checkdep() {
if `ls *.dep > /dev/null 2>&1`; then
[ "$(ls -A /tmp/submitqc/missingdeps/)" ] && rm /tmp/submitqc/missingdeps/*
 for I in `ls *.dep`; do
for F in `cat "$I"`; do

if echo "$F" | grep "" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "${RED}The ${BLUE}"$F"${RED} entry in ${BLUE}"$I" ${RED}needs to use the KERNEL variable instead of kernel version number.${NORMAL}"
echo "The "$F" entry in "$I" needs to use the KERNEL variable instead of kernel version number." >> /tmp/submitqc/missingdeps/"$I"
echo " " >> /tmp/submitqc/missingdeps/"$I"
elif echo "$F" | grep "KERNEL" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
    if B=`echo "$F" | sed 's:KERNEL:'` && wget --spider "$MIRROR""$VERSION"/tcz/"$B" \
> /dev/null 2>&1; then
sleep .001
            elif B=`echo "$F" | sed 's:KERNEL:'` && wget --spider "$MIRROR""$VERSION"/tcz/"$B" \
> /dev/null 2>&1; then
sleep .001
echo ""$F" is missing in the repo as a dependency of "$I"" >> /tmp/submitqc/missingdeps/"$I"
echo "${BLUE}"$F"${RED} is missing in the repo as a dependency of ${BLUE}"$I"${NORMAL}"
echo " " >> /tmp/submitqc/missingdeps/"$I"
    if ! wget --spider "$MIRROR""$VERSION"/tcz/"$F" \
> /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo ""$F" is missing in the repo as a dependency of "$I"" >> /tmp/submitqc/missingdeps/"$I"
echo "${BLUE}"$F"${RED} is missing in the repo as a dependency of ${BLUE}"$I"${NORMAL}"
echo " " >> /tmp/submitqc/missingdeps/"$I"
if [ -f "$F" ]; then
  echo "${BLUE}"$F"${GREEN}, however is present in this batch of extensions being checked for upload.${NORMAL}"
          echo ""$F", however, is present in this batch of extensions being checked for upload." >> /tmp/submitqc/missingdeps/"$I"

[ "$(ls -A /tmp/submitqc/missingdeps/)" ] || echo "${GREEN}Dep files seem to have no detectable errors.${NORMAL}"

checkinfo() {
for I in `ls *.info`; do

NAME=`basename "$I" .info`
INFONAME=`cat "$I" | grep "Title" | awk '{print $2}'`

if [ ! "$NAME" == "$INFONAME" ]; then
echo "${RED}Name field in ${BLUE}"$I"${RED} is incorrect.${NORMAL}"
echo "Name: field is not valid in "$I"." >> /tmp/submitqc/wronginfofile

echo "The following errors are found in "$I". No news is good news:"
[ -z `awk '/Change-log:/ { print $2 }' "$I"` ] && echo "Change-log: field is not valid in "$I"." && echo "Change-log: field is not valid in "$I"." >> /tmp/submitqc/wronginfofile
[ -z `awk '/Comments:/ { print $2 }' "$I"` ] && echo "Comments: field is not valid in "$I"." && echo "Comments: field is not valid in "$I"." >> /tmp/submitqc/wronginfofile
[ -z `awk '/Original-site:/ { print $2 }' "$I"` ] && echo "Original-site: field is not valid in "$I"." && echo "Original-site: field is not valid in "$I"." >> /tmp/submitqc/wronginfofile
[ -z `awk '/Author:/ { print $2 }' "$I"` ] && echo "Author: field is not valid in "$I"." && echo "Author: field is not valid in "$I"." >> /tmp/submitqc/wronginfofile
[ -z `awk '/Title:/ { print $2 }' "$I"` ] && echo "Title: field is not valid in "$I"." && echo "Title: field is not valid in "$I"." >> /tmp/submitqc/wronginfofile
[ -z `awk '/Description:/ { print $2 }' "$I"` ] && echo "Description: field is not valid in "$I"." && echo "Description: field is not valid in "$I"." >> /tmp/submitqc/wronginfofile
[ -z `awk '/Version:/ { print $2 }' "$I"` ] && echo "Version: field is not valid in "$I"." && echo "Version: field is not valid in "$I"." >> /tmp/submitqc/wronginfofile
[ -z `awk '/Copying-policy:/ { print $2 }' "$I"` ] && echo "Copying-policy: field is not valid in "$I"." && echo "Copying-policy: field is not valid in "$I"." >> /tmp/submitqc/wronginfofile
[ -z `awk '/Extension_by:/ { print $2 }' "$I"` ] && echo "Extension_by: field is not valid in "$I"." && echo "Extension_by: field is not valid in "$I"." >> /tmp/submitqc/wronginfofile
[ -z `awk '/Size:/ { print $2 }' "$I"` ] && echo "Size: field is not valid in "$I"." && echo "Size: field is not valid in "$I"." >> /tmp/submitqc/wronginfofile
[ -z `awk '/Current:/ { print $2 }' "$I"` ] && echo "Current: field is not valid in "$I"." && echo "Current: field is not valid in "$I"." >> /tmp/submitqc/wronginfofile
file "$I" | grep "CRLF" && dos2unix -u "$I" && echo "${YELLOW}Fixing CRLF line terminators in ${BLUE}"$I"${YELLOW}.  Please don't use Windows apps to edit Linux files.${NORMAL}" \
&& echo ""$I" has CRLF line terminators in it.  Please don't use Windows apps to edit Linux files." >> /tmp/submitqc/wronginfofile

sleep 1

if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then

[ -f /tmp/submitqc/.info.lst ] && rm  /tmp/submitqc/.info.lst
wget -O /tmp/submitqc/.info.lst.gz "$MIRROR""$VERSION"/tcz/info.lst.gz > /dev/null 2>&1
gunzip /tmp/submitqc/.info.lst.gz
sed -i 's:.tcz::g' /tmp/submitqc/.info.lst

if [ "$1" == "checkdep" ]; then
[ -d /tmp/submitqc/missingdeps ] || mkdir -p /tmp/submitqc/missingdeps
exit 0

if [ "$1" == "checkinfo" ]; then
[ -d /tmp/submitqc ] || mkdir /tmp/submitqc
exit 0

if [ "$1" == "checkmaintainer" ]; then
[ -d /tmp/submitqc ] || mkdir /tmp/submitqc
> /tmp/submitqc/tcemaintainer
for F in `ls *.tcz`; do
exit 0


[ -d /tmp/submitqc ] && rm -r /tmp/submitqc

mkdir -p /tmp/submitqc/missingdeps

[ -f /tmp/submitqc/.info.lst ] && rm  /tmp/submitqc/.info.lst
wget -O /tmp/submitqc/.info.lst.gz "$MIRROR""$VERSION"/tcz/info.lst.gz > /dev/null 2>&1
gunzip /tmp/submitqc/.info.lst.gz
sed -i 's:.tcz::g' /tmp/submitqc/.info.lst

> /tmp/submitqc/corrupttcz
> /tmp/submitqc/wrongblocksize
> /tmp/submitqc/wrongmd5
> /tmp/submitqc/tcemaintainer
> /tmp/submitqc/similarextensions
> /tmp/submitqc/appendeddata
> /tmp/submitqc/wrongstartscriptperms
> /tmp/submitqc/wrongstartscriptname
> /tmp/submitqc/wronginfofile
> /tmp/submitqc/baddirperms

for F in `ls | xargs file | grep ".tcz" | grep "Squashfs" | cut -f 1 -d :`; do
if df | grep "$TMP2" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
umount "$TMP2"
[ -d "$TMP2" ] && rm -rf "$TMP2"
mkdir "$TMP2"
BASENAME=`basename "$F" .tcz`

if `sudo busybox mount -o loop "$F" "$TMP2" > /dev/null 2>&1`; then
    if [ -f "$F".list ]; then
if [ -f "$F".info ]; then

busybox umount -d "$TMP2"
sleep 2
rm -rf "$TMP2"
echo " "
echo ${GREEN}##############################################${NORMAL}
echo ${GREEN}##############################################${NORMAL}
echo "${BLUE}"$F"${RED} is a corrupt tcz file, please remake.${NORMAL}"
echo "$F" >> /tmp/submitqc/corrupttcz
rm -rf "$TMP2"

echo " "
echo " "
sudo chown tc:staff *.tcz*
sudo chmod 664 *.tcz*

if [ ! -z `cat /tmp/submitqc/corrupttcz` ]; then

« Last Edit: November 18, 2010, 09:22:28 PM by Jason W »

Offline samedirection

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Re: extension audit script
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2009, 01:32:47 PM »
It could also warn if there are any funny permissions, or files installed outside of the usual areas (just warn, since either may be intended)

Offline danielibarnes

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Re: extension audit script
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2009, 02:33:44 PM »
I've been meaning to do something like this myself, but haven't had time yet. I'm glad you got it started. A few thoughts:

  • Separate each check into a function, then call all the functions at the end. This will make it modular and easier to read as well as allow for options which perform a subset of checks, like only checking the md5sum of all the files.
  • Your script requires the "file" extension to be installed, so it should probably check that $(which file) returns a value.
  • Check for clobbering directories in the TCE extensions.
  • Audit the .dep file for correctness. When I create an extension, I run a script that auto-generates the .dep by checking each executable in the extension for library dependencies. It then finds the name of the extension by looking for the shared library file in /tmp/tcloop (I use .tcz). It's a bit involved, but given a tce directory it could check the .dep against extensions in that directory.
  • Check the size field of .info by using du -h
  • Check for PPI Compatible

Offline Jason W

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Re: extension audit script
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2009, 03:22:48 PM »
File permissions, correct md5.txt, validity of tce/tcz files is the most important.  But I would like to automate whatever can be done if it can be done safely and reliably.  I included some more checks, and will make it more elegent and modular in time, like checking md5 only, creating list files or whatever.  Clobbering directories will be addressed.  Personally, I think dep files are best made by hand, but if there is a quick and simple way to check for misspelling of entries that would be considered.  Calculating sizes will be considered.

It would be good to make the boring, tedious part of extension preparing as easy as possible.  But I am also careful not to go down a slippery slope of complexity as remembered with tce-uninstall.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 03:24:56 PM by Jason W »

Offline SvOlli

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Re: extension audit script
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2009, 02:46:19 PM »
Maybe it would be wise to put the script in the "compiletc" extension or a stand-alone one?

Offline Jason W

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Re: extension audit script
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2009, 04:08:26 PM »
Perhaps, but it is easier to update being posted here. 

I attached the script in an attachment to the original post in this thread for easy download.  Simply adding executable permissions is required.

Offline Jason W

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Re: extension audit script
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2009, 12:15:04 PM »
The script has been updated for tcz only.  Please use it before submitting. 

Offline Kingdomcome

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Re: extension audit script
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2009, 02:52:58 AM »
the stat applet is no longer available in the base....

Offline Jason W

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Re: extension audit script
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2009, 06:39:33 AM »
A check for coreutils has been added.

Offline Jason W

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Re: extension audit script
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2009, 03:07:39 PM »
Checking for the case of tc:staff ownership rather than the case against root ownership of tce.installed and such has been added.

Offline Jason W

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Re: extension audit script
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2009, 11:57:11 AM »
Updated to check for user root, group staff, and 775 perms of /usr/local/tce.* directories.  
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 12:29:58 PM by Jason W »

Offline Kingdomcome

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Re: extension audit script
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2009, 04:16:50 PM »
any consideration given to adding this script to the compiletc extension?  Retrieving the script for the forums is quite difficult in TC/MC booted base norestore and only loading compile deps.

Offline Jason W

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Re: extension audit script
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2009, 05:36:43 PM »
This script has seen about 4 or 5 updates today, so it would be a burden to include it in an extension at this point.  Perhaps when it stabilizes it can find a home.

Oh, and added one more thing to check for - CRLF line terminators in the info file that cause it to appear funny in the appbrowser. 

Offline jpeters

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Re: extension audit script
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2009, 10:13:29 PM »
Since this is used also for checking tce dir;  needed extensions to run script?

Offline Jason W

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Re: extension audit script
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2009, 10:18:40 PM »
For running against a tce directory, "base norestore" would be the way to do it and then install coreutils into /tmp/tce.  I can drop the perl dependency as dos2unix is in base which I will use instead.  Stat was moved into coreutils so coreutils has to remain a dep.