Tiny Core Linux

Tiny Core Extensions => TCE Q&A Forum => Topic started by: JohnJS on February 12, 2011, 12:44:18 PM

Title: lightest browser for 56k modem
Post by: JohnJS on February 12, 2011, 12:44:18 PM
Trying to find lightest browser that can use on-line banking and web browsing. (using tcl3.41 or 3.5rc1)
Tried dillo but get error 19, something about certificate for on-line banking.

edit: currently using opera 10.10 without flash, auto turbo and 'no images".
Title: Re: lightest browser for 56k modem
Post by: tinypoodle on February 12, 2011, 01:12:23 PM
That's probably one of your best bets.
Also you can turn off javascript, plugins (in general, if you have any) and cookies and increase cache values, latter in case you have enough resources.
Current version of opera would have "plugins on demand" in addition, though I think such exists for 10.10 even if in turbo mode only.

Alternatively you could try elinks or links in text mode.

As for online banking, depends what requirements the specific site would have, e.g. javascript or even ajax capabilities might be required - and not sure which degree of security older browser versions would provide.

Edit: And of course content blocking and perhaps some css which blocks iframes could further reduce traffic.
Title: Re: lightest browser for 56k modem
Post by: JohnJS on February 12, 2011, 01:39:07 PM
Thanks tinypoodle.
I guess I was pretty close.
Title: Re: lightest browser for 56k modem
Post by: tinypoodle on February 12, 2011, 01:56:31 PM
Curious, when you say you have opera set to auto turbo with a 56k modem, by your observation is turbo mode constantly on?
Title: Re: lightest browser for 56k modem
Post by: JohnJS on February 13, 2011, 11:30:58 AM
Yes tinypoodle.
Opera 10.10 turbo set to Auto is constant through restarts. Speed indicator show x2 or x4. Though at some sites pop-up shows "not connected or not available" Exact terminology escapes me right now.
However Images control (lower right) "Show, Cached and No" defaults to "Show Images" on restart.
Title: Re: lightest browser for 56k modem
Post by: tinypoodle on February 13, 2011, 01:46:57 PM
AFAIK images control is a per tab setting and would be the same as was when reopening a saved session.
Title: Re: lightest browser for 56k modem
Post by: JohnJS on February 13, 2011, 07:31:22 PM
Hi tinypoodle,
FYI image control reverts to "show images" when changing sites during same session.
Minor inconvenience for me.
Thanks for your help.
Title: Re: lightest browser for 56k modem
Post by: tinypoodle on February 13, 2011, 07:55:43 PM
I don't think it would if you reuse a tab once you have images off already.

You can try to set the value in

Code: [Select]
to 1
Title: Re: lightest browser for 56k modem
Post by: floppy on February 14, 2011, 02:37:16 PM
Trying to find lightest browser that can use on-line banking
Online-Banking is not homogenous in this german side of the planet.. my experience (with LAN, NOT 56k modem) =
- Deutsche Bank in Germany accept "Opera" (very slow) or "Links" at a good speed! (and Firefox). Not "Dillo".
- BW-Bank in Germany accept only Firefox (no Dillo, no links, no Opera).
So, it depends of the Bank. Test it with your bank.
(but I cannot recommend a bank at all.. only links and firefox if you have the same banks).
Title: Re: lightest browser for 56k modem
Post by: JohnJS on February 14, 2011, 05:41:18 PM
Hi tinypoodle
Tried that code but get ShowImages "not found".

Tried elinks, repo states complied for tc2. Am currently using tc3.4.1 and 3.5.
Unable to open forum page at tcl. Also unable to connect to my bank (bankofamerica) "unable to find socket" or something to that effect.

Right now Opera 10.10 is working the best so far.
Took over an hour to download tc3.5.iso at 2.8 to 3.1 kb/sec.

Title: Re: lightest browser for 56k modem
Post by: tinypoodle on February 14, 2011, 06:10:39 PM
That line is supposed to be pasted verbatim into your address bar, did you do that?
FWIW, I am using a build of elinks which I had compiled on a system dating from 2006 and it works fine in TC 2.10 with forum...
Title: Re: lightest browser for 56k modem
Post by: JohnJS on February 14, 2011, 08:42:36 PM
No, I tried from term. Will try pasting into address bar.

Right now am using Puppy 431 with seamonkey 1.1.18. Seems to work a lot faster than Opera 10.10 with tc341 or tc35.
Will keep working on it. Thanks for the info. Will keep you posted.
Title: Re: lightest browser for 56k modem
Post by: OldAdamUser2 on February 15, 2011, 08:32:15 AM
Are elinks and links the same? We have two different packages for them in the repository, and it is my impression that links is far more secure and capable--but I haven't used elinks for a very long time. If you run links -g, you get fairly good rendering of images. Links gives you ssl but no javascript.
Title: Re: lightest browser for 56k modem
Post by: tinypoodle on February 15, 2011, 01:17:00 PM
links.tcz is actually links2 and therefore a different derivative of the original links than elinks.

Not sure what gives you the impression that links would be far more secure than elinks, you would have to elaborate on that.

When it comes to capability, both links2 and elinks have their strength in different aspects, and it could make sense to use a combination of both of them for different reasons/purposes.

Any of them is ssl capable.

links2 had its own javascript code which is no longer maintained, though the hooks for the unmaintained code are continueing to be included in more recent versions. elinks can be built to use the spidermonkey javascript engine, but that is not configured so in the build which is in repo.