Tiny Core Linux

Tiny Core Extensions => TCE Talk => Topic started by: Daniel on January 20, 2011, 10:30:51 AM

Title: Egalax touch screen needs X [SOLVED and Resume]
Post by: Daniel on January 20, 2011, 10:30:51 AM
Hi every readers,

I'm looking TC for machine to test performances.

Graphical are very good with Xvesa (only processor is working because of display calculation : what is normal).

But i need touchscreen, and for that, i've asked to EETI : egalax driver works only with X.

I'm starting to understand how it work, but i don't succed to install X (following forum procedure), i suppose because of i945 driver !?!

Then, for both problem, i need to know how i can use .so drivers (egalax, [Edit] i950GMA ...) and convert them to tc format.
(i have also a sound problem)



Edit : /var/log/Xorg.0.log
Error: cannot run in framebuffer mode. Please specify busIDs ...
Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X
Post by: curaga on January 20, 2011, 12:40:39 PM
Intel drivers need KMS nowadays (load the graphics- extension).
Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X
Post by: Daniel on January 21, 2011, 05:35:39 AM
With Xorg 7.4, i succed to have the Desktop.
But resolution is 800x600. and i have 2 screens (second is partialy displayed under ... with mouse move).
(no vga parameter)
if i set the vga=795 kernel parameter (with nomodeset=1), i've got an error (same with 7.5 Xorg).

With Xorg 7.5, with or without vga=795, and nomodeset=0 kernel parameters, the error is:
Code: [Select]
hsetroot[2972]: segfault ... error 4 in hsetroot[...]
What can i do ?

Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X
Post by: Daniel on January 21, 2011, 10:11:38 AM
I've solved one part of the problem : Xorg 7.5 is running!  :)

Reading many threads, i've don't find the solution!
But i've done X -configure xorg.conf generation, put the file in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and do startx command.
Reading /var/log/xorg.0.log, i see the error modeset not activated (with nomodeset=0 on kernel command line).

I try the kernel command line (with on both vga=795) modeset=1!

It's run!  :)

I have now to configure touchscreen (and sound).

Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [first step ok]
Post by: vinnie on January 22, 2011, 04:37:23 PM
I'm looking to  buy a samsung nb30 touch
you succeded to put the driver egalax on tinycore?
if you give me some steps?
Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [first step ok]
Post by: Daniel on January 24, 2011, 08:12:33 AM
I've install egalax drivers on ubuntu 10.04 - 10.10 ... 8.04 ...
i thing i know a little more :)

I think i am on the right way
1 generate xorg.conf
2 Do eGalax setup
3 add files to backup list (/opt/.filetool.lst) :
usr/bin/TKCal     (

4 You can change the eeti.param place in xorg.conf in a persistant place, or add it to the backup list

5 reboot

6 Run /usr/local/eGalaxTouch32/EgalaxTouch : do configuration and calibration

7 reboot.

Now, the touchscreen is running ...
But X is almost using old driver - actions done.

I will see how to deactivate it (blacklist ? kernel parameter ? ...)


Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [one more step ok]
Post by: vinnie on January 24, 2011, 12:11:26 PM
Now, the touchscreen is running ...
But X is almost using old driver - actions done.

I will see how to deactivate it (blacklist ? kernel parameter ? ...)

This  means that still does not work?
Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [one more step ok]
Post by: Daniel on January 24, 2011, 12:17:51 PM
Not at all.

When i touch the screen, i have a context menu displayed ... as i have before with the X configuration.

I need to deactivate the old driver ... in kernel command line ?

I've asked directly to the right person (i think) and i'm waiting for the response.

I will tell when all is ok!

Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [one more step ok]
Post by: jls on January 24, 2011, 12:46:54 PM
to clacklist kernel modules there is a blacklist=moduletoblacklist boot code
Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [one more step ok]
Post by: Daniel on January 25, 2011, 02:49:15 AM
In fact, it's running!! :)

i have only the context menu displayed when i touch screen on the desktop. (due to kernel touch screen driver ?!?)


If anybody know how to do that

Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [one more step ok]
Post by: Daniel on January 27, 2011, 04:14:02 AM

I've got au few more questions.

- I want do dynamicaly deactivate keyboard. I need a script to do that, and an other to activate it.
  i know it is possible with xorg.conf, but it is necessary to quit my application (or reboot).
  an other way could be to configure all keys to do nothing (or what i want) !?! (how?)

- I've installed TCL with X (and eGalax driver for touch screen) on a machine.
  I need to do the same thing on an other, but X is not starting. I suppose a graphic driver problem : chipset US15W - intel.
  What have i to do ?
  - try the new EMGD driver packaged for TCL?
  - is there a scecific configuration to have ?


Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [one more step ok]
Post by: curaga on January 27, 2011, 04:57:01 AM
chipset US15W - intel.

Ew, another Poulsbo. Nothing but vesa will run on that, try the xorg.conf.vesa example.
Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [one more step ok]
Post by: Daniel on January 27, 2011, 05:59:31 AM
Thanks! :)
I have a look to xorg.vesa ...
Yes, it is running with Xvesa :)

I am under X 7.5.

The X -configure command has an error.
I put the xorg.conf.new generated, and the Xorg.0.log joined.

do you think i can generate the new driver and use it in that configuration ?


Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [one more step ok]
Post by: curaga on January 27, 2011, 01:03:48 PM
No, don't use -configure, I meant to copy the example xorg.conf and use it.

sudo su
cd /etc/X11
cp xorg.conf.vesa xorg.conf
Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [one more step ok]
Post by: Daniel on January 28, 2011, 05:52:22 AM
It is running :)

But i don't have the same graphical performances :(

I have to try the new intel emgd driver.

Perhaps ...

Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [SOLVED and resume]
Post by: Daniel on February 03, 2011, 08:38:19 AM
Resume for eGalax driver with X under TCL.

generate (or copy the xorg.conf.vesa) the xorg.conf.
Save it with /opt/.filetool.lst.

Reboot (with backup)

Use the last egalax install script : setup.sh.

Add all files added (with path) in the /opt/.filetool.lst

Launching "eGalaxTouch" will allow you to configure driver.
launching "TKCal /dev/usb/hiddev0 Cal" will allow you to calibrate in case of USB touch screen.

Look xorg.conf to see where the eeti.param file is written.
Modify path to write it where you want ... if needed, ad it to filetool.lst.

Reboot with backup

It's done.

Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [SOLVED and Resume]
Post by: vinnie on February 08, 2011, 04:01:38 PM
Dont work correctly for me:

1 Kill X
2 Xorg -configure
# cp /home/tc/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf
3 startX
4 add etc/X11/xorg.conf to /opt/.filetool.lst
5 backup & reboot
6 # ./setup.sh of egalax
7 choose option3 for usb
8 Launch eGalaxTouch and TKCal /dev/usb/hiddev0 Cal is not possible, require a reboot
9 add to /opt/.filetool.lst:
10 backup & reboot
11 TKCal /dev/usb/hiddev0 Cal work but eGalaxTouch require a reinstall of driver to work
12 Reinstall ./setup.sh
13 Configure, ok touch work correctly, this is my final part of xorg.conf :
Code: [Select]
### Touch Configuration Beginning ###
Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier "EETI"
        Driver "egalax"
        Option "Device" "usbauto"
        Option "Parameters" "/var/lib/eeti.param"
        Option "ScreenNo" "0"
### Touch Configuration End ###
14 Add /var/lib/eeti.param to /opt/filetool.lst
15 backup & reboot
16 Touch don't work correctly, require a reconfig with TKCal /dev/usb/hiddev0 Cal

You have an idea?
Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [SOLVED and Resume]
Post by: Daniel on February 09, 2011, 03:09:44 AM

the difference i notice is : i put the eeti.param file on /mnt/sda1
(xorg.conf configuration)

the reason you need to calibrate is certaily this file access.

Try to modify that (and/or the order in .filetool.slt ?).

Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [SOLVED and Resume]
Post by: vinnie on February 09, 2011, 10:45:42 AM
I tried to put the eeti.param in home (/home/tc/.touch/eeti.param) but on reboot the situation is unchanged.
I will try with the order of filetool.lst but show me yours?
Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [SOLVED and Resume]
Post by: vinnie on February 10, 2011, 11:28:58 PM
with this filetool.lst work properly! thanks!
Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [SOLVED and Resume]
Post by: Juanito on February 11, 2011, 01:02:59 AM
It would be great if you could submit an extension so others could use it  :)

Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [SOLVED and Resume]
Post by: Daniel on February 11, 2011, 03:09:08 AM
:) Winnie

I've never do that.
But i know i have to, because i will need it for others drivers.

I think to intel EMGD video driver ... and intel 945GSE if performances are better than the TCL driver.
But in that cases, it is hardware most specific ...

Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [SOLVED and Resume]
Post by: vinnie on February 11, 2011, 10:43:37 AM
I made only one extension, for test, is circuslinux in the repository.
The problem is that I am still not very able and I do not have the knowledge to do it, but I also think that I would.
Title: Re: Egalax touch screen needs X [SOLVED and Resume]
Post by: vinnie on March 25, 2011, 07:18:36 AM
I created the package but I think only work for those who have my exact same netbook.
This package only works in "onboot.lst" and incorporated /etc/X11/xorg.conf and var /lib/eeti.param already configured, this may cause problems for those who must have those two files changed differently.
And then I ask a question (unless need another topic), /opt/.filetool.lst has priority on the packets, and this happens even when booting (xorg.conf overwritten at the right time)?

P.s. if you think may be helpful I share the package