Tiny Core Linux

Tiny Core Extensions => TCE News => TCE 2.x => Topic started by: Jason W on December 17, 2009, 08:24:56 PM

Title: chromium
Post by: Jason W on December 17, 2009, 08:24:56 PM
Thanks to Arslan S. for "

Code: [Select]
Title:          chromium-browser-locale.tcz
Description:    Chromium Web Browser locale files.
Version: (34718)
Author:         Chromium Authors
Original-site:  http://code.google.com/chromium/
Copying-policy: BSD style
Size: 1.8M
Extension_by:   Arslan S.
Comments:       This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log:     ---
Current:        2009/12/17 First Version

Code: [Select]
Title:          chromium-browser.tcz
Description:    Chromium Web Browser.
Version: (34718)
Author:         Chromium Authors
Original-site:  http://code.google.com/chromium/
Copying-policy: BSD style
Size: 17.7M
Extension_by:   Arslan S.
Comments:       This is built from source for i686.

This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log:     ---
Current:        2009/12/17 First Version
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: Arslan S. on December 18, 2009, 06:35:18 AM
for everyone:

for free desktop users:

Title: Re: chromium
Post by: ^thehatsrule^ on December 18, 2009, 03:51:12 PM
Should some of that be in the .info?
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: jur on December 18, 2009, 04:12:09 PM
Thanks heaps for making chromium available... my favourite browser!

About the fonts,  the bigger letters appear a bit fuzzy... I installed deja-vu but it didn't appear to have any impact and there does not appear to be a font setting, and these are mostly web page spec'ed anyway. Is this a chromium issue?
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: Arslan S. on December 18, 2009, 04:30:30 PM
Thanks heaps for making chromium available... my favourite browser!

About the fonts,  the bigger letters appear a bit fuzzy... I installed deja-vu but it didn't appear to have any impact and there does not appear to be a font setting, and these are mostly web page spec'ed anyway. Is this a chromium issue?

language and font settings is under
options -> under the hood -> web content
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: Arslan S. on December 18, 2009, 04:33:33 PM
Should some of that be in the .info?

i will add it on following updates this was prepared after the extension
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: jur on December 18, 2009, 04:46:45 PM
Re fonts: Thanks that helped. (For some reason I first missed the scroll bar.)

I noticed that with Xvesa, the default fonts look pin-sharp while in Xorg they are fuzzy.
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: curaga on December 18, 2009, 05:08:39 PM
Re fonts: Thanks that helped. (For some reason I first missed the scroll bar.)

I noticed that with Xvesa, the default fonts look pin-sharp while in Xorg they are fuzzy.
I think that with only Xvesa Chrome uses the bitmap fonts, which look sharp in their intended size, but very jaggy when scaled. You can also turn off antialiasing for truetype fonts if you don't like it.
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: jur on December 18, 2009, 05:18:08 PM
Well this is weird. I set one of the default fonts (bitstream sans) and it gives even better appearance. (This font is essentially indistinguishable from deja-vu sans.) I don't know what font was used before, I think perhaps just 'sans', not sure whose sans.

Exploring the anti-aliasing issue, where is that set?

Title: Re: chromium
Post by: curaga on December 19, 2009, 04:05:18 AM

This removes antialiasing for fonts between sizes 8 and 15. Should be easy to edit for other needs.
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: julianb on December 19, 2009, 09:01:09 AM
If anyone is wondering why chromium would fail to start but not give any error message, try running chromium from the command line.
Code: [Select]
/usr/local/chromium-browser/chromium-browserIf you install Chromium while you have an older (downloaded before 12/15/09) version of the "nss-nspr" package you must update it or delete & reinstall this library.

you may go to ((main menu))/Tools/Appsaudit, click "actions"/"build database", then choose the nss-nspr package, "actions"/"mark for deletion", and restart the computer & install package again.
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: Arslan S. on December 19, 2009, 09:45:02 AM
i think i better update info immediately
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: Jason W on December 19, 2009, 10:29:03 PM
Info updated"

Code: [Select]
Title:          chromium-browser.tcz
Description:    Chromium Web Browser.(TESTING)
Version: (34718)
Author:         Chromium Authors
Original-site:  http://code.google.com/chromium/
Copying-policy: BSD style
Size: 17.7M
Extension_by:   Arslan S.
Comments:       -When Chromium asks you about making it the default browser
just click don't ask again.

-msttcorefonts is recommended. You can get them here:

-dejavu-fonts-ttf.tcz is an alternative.

For Xfce4 and LXDE users:
-Making chromium the default browser currently does not work.
However you can do it yourself.

-xdg-utils.tcz is recommend. (When you download a file and click on
"open file location", xdg-open is called by chromium.)

-Remember chromium for linux is still in beta stage. So it has known
issues. For example there are reported flashplayer crashes.

-Also note that this is not Google Chrome. This is Chromium, the open
source project behind Google Chrome. Chrome is the official build of
Google. To see the differences between Chromium and Chrome:

-One of the best features of Chromium is the extensions. Extensions
can be reached from the main menu. Note that some extensions are
not yet supported on linux.

-The other feature is the themes. You download and install themes or
create yours. Options->Personal Stuff->Appearance click "Get themes"

This is built from source for i686 with sse2 instructions.
Disabling this will have a performance impact but will
allow it run on pentium III maybe.

Here you can find a list of cpus supporting sse2:
(probably this is also the list of cpus supported by current build)

Note: nss-nspr.tczl is updated. Make sure you have the updated one.
To find it out open up a terminal and type:
"find /usr/local/lib | grep softokn3.so | xargs ldd | grep sqlite3"
If there is no output then you have to update nss-nspr.tczl first.

This extension is PPI compatible.

Change-log:     2009/12/17 First Version
Current:        2009/12/19 Updated info
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: Arslan S. on December 20, 2009, 05:25:48 AM
just figured out xdg-utils does not support LXDE
xdg-utils supports gnome, kde and xfce only

also font selection does not seem to have any effect except the size and the "fixed-width font", this is also the same for firefox, changing font has no effect except the size
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: Jason W on December 31, 2009, 09:15:08 PM
Thanks to Arslan S. for an update:

Code: [Select]
Title:          chromium-browser-locale.tcz
Description:    Chromium Web Browser locale files.
Version: (35374)
Author:         Chromium Authors
Original-site:  http://code.google.com/chromium/
Copying-policy: BSD style
Size: 1.8M
Extension_by:   Arslan S.
Comments:       This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log:   2009/12/17 First Version
Current:        2009/12/31 Update to

Code: [Select]
Title:          chromium-browser.tcz
Description:    Chromium Web Browser.(TESTING)
Version: (35374)
Author:         Chromium Authors
Original-site:  http://code.google.com/chromium/
Copying-policy: BSD style
Size: 17.8M
Extension_by:   Arslan S.
Comments:       -When Chromium asks you about making it the default browser
just click don't ask again.

-msttcorefonts is recommended. You can get them here:

-dejavu-fonts-ttf.tcz is an alternative.

Note about fonts: Fonts selected is used when rendering web pages. That's why they are recommended.
However changing font has no effect currently. So you don't really need fonts. But fonts are good :D   

For Xfce4 users:
-Chromium can now make itself the default browser.
-xdg-utils.tcz is recommend. (This is needed to detect and launch preferred applications.)

-Remember chromium for linux is still in beta stage. So it has known
issues. For example there are reported flashplayer crashes.

-Also note that this is not Google Chrome. This is Chromium, the open
source project behind Google Chrome. Chrome is the official build of
Google. To see the differences between Chromium and Chrome:

-One of the best features of Chromium is the extensions. Extensions
can be reached from the main menu. Note that some extensions are
not yet supported on linux.

-The other nice feature is the themes. You can download and install themes or
even create yourself. Options->Personal Stuff->Appearance click "Get themes"

-How to create themes:

This is built from source for i686 optimized with sse2 instructions for good performance.

CPUs supported by this build:
AMD K8-based CPUs (Athlon 64, Sempron 64, Turion 64, etc)
AMD Phenom CPUs
Intel NetBurst-based CPUs (Pentium 4, Xeon, Celeron, Celeron D, etc)
Intel Pentium M and Celeron M
Intel Core-based CPUs (Core Duo, Core Solo, etc)
Intel Core 2-based CPUs (Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad, etc)
Intel Core i7
Intel Atom
Transmeta Efficeon
VIA Nano

If you don't have your cpu listed here get chromium-browser-i686.tcz instead.

Important Note: nss-nspr.tcz is updated. Make sure you have the updated one.
To find it out open up a terminal and run the command:
"find /usr/local/lib | grep libsoftokn3.so | xargs ldd | grep sqlite3"
If there is no output then you have to update nss-nspr.tcz first.

This extension is PPI compatible.

Change-log:  2009/12/17 First Version
     2009/12/19 Updated info
Current:     2009/12/31 Updated to
-Now wrapper passes user flags to the browser
-Making chromium the default browser fixed for Xfce4

Title: Re: chromium
Post by: Jason W on March 03, 2010, 10:48:50 PM
Thanks to Arslan S. for an update.  Now is i686 compliant:

Code: [Select]
Title:          chromium-browser-locale.tcz
Description:    Chromium Web Browser locale version.
Version:        5.0.343.0 (40399)
Author:         Chromium Authors
Original-site:  http://code.google.com/chromium/
Copying-policy: BSD style
Size: 2M
Extension_by:   Arslan S.
Comments:       This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log: 2009/12/17 First Version
2009/12/31 Updated to (35374)
Current:        2010/03/02 Updated to 5.0.343.0 (40399)

Code: [Select]
Title:          chromium-browser.tcz
Description:    Chromium Web Browser.
Version:        5.0.343.0 (40399)
Author:         Chromium Authors
Original-site:  http://code.google.com/chromium/
Copying-policy: BSD style
Size: 19.7M
Extension_by:   Arslan S.
Comments:       -When Chromium asks you about making it the default browser
just click don't ask again.

-dejavu-fonts-ttf.tcz is recommended. 

For Xfce4 users:
-xdg-utils.tcz is recommend. (This is needed to detect and launch preferred applications.)

-Remember chromium for linux is still in beta stage. So it has known
issues. For example there are reported flashplayer crashes.

-Also note that this is not Google Chrome. This is Chromium, the open
source project behind Google Chrome. Chrome is the official build of
Google. To see the differences between Chromium and Chrome:

-One of the best features of Chromium is the extensions. Extensions
can be reached from the main menu. Note that some extensions are
not yet supported on linux.

-The other nice feature is the themes. You can download and install themes or
even create yourself. Options->Personal Stuff->Appearance click "Get themes"

-How to create themes:

This is built from source for i686.

This extension is PPI compatible.

Change-log:  2009/12/17 First Version
     2009/12/19 Updated info
     2009/12/31 Updated to
-Now wrapper passes user flags to the browser
-Making chromium the default browser fixed for Xfce4
Current:     2010/03/02 Updated to 5.0.343.0 (40399)
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: neonix on March 08, 2010, 07:53:48 AM
There is missing dependency, I think. It doesn't work without dbus-glib.tcz
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: Arslan S. on March 08, 2010, 08:10:19 AM
yes dbus and dbus-glib is missing there is also desktop entry missing i will submit an update soon
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: Jason W on March 08, 2010, 08:18:09 AM
dbus.tcz, dbus-glib.tcz added to dep file.
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: Jason W on March 08, 2010, 10:27:36 PM
Thanks to Arslan S. for an update:

Code: [Select]
Title:          chromium-browser-locale.tcz
Description:    Chromium Web Browser locale version.
Version:        5.0.343.0 (40399)
Author:         Chromium Authors
Original-site:  http://code.google.com/chromium/
Copying-policy: BSD style
Size: 2M
Extension_by:   Arslan S.
Comments:       This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log: 2009/12/17 First Version
2009/12/31 Updated to (35374)
2010/03/02 Updated to 5.0.343.0 (40399)
Current:        2010/03/08 Recovered desktop entry and fixed dep list

Code: [Select]
Title:          chromium-browser.tcz
Description:    Chromium Web Browser.
Version:        5.0.343.0 (40399)
Author:         Chromium Authors
Original-site:  http://code.google.com/chromium/
Copying-policy: BSD style
Size: 20M
Extension_by:   Arslan S.
Comments:       -When Chromium asks you about making it the default browser
just click don't ask again.

-dejavu-fonts-ttf.tcz is recommended. 

For Xfce4 users:
-xdg-utils.tcz is recommend. (This is needed to detect and launch preferred applications.)

-Remember chromium for linux is still in beta stage. So it has known
issues. For example there are reported flashplayer crashes.

-Also note that this is not Google Chrome. This is Chromium, the open
source project behind Google Chrome. Chrome is the official build of
Google. To see the differences between Chromium and Chrome:

-One of the best features of Chromium is the extensions. Extensions
can be reached from the main menu. Note that some extensions are
not yet supported on linux.

-The other nice feature is the themes. You can download and install themes or
even create yourself. Options->Personal Stuff->Appearance click "Get themes"

-How to create themes:

This is built from source for i686.

This extension is PPI compatible.

Change-log:  2009/12/17 First Version
     2009/12/19 Updated info
     2009/12/31 Updated to
-Now wrapper passes user flags to the browser
-Making chromium the default browser fixed for Xfce4
     2010/03/02 Updated to 5.0.343.0 (40399)
Current:     2010/03/08 Recovered desktop entry and fixed dep list
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: Jason W on April 13, 2010, 08:32:42 PM
Thanks to Arslan S. for an update:

Code: [Select]
Title:          chromium-browser-locale.tcz
Description:    Chromium Web Browser, locale files.
Version:        5.0.376.0 (44267)
Author:         Chromium Authors
Original-site:  http://code.google.com/chromium/
Copying-policy: BSD style
Size: 2.2M
Extension_by:   Arslan S.
Comments:       This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log: 2009/12/17 First Version
2009/12/31 Updated to (35374)
2010/03/02 Updated to 5.0.343.0 (40399)
2010/03/08 Recovered desktop entry and fixed dep list
Current: 2010/05/13 Updated to 5.0.376.0 (44267)

Code: [Select]
Title:          chromium-browser.tcz
Description:    Chromium Web Browser.
Version:        5.0.376.0 (44267)
Author:         Chromium Authors
Original-site:  http://code.google.com/chromium/
Copying-policy: BSD-style
Size: 20.6M
Extension_by:   Arslan S.
Comments:       -When Chromium asks you about making it the default browser
just click don't ask again.

-dejavu-fonts-ttf.tcz is recommended. 

For Xfce4 users:
-xdg-utils.tcz is recommend. (This is needed to detect and launch preferred applications.)

-Remember chromium for linux is still in beta stage. So it has known
issues. For example there are reported flashplayer crashes.

-Also note that this is not Google Chrome. This is Chromium, the open
source project behind Google Chrome. Chrome is the official build of
Google. To see the differences between Chromium and Chrome:

-One of the best features of Chromium is the extensions. Extensions
can be reached from the main menu. Note that some extensions are
not yet supported on linux.

-The other nice feature is the themes. You can download and install themes or
even create yourself. Options->Personal Stuff->Appearance click "Get themes"

-How to create themes:

This is built from source for i686.

This extension is PPI compatible.

Change-log:  2009/12/17 First Version
      2009/12/19 Updated info
      2009/12/31 Updated to
-Now wrapper passes user flags to the browser
-Making chromium the default browser fixed for Xfce4
      2010/03/02 Updated to 5.0.343.0 (40399)
2010/03/08 Recovered desktop entry and fixed dep list
Current: 2010/05/13 Updated to 5.0.376.0 (44267)

Title: Re: chromium
Post by: jur on April 14, 2010, 02:04:05 AM
Thanks for the update!

Small thing: The date for the last update is a month in the future. :)
Title: Re: chromium
Post by: Arslan S. on April 14, 2010, 07:42:00 AM
Thanks for the update!

Small thing: The date for the last update is a month in the future. :)

yea April is 4 :) thanks,

if you check my current extensions all have the same problem