Tiny Core Linux
Tiny Core Base => TCB Bugs => Topic started by: perthie on November 27, 2009, 10:50:28 AM
I don't know where in the 2.6 cycle this appeared, but when a flash drive is unplugged, its mount point is no longer erased. So in ROX-filer, an icon continues to be displayed for that drive.
When a new flash drive is plugged in, it takes several refreshes to show its contents.
Just the opposite. When reporting be sure to test with base norestore.
Doing so, you will see that the mount point is removed from /etc/fstab upon removal
If you have a problem with Rox then that should be reported in the TCE area.
Testing TC 2.5 base norestore:
1. plug in flash drive
2. check ls /mnt - it lists sdb1
3. unplug drive
4. check ls /mnt - sdb1 is gone
Testing TC 2.6 base norestore:
1. plug in flash drive
2. check ls /mnt - it lists sdb1
3. unplug drive
4. check ls /mnt - sdb1 is still there
We are talkinig about two different things.
/mnt/sdb1 is a directory.
The change was to update /etc/fstab.
Compare /etc/fstab from v2.5 to v2.6
So, if manually make a bogus directory under /mnt Rox will display a mountable device?
In ROX, I can quickly mount/dismount a partition by opening /mnt in a ROX window and clicking on the partition's icon.
In previous versions, an icon automatically appeared when a flash drive was plugged in and disappeared when it was removed.
In 2.6, the icon stays. So the ROX window must be refreshed until it detects that a new flash drive has been connected.
See: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=3883.msg20562#msg20562
/etc/fstab now works within the base. Rox is an extension.