Tiny Core Linux
Tiny Core Extensions => TCE Bugs => Topic started by: kangkang on November 16, 2009, 10:43:16 AM
I replaced gtk2.tczl with gtk2.tcel, then some icons in pidgin can't be displayed.
When I switch back to gtk2.tcel, pidgin works well again. Could someone fix it? Thanks.
And in gtk2.tcel, gtk.immodules is missing, though it's not an important problem.
Which TC version are you using? .tce extensions are dropped and not supported by current 2.5 release.
Usually there are two reasons of missing icons, either gnome-icon-theme.tcz or shared-mime-info.tcz is not installed (or both).
Usually there are two reasons of missing icons, either gnome-icon-theme.tcz or shared-mime-info.tcz is not installed (or both).
I wonder if there isn't more too it than that - even with both of these extensions installed, rhythmbox is missing icons. Maybe some programs are hard coded to look in /usr/share/icons or something similar?
Tiny core Linux 2.5.
Though tce support is dropped, the tce packages work well. :-)
The missing icons are not build in gtk2, they are all in pidgin.
Which TC version are you using? .tce extensions are dropped and not supported by current 2.5 release.
Usually there are two reasons of missing icons, either gnome-icon-theme.tcz or shared-mime-info.tcz is not installed (or both).
I will rebuild gtk2 and check to see if any graphic support is missing.
Actually, as I remember watching this gtk2 build carefully and doing several rebuilds, I started reading up on gtk 2.18 and have found that a change in gdk windows is causing error in some apps. One workaround I saw was to use this command before launching apps:
This may or may not have anything to do with the icon situation but I will try it out tonight.
It looks like this variable solves the problem with ROX-filer where the focus on an object is not released.
Where is the best place to define it? In .profile?
[Edit] I put it in .profile and the ROX problem is solved.
Adding this to .profile does seem like the easiest and least intrusive solution for those that want that variable applied to all apps.
gtk2 seems to have been built without svg support. Somehow that slipped by me. I will rebuild and enable it, that is what is causing some rhythmbox icons not to appear.
Seems there is no --enable/disable-svg in gtk2. And svg icons were showing fine before the gtk2 update without librsvg.
I will investigate further.
Using this check, gtk shows svg support:
gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders | grep svg
"svg" 2 "gtk20" "Scalable Vector Graphics" "LGPL"
"image/svg+xml" "image/svg" "image/svg-xml" "image/vnd.adobe.svg+xml" "text/xml-svg" "image/svg+xml-compressed" ""
"svg" "svgz" "svg.gz" ""
" <svg" "* " 100
" <!DOCTYPE svg" "* " 100
I don't think a gtk rebuild will help, seems like some apps are a casualty of the changes in the latest gtk like the gdk window thing.
I replaced gtk2.tczl with gtk2.tcel, then some icons in pidgin can't be displayed.
When I switch back to gtk2.tcel, pidgin works well again.
Since (apparently) the tcel package works, maybe this is something to do with an index or similar that needs to be rebuilt and cannot be as it is read-only in the tczl version of the extension?
I replaced gtk2.tczl with gtk2.tcel, then some icons in pidgin can't be displayed.
When I switch back to gtk2.tcel, pidgin works well again.
Since (apparently) the tcel package works, maybe this is something to do with an index or similar that needs to be rebuilt and cannot be as it is read-only in the tczl version of the extension?
What happens when the tczl is no mounted but loaded into RAM, is there a difference?
I think kangkang was talking about gtk-2.14.7 when he was talking about the tcel, and upgrading to the tcz was going to 2.18.3. But of course correct me if I am wrong.
I will try the copy to system method and see if read only status is affecting anything, as well as see what other current distros are having to do to use gtk 2.18.
after loading all the gtk2 stuff to ram and re-building the icon-cache for both hicolor and gnome and loading shared-mime-info and, and, and...
rhythmbox is still missing half the icons, but maybe that's a rythmbox problem...
I rebuilt rhythmox, installed to ram/system, installed the gnome icon stuff, shared mime info, compiled and installed hicolor icons, updated icon cache, and a few other things. The icon issue is also mentioned here:
and here:
Though none of the fixes seemed to work. For now, it seems rhythmbox specific, though t2 linux uses rhythmbox and gtk 2.18.3 with no special setup, but more dependencies.
yeah - I'd seen those - at least google gets the same results in different parts of the world :)
if the issue only shows up on rhythmbox, let's drop it - it looks more like a rhythmbox problem.
I had problems with tucan and svg, infact I had 2 change the images to png, and so change also the python code
With an added dependency, svg icons in tucan and rhythmbox work fine with gtk 2.18.
I will post it shortly, libgsf, it seems pygtk specific, and can be added to relevant extensions.
I see libgsf is in the repo. By build has the python and gnome stuff and dependencies are many. I will see how the libgsf works for this in the repo.
Actually, I am using rhythmbox and tucan complete with icons, with only existing extensions installed from the repo. I did a "make install" on libgsf and a reboot erased it, but the icons still work.
So with a missing dependency, icons work. I won't try to find which dep now as there are several extensions to post and little time, but at least the support is there.
Actually it is under Xfce that tucan and rhytmbox icons work. Icons don't work when the same set of extensions is used with flwm or other WM that does not set gnome themes. So use of gnome icons/themes is a workaround.
Icons don't work when the same set of extensions is used with flwm or other WM that does not set gnome themes. So use of gnome icons/themes is a workaround.
I'm not exactly sure what is meant by that - could you expain the workaround further?
After re-compiling libgsf, I see it makes a libgsf-gnome if you have all the deps loaded - using flwm, it still does not produce the missing rhythmbox icons. Odd that I get "play", "previous" and "next", but not "repeat", "shuffle" and "browse". See attached.
Note that this is with gtk2_prefs, gtk-engines, gnome-icon-themes, hicolor-icon-themes, icon-naming-tools and shared-mime-info loaded (and with the clearlooks theme installed).
I guess it should be possible to have an extension libgsf-gnome, which depends on libgsf as long as I use the same version of the libgsf package?
ha - got it - if I link hicolor -> gnome in /usr/local/share/icons then I get all of the icons in rhythmbox.
I don't know much about gtk2, but I guess there must be setting for this somewhere - .gtkrc maybe?
This is my /home/tc/.gtkrc-2.0 file:
Changing "gnome" to "hicolor" may work, I did't try.
For interests sake (or not...), here's what I found with rhythmbox
load gnome-icon-utils
.gtkrc-2.0 file: gtk-icon-theme-name="gnome"
no icons at all
.gtkrc-2.0 file: gtk-icon-theme-name="hicolor"
play, previous, next OK - no repeat, shuffle, browse
load shared-mime-info
.gtkrc-2.0 file: gtk-icon-theme-name="hicolor"
play, previous, next OK - no repeat, shuffle, browse
.gtkrc-2.0 file: gtk-icon-theme-name="gnome"
play, previous, next, repeat, shuffle, browse OK
Even with this, some of the small icons are missing - to get all icons, delete /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor and link hicolor -> gnome
Since it appears that rhythmbox and a few other apps were caught by surprise with the latest gtk changes, hopefully they will have worked things out and be in sync with the latest gtk in their next release. Before we change much in the icon-theme or other extensions, perhaps we should see what the next releases of the affected apps bring.
I struggled a lot with missing icons when ported Xfce4 to TC. Simply I forgot it working on LXDE and of course the problem returned :) hicolor icons are not displayed.
Reason is missing index.theme in /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor
Xfce4base.tczl installs it if missing. It is just 22k and do not need to create dinamycally. I will add it to LXDE. However it is not the bussieness of the application, I think (similar to ~/gtkrc-2.0) just a hacking. I do not know, what would be the best solution to add it.
For testing, just extract it from Xfce4base.tczl and check your missing icons.
For details see http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-theme-spec/icon-theme-spec-latest.html
The hicolor theme seems to be part of the gnome-media extension. Not sure if it should be there or it's own extension as it is a source unto itself. Either way, that index file should be created and place in the extension that contains the hicolor icons, using the gtk-update-icon-cache command.
EDIT: It seems only the relevant icons from gnome-media are in the hicolor directory. Perhaps a hicolor icon extension will fix the issue.
Either way, that index file should be created and place in the extension that contains the hicolor icons, using the gtk-update-icon-cache command.
No, index file is not created by gtk-update-icon-cache, only the cache which is optional and not a must heve.:
It expects to be given the path to a icon theme directory containing an index.theme, e.g. /usr/share/icons/hicolor, and writes a icon-theme.cache containing cached information about the icons in the directory tree below the given directory.
GTK+ can use the cache files created by gtk-update-icon-cache to avoid a lot of system call and disk seek overhead when the application starts. Since the format of the cache files allows them to be mmap()ed shared between multiple applications, the overall memory consumption is reduced as well.
Adding index.theme without cache works fine.
See http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/unstable/gtk-update-icon-cache.html
Tested rhytmbox, adding the index.theme few more icons are visible in its menu.
The hicolor theme seems to be part of the gnome-media extension. Not sure if it should be there or it's own extension as it is a source unto itself. Either way, that index file should be created and place in the extension that contains the hicolor icons, using the gtk-update-icon-cache command.
EDIT: It seems only the relevant icons from gnome-media are in the hicolor directory. Perhaps a hicolor icon extension will fix the issue.
The hicolor icon theme itself is a placeholder for the default fallback theme, filled by applications like gnome-media and others. I will submit it shortly as an independent extension, which also contains the index file. It will solve the problem.
Regarding missing .gtkrc-2.0 default can go to the gnome-icon-theme extension as it refers to it. Normally it is not edited manually but by gtk theme changer programs. As it is in the home directory, changes saved automatically with backup. Backup is restored after extensions loaded and startup scripts executed, default value will be overwritten from backup so no any harm to have it.
As an icon theme changer, lxappearance works fine. It is desktop independent, no need LXDE to use.
Using this check, gtk shows svg support:
gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders | grep svg
"svg" 2 "gtk20" "Scalable Vector Graphics" "LGPL"
"image/svg+xml" "image/svg" "image/svg-xml" "image/vnd.adobe.svg+xml" "text/xml-svg" "image/svg+xml-compressed" ""
"svg" "svgz" "svg.gz" ""
" <svg" "* " 100
" <!DOCTYPE svg" "* " 100
I don't think a gtk rebuild will help, seems like some apps are a casualty of the changes in the latest gtk like the gdk window thing.
tucan doesn't start anymore:
Couldn't recognize the image file format for file '/mnt/hda3/jls/estensioni/tucan/tmp/usr/local/share/tucan/media/tucan.svg'
tc@box1:~$ gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders | grep svg
Thanks, I will look into it tonight.
The dep files and startup scripts of the related extensions - gtk2, gdk-pixbuf2, and librsvg - seem to be right. But I read a similar issue with Arch Linux and the latest gtk2, and there the fix was to update librsvg to the latest version 2.32.0. I have a hunch that may be the issue here. I am not on a Linux box to test it now, but librsvg could use an update anyway. I will see tonight if that fixes it.
Confirmed, an update of librsvg to it's latest stable release fixes the issue.
I should be able to update librsvg in the next couple of days
updated librsvg posted