Tiny Core Linux
Tiny Core Base => TCB Q&A Forum => Topic started by: justsaythank on October 02, 2009, 12:44:55 AM
Dear All,
I have successfully add the rdesktop program permanently, however I do not know how to add a shortcut to desktop or wbar.
Could any one shows me a way to complete my task?
Best regards,
If you load a simple extension like, say, beaver and look in /usr/local/tce.icons/beaver and /usr/local/tce.menu/beaver, you'll see how it's done.
This article in the WIKI may help also:
Except the icon should be 32x32, no?
Except the icon should be 32x32, no?
I'm using 48x48 icons and it is fine even with 2.4rc2
This article in the WIKI may help also:
when I add new shortcut as it says in wiki - nothing happened. when I reboot my system with backup option - nothing saved.
please make how-to how to add shortcuts or menu items and save them for future references?
please help!
The instructions look OK to me. Note that you need to restart wbar to see your changes. The easiest is probably to exit to the prompt and "startx".
Note also you need to add usr/local/tce.icons/myicon.png & myicon to /opt/filetool.lst
Hmm ... is it okay to just run wbar.sh instead of exiting to prompt?
Yes, and there's also the menu item to restart wbar.
You can also restart wbar by right clicking it...read that somewhere here.
Also having this problem. running 2.4 tc.
rdesktop and dependencies added to /tce/ on boot device, load okay and runnable in a terminal. Created rdesktop and rdesktop.png files in /usr/local/tce.icons/, edited /usr/local/tce.wbar(?), added all new/edited files to filetool.list and backed up to mydata.tgz. Checked contents of mydata.tgz and the new/edited files were present.
Reboot put back the rdesktop files but not the edited version of tce.wbar.
Dropped to a terminal and did a sudo tar -xzvf command on mydata.tgz and a restart of wbar put my icon back on it. As did a Control Panel > Restore sequence. It's as if /opt/bootlocal.sh is not executing as root as I understood it should.
BTW, accidentally booted via a usb key plugged in with 2.3 installed and it picked up the hdd copy of mydata.tgz and I had the icon !!!
What am I doing wrong anyone?
Here's a way to do it. Don't bother trying to restore files directly into
/usr/local/tce.icons. Instead:
1. Make a folder in your home directory named "wbar"
2. Put your rdesktop icon in it.
3. Put your rdesktop menu file there too, but change it to:
i: /home/tc/wbar/rdesktop.png
t: rdesktop
c: path/to/rdesktop/program
4. Open the hidden file /home/tc/.xsession and find the line
[ "$ICONS" == "wbar" ] && /usr/bin/wbar.sh
5. Directly above it, add the line
cat /home/tc/wbar/rdesktop >> /usr/local/tce.wbar
This will add the rdesktop entry into wbar's configuration file.
Then when wbar launches on the next line of the script, you'll get your icon.
Thanks Perthie, that looks like a nice workaround and appreciate the help.
I am trying to understand why its NOT working though to improve grey cell function.
Any thoughts on why the published method isn't working, ie. auto restore via mydata.tgz but a manual tar or control panel > restore does?
Possibly the file is copied afresh after backup. Not sure.