Tiny Core Linux
Tiny Core Base => TCB News => Release Candidate Testing => Topic started by: roberts on September 20, 2009, 05:28:07 PM
The First Release Candidate of v2.4 (tinycore_2.4rc1.iso), is now posted and ready for testing.
Change log for v2.4 Release Candidate 1
* Updated flwm, top side frame, aterm compatible, enhanced refresh menu capability.
* Updated flwm_restart to use new capability of menu refresh.
* Updated tc-config to process dependency files at boot.
* Updated appbrowser. Dropped access to tce repository, "Install Local" defaults to optional/
* Updated tce-load. Dropped access to tce-repository, fixed out of loops bug.
* Updated wbar.sh to read extra configurations from $HOME/.wbar
* Updated /dev/loop to 255 loop devices.
* Updated rc.shutdown to remove external call.
* Updated fstype to remove external call.
* Updated .Xdefaults for aterm transparency mode.
* Updated .xsession to check and start flit and/or watcher.
* Moved both flit and watcher to extensions.
Files likely in your backup or persistent store that need updating:
Special thanks to Mike L. for his contributions to enhance flwm.
Another great step forward team tinycore!
I am running 2.4rc1 as a guest os on Vista qemu 0.10.5. FLWM looks much better with the top side titles. So far so good.
PXE booting with PPR/TCZ on nfs. Like the top titles. Thanks.
jwm not loading with new .xsession, .Xdefaults. Tried norestore; ran out of time, so haven't tried anything else yet...maybe I haven't read something.
I'm not sure how the flwm titling is suppose to work but in rox-filer the title bar displays the folder location instead of the program title (which I actually find more useful).
There is much interaction with flwm titles. Try naviagting to different pages and the window title changes with the webpage title, or flpicsee.
There is much interaction with flwm titles. Try naviagting to different pages and the window title changes with the webpage title, or flpicsee.
I see what you mean.
I just installed both watcher and flit and noticed watcher ends up on top of flit. Is only one or the other to be used at one time?
[ no edit, I thought I hit quote and hit edit instead. no edits done. -rs ]
jwm not loading with new .xsession, .Xdefaults. Tried norestore; ran out of time, so haven't tried anything else yet...maybe I haven't read something.
.Xdefaults only change is aterm transparency
.xsession only change is concerns flit and watcher
Window manager specification and loading has not changed. jwm working fine.
Note: jwm extension has watcher as part of the extension, so you are likely to see watcher overlay flit. The jwm extension needs to be updated, to removed watcher, as watcher is offered as an extension and has been updated. If you so choose to use watcher then you will likely need to adust if you arleady have it swallowed in jwm taskbar. But such is your customizations.
I just installed both watcher and flit and noticed watcher ends up on top of flit. Is only one or the other to be used at one time?
Look at .xsession and you can see that using -g option to watcher you can position to your desire.
Such is your customizations.
I just installed both watcher and flit and noticed watcher ends up on top of flit. Is only one or the other to be used at one time?
Look at .xsession and you can see that using -g option to watcher you can position to your desire.
Such is your customizations.
Very nice accepts both x&y adjustments.
jwm not loading with new .xsession, .Xdefaults. Tried norestore; ran out of time, so haven't tried anything else yet...maybe I haven't read something.
.Xdefaults only change is aterm transparency
.xsession only change is concerns flit and watcher
Window manager specification and loading has not changed. jwm working fine.
Note: jwm extension has watcher as part of the extension, so you are likely to see watcher overlay flit. The jwm extension needs to be updated, to removed watcher, as watcher is offered as an extension and has been updated. If you so choose to use watcher then you will likely need to adust if you arleady have it swallowed in jwm taskbar. But such is your customizations.
Not loading jwm with or without watcher extension (tried latest jwm-snapshot and jwm) What am I missing? Thanks.
I was running Microcore when it tested OK. On Tiny Core seems to be a permission problem when trying to update /etc/sysconfig/desktop from jwm startup script. Likely the extension needs updated.
Work around use desktop=jwm
Found the problem. Fixed it. Tiny Core v2.4rc1 reposted. Check your md5sum.
Found the problem. Fixed it. Tiny Core v2.4rc1 reposted. Check your md5sum.
That fixed it. Also, the /opt/sed permission error is gone... Thanks for all the great work!
ALT/ENTER is now minimizing the window again :'(
2.4rc1 downloaded an hour ago, so it is expected the reuploaded release. There are extensions in /tce, started with norestore waitusb=5 option.
Everything works, but during boot these messages displayed:
(Sorry for the poor image quality, recorded in a dark room with a digital photo camera in hand)
"tce-load -i -r -w xonclock" still changes /usr/local/tce.installed to root:root 1600 Jan 1 1970.
I've been trying the new tinycore 2.4rc1 and I like the path of it's development. Very good work! I had some trouble with using both flit and watcher since they overlapped eachother. I had to make some hacks in /home/tc/.xsession to make it work the way I want it. So now it's OK. The only problems I've experienced besides that is thet there has been some troubles mounting (doenloading) extensions. I've received the message that it went well but while rebooting there have been error messages. Thanks for the good work!
Have fun developing tinycore further,
EDIT: Have found some signs of unstability too. Like: when clicking on logout in the menu just produces the logout options without text, just plain grey (might be my own fault somehow but I wanted to mention it).
2.4rc1 downloaded an hour ago, so it is expected the reuploaded release. There are extensions in /tce, started with norestore waitusb=5 option.
Everything works, but during boot these messages displayed:
(Sorry for the poor image quality, recorded in a dark room with a digital photo camera in hand)
Nothing I can do about read errors. Either media is going bad, or bad download.
ALT/ENTER is now minimizing the window again :'(
Sometimes that happens when two people are working on the same program.
Nothing I can do about read errors. Either media is going bad, or bad download.
Possibly. But
- applications are installed and registered in /usr/tce.installed therefore TC found md5 OK
- checked all md5 manually, they are OK
- applications are working correctly
- TC 2.x prior 2.4 using the same media and same extensions do not display such message (first time I see only with 2.4RC1
I see this same error on a clean reinstall of tce directory with 2.4rc1 during boot with the wxgtk being copied to ram. I will see what I can find.
When downloading dependencies a new wget window opened cursor is moved to the top of this window. This is bit annoying when you are doing something else. Do not know is it 2.4 specific or prior version doing the same, just recognized playing with 2.4rc1
Those files are getting an I/O error when trying to read them with any app. They are apparently corrupt files and I will replace them.
Those files are getting an I/O error when trying to read them with any app. They are apparently corrupt files and I will replace them.
Hm... In my case how is it possible that I can verify them and they are getting installed and working?
Will try it with other machines. What is strange that never seen this before 2-4rc1 I know, anything can become faulty any time ;D
The use of copy-to-ram exposes corrupt files and other errors that are not caught by mounting a tcz or untarring a tce. Rox filer for some reason was a similar case for unknown reasons. The wxgtk extension has been fixed and reposted.
The use of copy-to-ram exposes corrupt files and other errors that are not caught by mounting a tcz or untarring a tce. Rox filer for some reason was a similar case for unknown reasons. The wxgtk extension has been fixed and reposted.
This is a very interesting limitation. I wonder if there is a remedy.
Not really a limitation as there should be no corrupt files in an extension anyway. Copy to ram simply exposes them. The remedy is to have no corrupt files in extensions. I will post a new extension audit script that will check for corrupted files so they can be caught before submission.
Not really a limitation as there should be no corrupt files in an extension anyway. Copy to ram simply exposes them. The remedy is to have no corrupt files in extensions. I will post a new extension audit script that will check for corrupted files so they can be caught before submission.
Not really a limitation as there should be no corrupt files in an extension anyway. Copy to ram simply exposes them. The remedy is to have no corrupt files in extensions. I will post a new extension audit script that will check for corrupted files so they can be caught before submission.
I suppose the more likely problem is going to be that the extensions become corrupt in the /tce directory. Perhaps the extension audit menu tool could also check the "health" of the extensions.
ALT/ENTER is now minimizing the window again
bmarkus: What is it supposed to do? I guess I'm missing out on some history. flwm has a bunch of compile-time config options, some of which control various keybinding options. Maybe you provided a patch to disable ALT/ENTER? I could try to apply the same change to the hacked version of flwm I'm working on.
Mike L.
see this thread:
In 2.3.1 Alt/Enter has no special function, passed to the apllication (mc).
The Alt+Enter is my bad. With three versions of flwm on my machine, I forgot to comment out a single line in Hotkeys.C to disable it whilst compiling the latest version. It will be in next cut.
windows cannot be resized from the left border
right side and bottom border - resizes
title bar and left border - moves
However, with smart window placement, the max vertical and max horizontal buttons, the need window moving/resizing should be greatly reduced.
I find I rarely do so, whereas the other wm, I was constanly having to move windows around.
The Alt+Enter is my bad. With three versions of flwm on my machine, I forgot to comment out a single line in Hotkeys.C to disable it whilst compiling the latest version. It will be in next cut.
I have rebuilt flwm.tcz to disable Alt+Enter iconize function and instead now uses Alt+F1
This will be in the next cut. However, for microcore users you can test it now.
Advanced users may want to extract the flwm binary to preview.
Open Office doesn't load correctly. I rechecked the extension by reverting to tinycore_2.3RC3 and the extension works fine. I have it in my /optional folder, loading it with a script:
[ -f /usr/local/bin/swriter ] || tce-load -i ./oo2.tczl
It appears in the menu, but files aren't installed. (no /usr/local/bin/swriter, etc. )
oo2.tczl is an original ziofs with an embedded user.tar.gz. User.tar.gz is depreciated.
As Jason has posted elsewhere that he was working converting extensions to the new format, I will defer any action on such until I hear from him.
I will go ahead and fix that extension, convert to squashfs, and upload it tonight. The others I will upload tomorrow.
EDIT: 116MB - pretty big, I will see it I can upload but may have to wait til tomorrw.
I will go ahead and fix that extension, convert to squashfs, and upload it tonight. The others I will upload tomorrow.
EDIT: 116MB - pretty big, I will see it I can upload but may have to wait til tomorrw.
I converted to squash, getting rid of the user.tar.gz; works fine to ram, but looks like it needs a wrapper. (gotta work......)
oo2 working fine with a script.