Tiny Core Linux

Tiny Core Extensions => TCE News => TCE 2.x => Topic started by: Juanito on September 16, 2009, 08:25:13 AM

Title: cups
Post by: Juanito on September 16, 2009, 08:25:13 AM
cups.tczl posted

As something of a test, a start-up script has been added to start the cups daemon when the extension is loaded. This will only work if the following extensions are loaded in the following order:


1. For versions of tc earlier than 2.4rc1, if the above extensions are placed in /tce, the dbus and cups daemons will not start on boot as the boot process loads the extensions in alphabetical order.
2. If the above extensions and cups.tczl.dep are placed in /tce/optional (or any other folder) and the appbrowser is used to load cups.tczl, then the dbus and cups daemons will start.

Note also:
The cups.tcel extension has not been modified.

Code: [Select]
Title:          cups.tczl
Description:    cups printing system
Version:        1.4.0
Author:         see list of sites below
Original-site:  see list of sites below
Copying-policy: see list of sites below
Size: 2.91MB
Extension_by:   juanito
Comments:       cups, the standards-based, open source printing system..
                ..developed by Apple Inc. for Mac OS X and other UNIX-like..
                ..operating systems
                requires the expat2, dbus and libcups extensions
                if the expat2, dbus and libcups extensions are loaded in..
                that order, the cups daemon will automatically start.
                the root password needs to be set perform admin tasks with..
                ..the browser interface
                http://localhost:631 will start the browser interface
                To persist across boots, add the following to your backup:
                /etc/cups/cupsd.conf (only if you changed it)
                This extension contains:
                cups-1.4.0 - GPLv2 - http://ftp.easysw.com/pub/cups/1.4.0/cups-1.4.0-source.tar.bz2
Change-log:     2008/09/06
                Updated menu item/icon
                Added smb backend for samba
                Added cups windows drivers in /usr/local/share/cups/drivers
                Modified foomatic filters for perl in /usr/local/bin
                upgraded to cups-1.4 and added start-up script
                compiled to use dynamic printer drivers
                removed foomatic-rip, split out libcups
Current:        2009/09/16
Title: Re: cups
Post by: perthie on September 21, 2009, 01:18:08 PM
How should this work in 2.4rc1? When I try to add a printer, the Add Printer dialog is duplicated on the web page and the top half is hung up with "Looking for Printers...".
Title: Re: cups
Post by: Juanito on September 21, 2009, 01:59:58 PM
What kind of printer are you using - usb, parallel, network connected?

I tested with two different hp usb printers via hplip and the printers were found automatically. If you go to the next screen, you can enter a uri manually.
Title: Re: cups
Post by: perthie on September 21, 2009, 02:30:49 PM
I have both a local USB printer and a networked printer. CUPS 1.4 can't detect either, while 1.3.8 detects and sets up both.  When I manually set up the networked printer and try a test page, it comes out blank. This is a clean install of TC 2.4rc1 with the extensions loading into RAM. I can see the dbus daemon running.

BTW, Ghostscript is not listed as a dependency.

I brought cups.1.3.8 over from TC 2.3.1 and it works fine.

Title: Re: cups
Post by: perthie on September 21, 2009, 02:52:43 PM
Correction: The network printer was detected. The hangup seems to be with finding USB devices.

Also, the folder /usr/local/lib/cups has been given tc:staff ownership.  CUPS 1.4 complains if the printer filters are not owned by root.

Title: Re: cups
Post by: Juanito on September 21, 2009, 11:34:49 PM
Correction: The network printer was detected. The hangup seems to be with finding USB devices.
Ah - that could be because I didn't put usb-utils as a dep. could you try again with usb-utils loaded? Does the network printer work now (perhaps with gs loaded)?

Also, the folder /usr/local/lib/cups has been given tc:staff ownership.  CUPS 1.4 complains if the printer filters are not owned by root.

I didn't change anything in terms of ownwership - note that user/group is set as tc/staff in the cups ./configure
Title: Re: cups
Post by: jpeters on September 22, 2009, 12:45:02 AM
Correction: The network printer was detected. The hangup seems to be with finding USB devices.
Ah - that could be because I didn't put usb-utils as a dep. could you try again with usb-utils loaded? Does the network printer work now (perhaps with gs loaded)?

Also, the folder /usr/local/lib/cups has been given tc:staff ownership.  CUPS 1.4 complains if the printer filters are not owned by root.

I didn't change anything in terms of ownwership - note that user/group is set as tc/staff in the cups ./configure

For cups.tczl it's root:staff
Title: Re: cups
Post by: Juanito on September 22, 2009, 12:52:24 AM
One other thing to note is that I have tested this latest version of cups with cups printer drivers as opposed to ppd files.

For this reason, the latest cups extension no longer contains foomatic-rip (although I have compiled, but not posted, the "C" version that depends on libgs) - I don't think this would affect the discovery of usb connected printers, but you might need to hunt down the cups driver for your printer.
Title: Re: cups
Post by: perthie on September 22, 2009, 07:55:00 AM
I would recommend that the new repo for TC 2.4 have two printer packages - the reliable CUPS 1.3.8 that supports a wide range of printers, and the experimental CUPS 1.4.

BTW, it is possible to compile HPLIP for CUPS 1.3.x with dynamic PPDs.

Title: Re: cups
Post by: Juanito on September 22, 2009, 09:17:28 AM
I would recommend that the new repo for TC 2.4 have two printer packages - the reliable CUPS 1.3.8 that supports a wide range of printers, and the experimental CUPS 1.4

I take it you didn't have any luck with cups-1.4 finding your usb printer?

We could do as you suggest for cups-1.3.8 once tc-2.4 is final - the tcel extension is still availble.

I just finished compiling cups-1.4.1, which apparently fixes a couple of usb bugs...
Title: Re: cups
Post by: Juanito on September 22, 2009, 09:43:30 AM
updated cups posted:
Code: [Select]
Title:          cups.tczl
Description:    cups printing system
Version:        1.4.1
Author:         see list of sites below
Original-site:  see list of sites below
Copying-policy: see list of sites below
Size: 2.91MB
Extension_by:   juanito
Comments:       cups, the standards-based, open source printing system..
                ..developed by Apple Inc. for Mac OS X and other UNIX-like..
                ..operating systems
                requires the expat2, dbus and libcups extensions
                if the expat2, dbus and libcups extensions are loaded in..
                that order, the cups daemon will automatically start.
                the root password needs to be set perform admin tasks with..
                ..the browser interface
                http://localhost:631 will start the browser interface
                To persist across boots, add the following to your backup:
                /etc/cups/cupsd.conf (only if you changed it)
                This extension contains:
                cups-1.4.1 - GPLv2 - http://ftp.easysw.com/pub/cups/1.4.1/cups-1.4.1-source.tar.bz2
Change-log:     2008/09/06
                Updated menu item/icon
                Added smb backend for samba
                Added cups windows drivers in /usr/local/share/cups/drivers
                Modified foomatic filters for perl in /usr/local/bin
                upgraded to cups-1.4 and added start-up script
                compiled to use dynamic printer drivers
                removed foomatic-rip, split out libcups
                updated 1.4 -> 1.4.1, moved /etc/cups -> /usr/local
Current:        2009/09/22
Title: Re: cups
Post by: Juanito on September 22, 2009, 10:01:56 AM
..and it seems there is still a problem with usb printers and cups-1.4.1.

I cannot test this as both of my printers use the "hp" backend, but several people have suggested "sudo rmmod usblp" before starting cups.
Title: Re: cups
Post by: Juanito on October 09, 2009, 06:49:34 AM
I updated the extension by adding back the smb backend symlink to samba that got lost from the previous extension.

I tested the latest extension in two ways:

1. Directly connected to an hp usb all-in-one printer using cups+hplip

the cups browser interface finds the printer automatically and prints without problems.

2. Remotely connected to the same all-in-one printer shared by cups over a local network.

the cups browser interface does not find the shared printer, but the following command added the shared printer, which printed without problems thereafter:
Code: [Select]
$ sudo lpadmin -p OfficeJetG85 -E -v ipp:// that an error in cupsd.conf may be preventing the browser interface from seeing the shared printer.

As the cups usb backend cannot print to hp all-in-one printers, I cannot test it, so I'd appreciate feedback from users with usb printers.

To aid in trouble-shooting, here's what I get for a number of related commands:
Code: [Select]
$ lsmod | grep usb
usblp                   6556  0

$ lsusb
Bus 004 Device 003: ID 03f0:0211 Hewlett-Packard OfficeJet G85

$ ls -l /dev/bus/usb/*/*
crw-rw-r--    1 tc       staff    189, 385 Oct  9 13:18 /dev/bus/usb/004/003

$ /usr/local/lib/cups/backend/hp
direct hp:/usb/OfficeJet_G85?serial=SGG13E0C49VL "HP OfficeJet G85" "HP OfficeJet
G85 USB SGG13E0C49VL HPLIP" "MFG:Hewlett-Packa;MDL:OfficeJetG85;

$ sudo /usr/local/lib/cups/backend/usb [cups-1.4.1 usblp loaded or unloaded]
DEBUG: list_devices
DEBUG: usb_find_busses=5
DEBUG: usb_find_devices=12

$ sudo /usr/local/lib/cups/backend/usb [cups-1.3.8 usblp loaded]
direct usb://HP/OfficeJet%20G85?serial=SGG13E0C49VL "HP OfficeJet G85" "HP
OfficeJet G85 USB #1" "MFG:Hewlett-Packard;MDL:OfficeJetG85;

Code: [Select]
Title:          cups.tczl
Description:    cups printing system
Version:        1.4.1
Author:         see list of sites below
Original-site:  see list of sites below
Copying-policy: see list of sites below
Size: 2.91MB
Extension_by:   juanito
Comments:       cups, the standards-based, open source printing system..
                ..developed by Apple Inc. for Mac OS X and other UNIX-like..
                ..operating systems
                requires the expat2, dbus and libcups extensions
                if the expat2, dbus and libcups extensions are loaded in..
                that order, the cups daemon will automatically start.
                the root password needs to be set perform admin tasks with..
                ..the browser interface
                http://localhost:631 will start the browser interface
                To persist across boots, add the following to your backup:
                /usr/local/etc/cups/ppd/HP_OfficeJet_G85.ppd [for example]
                /etc/cups/cupsd.conf (only if you changed it)
                This extension contains:
                cups-1.4.1 - GPLv2 - http://ftp.easysw.com/pub/cups/1.4.1/cups-1.4.1-source.tar.bz2
Change-log:     2008/09/06
                Updated menu item/icon
                Added smb backend for samba
                Added cups windows drivers in /usr/local/share/cups/drivers
                Modified foomatic filters for perl in /usr/local/bin
                upgraded to cups-1.4 and added start-up script
                compiled to use dynamic printer drivers
                removed foomatic-rip, split out libcups
                updated 1.4 -> 1.4.1, moved /etc/cups -> /usr/local
                added samba backend symlink
Current:        2009/10/09
Title: Re: cups
Post by: perthie on October 09, 2009, 10:20:07 AM
As the cups usb backend cannot print to hp all-in-one printers, I cannot test it, so I'd appreciate feedback from users with usb printers.

I tried compiling CUPS 1.3.11, which I have done successfully in Puppy. But when I ran it in TC, I had the same problem as your CUPS 1.4 - USB printers are not detected.

When the Puppy team upgraded CUPS from 1.1x to 1.3x, there was an issue with udev rules. I tried to duplicate those rules in TC, without success.

When I check lsusb, my USB printer is listed, but CUPS cannot see it.  The device node /dev/usb/lp0 is present.  IIRC, it was necessary for the node to have "0666" permissions.

CUPS 1.3.8 DOES detect my printer.

Title: Re: cups
Post by: Juanito on October 09, 2009, 11:24:05 AM
did you compile with "--cups-user=tc --cups-group=staff"?

I just compiled cups-1.3.11 and the usb backend gave the same output as cups-1.3.8, which would tend to indicate that it would work.
Title: Re: cups
Post by: perthie on October 09, 2009, 12:30:33 PM
--with-cups-user=tc --with-cups-user=staff

That works! It's not a udev issue at all.

[Edit] I've tested CUPS 1.3.11 with a variety of printers, protocols and drivers. It looks good.

This package will auto-start and does not need a login.

Thanks for your help.
Title: Re: cups
Post by: Onyarian on October 13, 2009, 11:36:28 AM
I have download today the cups.tczl with appbrowser and there is an error in the md5sum

md5sum cups.tczl
fad93c21016af32cd140d8d7551264bd  cups.tczl

c47db4636e0a68b874ef35f5b8c071fc  cups.tczl

Title: Re: cups
Post by: Juanito on October 13, 2009, 02:11:40 PM
Thanks - I uploaded it again (my home internet connection is terrible at the moment) and it checks out OK.
Title: Re: cups
Post by: jpeters on October 14, 2009, 05:38:58 AM
samba link works; needs that extra /cups start to get it going.   
Title: Re: cups
Post by: Juanito on October 14, 2009, 06:21:03 AM
needs that extra /cups start to get it going.   

Yeah, I still don't know what that's about  :(
Title: Re: cups
Post by: jls on October 26, 2009, 04:32:21 AM
when I open http://localhost:631 which user should I put when the browser asks me?

[^thehatsrule^: removed spam]
Title: Re: cups
Post by: jpeters on October 26, 2009, 04:35:56 AM
when I open http://localhost:631 which user should I put when the browser asks me?

[^thehatsrule^: removed spam]

Title: Re: cups
Post by: Juanito on October 26, 2009, 05:12:16 AM
There's also a post somewhere by perthie explaining how to modify cupsd.conf so that the username/password is not requested.
Title: Re: cups
Post by: perthie on October 26, 2009, 08:00:24 AM
The extension cups1311.tczl uses a cupsd.conf that does not require logins. It is based on the familiar CUPS 1.3 series.
Title: Re: cups
Post by: Juanito on November 02, 2009, 10:35:19 AM
balance of cups libs moved out of this extension to libcups and reposted as cups.tcz:
Code: [Select]
Title:          cups.tcz
Description:    cups printing system
Version:        1.4.1
Author:         see list of sites below
Original-site:  see list of sites below
Copying-policy: see list of sites below
Size: 2.79MB
Extension_by:   juanito
Comments:       cups, the standards-based, open source printing system..
                ..developed by Apple Inc. for Mac OS X and other UNIX-like..
                ..operating systems
                requires the expat2, dbus and libcups extensions
                if the expat2, dbus and libcups extensions are loaded in..
                that order, the cups daemon will automatically start.
                the root password needs to be set perform admin tasks with..
                ..the browser interface
                http://localhost:631 will start the browser interface
                To persist across boots, add the following to your backup:
                /usr/local/etc/cups/ppd/HP_OfficeJet_G85.ppd [for example]
                /etc/cups/cupsd.conf (only if you changed it)
                This extension contains:
                cups-1.4.1 - GPLv2 - http://ftp.easysw.com/pub/cups/1.4.1/cups-1.4.1-source.tar.bz2
Change-log:     2008/09/06
                Updated menu item/icon
                Added smb backend for samba
                Added cups windows drivers in /usr/local/share/cups/drivers
                Modified foomatic filters for perl in /usr/local/bin
                upgraded to cups-1.4 and added start-up script
                compiled to use dynamic printer drivers
                removed foomatic-rip, split out libcups
                updated 1.4 -> 1.4.1, moved /etc/cups -> /usr/local
                added samba backend symlink
                moved all libs to libcups extension
Current:        2009/11/02
Title: Re: cups
Post by: Juanito on February 20, 2010, 10:52:02 PM
re-worked the cups init.d script and removed automatic start from the start-up script:
Code: [Select]
Title:          cups.tcz
Description:    cups printing system
Version:        1.4.1
Author:         see list of sites below
Original-site:  see list of sites below
Copying-policy: see list of sites below
Size: 3.2MB
Extension_by:   juanito
Comments:       cups, the standards-based, open source printing system..
                ..developed by Apple Inc. for Mac OS X and other UNIX-like..
                ..operating systems
                requires the expat2, dbus and libcups extensions
                $ sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/cups [start|stop|restart|status]
                the root password needs to be set perform admin tasks with..
                ..the browser interface
                http://localhost:631 will start the browser interface
                To persist across boots, add the following to your backup:
                /usr/local/etc/cups/ppd/HP_OfficeJet_G85.ppd [for example]
                /etc/cups/cupsd.conf (only if you changed it)
                This extension contains:
                cups-1.4.1 - GPLv2 - http://ftp.easysw.com/pub/cups/1.4.1/cups-1.4.1-source.tar.bz2
Change-log:     2008/09/06
                Updated menu item/icon
                Added smb backend for samba
                Added cups windows drivers in /usr/local/share/cups/drivers
                Modified foomatic filters for perl in /usr/local/bin
                upgraded to cups-1.4 and added start-up script
                compiled to use dynamic printer drivers
                removed foomatic-rip, split out libcups
                updated 1.4 -> 1.4.1, moved /etc/cups -> /usr/local
                added samba backend symlink
                moved all libs to libcups extension
                removed autostart from start-up script
Current:        2010/02/18
Title: Re: cups
Post by: curaga on May 05, 2010, 06:17:59 AM
Stumbled across this:

Looks like the cups 1.4 usb backend collides with the kernel's usblp module.