Tiny Core Linux

Off-Topic => Off-Topic - Tiny Core Lounge => Topic started by: neonix on October 22, 2024, 04:14:58 PM

Title: How does passive optical network works?
Post by: neonix on October 22, 2024, 04:14:58 PM
I tried to find it out on Wikipedia but I don't find the answer. How it's possible to connect 32 users to one optic hub?
Title: Re: How does passive optical network works?
Post by: mocore on October 22, 2024, 05:41:52 PM
id guess
with a splitter?
... ;)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=193hOTS5xUI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=193hOTS5xUI)
Title: Re: How does passive optical network works?
Post by: Rich on October 22, 2024, 08:36:06 PM
Hi neonix
Does this help:
Title: Re: How does passive optical network works?
Post by: gadget42 on October 23, 2024, 02:47:00 AM
eventually, skynet will totally eliminate single_points_of_failure as we are all assimilated into the Intergalactic Borg Confederacy(oh, did i say that out loud?)

links for your convenience:

and when you tire of the telescope and gazing outward, the microscope amazes anew:

20241023-0202am-cdt-usa-modified: added content and link
Title: Re: How does passive optical network works?
Post by: neonix on December 20, 2024, 10:31:49 AM
Hi neonix
Does this help:
No, but here are 2 pdf files that are very informative.
The mystery was solved, and the answers are splitters and timeframes.

BTW. They can create Passive Optical Network where each user has its own laser color, and users at longer distance have stronger laser power. On short distance they can use LED instead laser. There is also problem with signal injection. It can be solved by using filter that pass-throuth only specific color.