Tiny Core Linux

Off-Topic => Off-Topic - Tiny Core Lounge => Topic started by: nick65go on February 12, 2024, 08:46:50 AM

Title: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: nick65go on February 12, 2024, 08:46:50 AM
main site: https://dillo-browser.github.io/

Dillo+ (Dillo-Plus) on https://github.com/crossbowerbt/dillo-plus
as multi-protocol browser  (Gopher, Gemini), with Reader mode CSS style & DLS (Dillo Local Script) for Zip, EPub, RSS.
Has quick searching engines, or External media player.
Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: gadget42 on February 13, 2024, 05:01:47 AM
as far as I can tell after reviewing the currently available material(s) the correct current version of Dillo is 3.0.5

the Dillo-Plus version is currently 3.2.3(as per https://github.com/crossbowerbt/dillo-plus)

here is a link to the latest about.c file:

also for historical reference:
Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: nick65go on February 13, 2024, 08:09:46 AM
Right, so maybe the admin of the forum could change the title, to be like: "re-born of Dillo 3.0.5 as Dillo-plus 3.2.3"
Like Phoenix bird, but I do not believe in re-incarnation, so there is no re-born, but just born as a new instance. Hm.. semantics .. semantics.
The news is that some old software was "improved" / "modernized" whatever. Anyway is one of the few that still use FLTK. When almost 99% (estimated) of Tinycore is NOT using so much FLTK.

(FLTK is mostly for base apps., the carrot initial attraction, then many GUI are gtk1/2/3, QT etc).

Anyway, news is also that FLTK 1.4 starts to use Wayland server... in the world of UEFI...
Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: Juanito on February 13, 2024, 08:57:45 AM
Anyway, news is also that FLTK 1.4 starts to use Wayland server... in the world of UEFI...

I was playing around with an fltk-1.4 wayland only version of tinycore a while ago..
Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: vinceASPECT on February 13, 2024, 10:59:16 AM
Hello  forum,

It is good to have  a good efficiency free web browser that serves a purpose of Worldwide web information  & basic  services such  as communication   .......i think. "Links"  graphical web browser" version . Is. Very. Good  for that



Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: neonix on April 20, 2024, 11:52:58 AM
Is it possible to modify Dillo that every webpage was opened in new window. Sometimes Dillo crush without a reason, or becouse lack of free RAM. There is also memory leak problem with this browser.
Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: nick65go on April 20, 2024, 01:06:09 PM
Maybe you could report a bug to the new developer in charge on git?
The DPI system of protocol/extension is the future for dillo (3.1+). It is a shame the developers do not cooperate between dillo/dillo-plus etc.

EDIT: "lack of free RAM", really? Maybe you did know that extensions DO RUN even if/after dillo is closed (check with top).
The new version 3.1 rc+ seems (git says) solved the problem of random crashes (because some SSL/TLS linked libs, about SNI --whatever this acronym is).
Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: nick65go on April 20, 2024, 01:57:02 PM
from https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/tinycorelinux/15.x/x86_64/tcz/dillo*.info
there are 2 versions of dillo, none of them up-to-date in TC15, as recent dillo 3.1+ of April 2024
the patched one (in Tinycore) was dillo 3.0.5, but not dillo 3.1.0-rc1 (https://dillo-browser.github.io/latest.html)

Title:          dillo-beta.tcz
Description:    Dillo - the fast and light web browser
Version:        3.1 (20181005)
Change-log:     2019/07/20 v3.0.5
Current:   2020/02/10 v3.1 (neonix) TC 10.x
Title:          dillo.tcz
Description:    Dillo web browser
Version:        3.0.5 + patches
      2020/02/20 fixed openssl-1.1.1 dependency (neonix) TC11.x
Current:   2024/04/02 Use OpenSSL 3.2 & patched for SNI support (CNK) TC14.x

FYI: for me it did not crash, in WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) for Alpine Linux.
Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: Dies Irae on April 20, 2024, 02:10:11 PM
Is it possible to modify Dillo that every webpage was opened in new window. Sometimes Dillo crush without a reason, or becouse lack of free RAM. There is also memory leak problem with this browser.

the usual 2 dillo in extensions by design refuse to drop cache. While i'd want this as an option, the argument is that a number of folk don't want it to drop cache when you close a tab, couse then they'd have to redownload some webpage/css file. Combined with the risk for crash, you want to run 2 instances of dillo: one, you kill regularly (if it didn't crash already), to get your ram back. The other you run for pages you actually wanted to keep open (and didn't crash your 'temp' dillo).
Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: CNK on April 24, 2024, 02:25:58 AM
I think I noticed some crashes with the dillo-beta.tcz extension on x86, which may have been some of the issues fixed since then in the 'beta' code. I haven't had any crashes with the current or previous dillo.tcz extension for x86_64 for Dillo 3.0.5.

I happened to submit the updated dillo.tcz extension just before the new release candidate for 3.1.0 came out, but before doing a new extension for that it seems sensible to wait until the full 3.1.0 release which the announcement said was expected in a few weeks. I've also reported a few bugs on the Dillo mailing list that might be fixed before then.

Since the dillo-beta.tcz extensions are for the 3.1.0 release which is hopefully happening soon, that will make them redundant so perhaps they should be removed then? I intend to build a dillo.tcz extension for x86 and x86_64 when it's fully released, unless someone else wants to do it (I checked that Neonix didn't want to before I submitted the new dillo.tcz for x86_64).

@nick65go The DPI system is supported in all the Dillo variants and versions, and is how the dillo-gopher.tcz and dillo-gemini.tcz extensions work.

@neonix If you're running out of RAM then Dillo might not be crashing but getting killed by the Linux kernel because it needs free RAM to do something else to keep the system running. I really like the cache because I use mobile broadband for my home internet, but a maximum cache size setting in Dillo would be useful in cases like yours. It's probably a fair bit of work to implement that properly though. Modern webpages that load lots of massive images expecting them to be scaled down with CSS are also a problem if RAM is limited.
Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: neonix on April 26, 2024, 09:40:56 AM
Here's few thouths about this browser.

Version 3.0.5 and 3.1 are two different animals (I like armAdillo name more than Dillo) with different issues and bugs.

I find this tip in
hange the user agent to this one at ~/.dillo/dillorc:
      http_user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (PSP (PlayStation Portable); 2.00)"
Then a lot of sites will load a compatible version.

On Wikipedia talk section there's interesting discusion about this browser.

New version of Damn Small Linux use Dillo as main web browser.

Tiny Desktop Linux also has Dillo.

Some years ago I use hv3 web browser with polipo proxy that speed up connection.

I also used AnalogX Fastcache when I was WinMe user.

As long as there's an Internet, everyone is going to want to do things faster. Browse the web, ping servers, download files, whatever. Every time you go to a new website, or a website you haven't been to in a day or so, your computer needs to locate the server again using DNS. Each DNS request can take anywhere from 50 milliseconds, to even a second or more, but most are in the 100 to 200 millisecond range. Want to save a couple hundred milliseconds? Probably not, but what about a couple million or more? That's what AnalogX FastCache is all about.
    AnalogX FastCache is a caching DNS server that runs on your local machine and handles any DNS request that your computer makes, from Internet Explorer to your favorite FTP client. Once a query is made, FastCache will override the normal timeout for the item with one that you specify, so instead of saving a query for a couple of seconds, it can save it for a couple of days. Now every time you ask for it again while it's in the cache, it gives it to you instantly.

If Dillo could save rendered webpages as jpg, I would save a lot of RAM and time.
Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: neonix on April 26, 2024, 02:17:08 PM
Maybe you could report a bug to the new developer in charge on git?
The DPI system of protocol/extension is the future for dillo (3.1+). It is a shame the developers do not cooperate between dillo/dillo-plus etc.

EDIT: "lack of free RAM", really? Maybe you did know that extensions DO RUN even if/after dillo is closed (check with top).
The new version 3.1 rc+ seems (git says) solved the problem of random crashes (because some SSL/TLS linked libs, about SNI --whatever this acronym is).

It's hard to recreate a bug in web browser that doesn't have history. I know it was developers decision to create private browser without history, but it's standard nowadays. Sometimes I have to use kil -9 to clean all zombie instances.But where are the main developers? There are many forks.
Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: CNK on May 06, 2024, 04:22:07 AM
Dillo 3.1.0 has now been fully released. I've submitted an updated TC15 x86_64 dillo.tcz extension, and I'll do an x86 one soon.

Dillo now supports mbedTLS instead of OpenSSL, so I used that because it's more 'tiny'. OpenSSL is still used by wget for downloads though.
Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: nick65go on May 06, 2024, 01:33:53 PM
At the peak of paranoia, I think will be a guest-virtual machine, with a tiny kernel -only virtual devices, with only a collection of browsers - dillo, netsurf, firefox - to cover almost all cases. Maybe a vlc/mpv - audio/video, and nano. And that is all in guest machine. The rest of host computer is used "off line". The downloaded internet docs will be read offline, from shared folder between guest and host.

So is important that minimal dependencies be included in guest - reduce attack surface, sometimes even static linked is OK in guest, because no concurrent tasks will be used in VM as much as possible ... just an idea. Plus dillo and netsurf are good enough now and for the next 2-5 years for their purpose - no java scripts / low band consumed on limited/costly connection plan.
Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: neonix on May 16, 2024, 01:15:11 PM

Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: neonix on June 01, 2024, 04:30:56 AM
Starting with version 3.0.4, dillo can perform web searches from the address bar. Set up search prefixes with the search_url preference in dillorc. 35K 20150520


If you type "g tinycorelinux" in adress bar you load google search engine.

If you type "d tinycorelinux" in adress bar you will load duckduckgo search engine.
This saves a lot of time instead using archaic Dillo search window.
Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: neonix on July 21, 2024, 11:54:17 AM
dillo-plus.tcz works with genyt.net alternative (YT front-end) but you have to turn on "User reader mode CSS"
and turn off "Use embedded CSS"
Title: Re: necromancy / reborn of dillo 3.2.3
Post by: neonix on October 15, 2024, 03:52:04 PM
You can read reddit on dillo.tcz with this adress