Tiny Core Linux

Off-Topic => Off-Topic - Tiny Core Lounge => Topic started by: gadget42 on January 01, 2024, 12:59:33 AM

Title: benchmarks - Roy Longbottom - fascinating
Post by: gadget42 on January 01, 2024, 12:59:33 AM
benchmarks - Roy Longbottom - fascinating


In 1978, the Cray 1 supercomputer cost $7 Million, weighed 10,500 pounds and had a 115 kilowatt power supply. It was, by far, the fastest computer in the world. The Raspberry Pi costs around $70 (CPU board, case, power supply, SD card), weighs a few ounces, uses a 5 watt power supply and is more than 4.5 times faster than the Cray 1.

Title: Re: benchmarks - Roy Longbottom - fascinating
Post by: vinceASPECT on January 03, 2024, 04:34:57 PM
Mind boggling

... So , a lovely 25 bucks Walmart handset ......is
Literally 3 times more powerful than that
Supercomputer ....

Title: Re: benchmarks - Roy Longbottom - fascinating
Post by: Leee on January 05, 2024, 03:58:18 AM
In a previous life, when I was a little less mature of a geek than I am now, I worked as a security guard in a place that had a pair of Cray ! supercomputers and I would often chat with the folks who operated the computer center and with some of the folks "upstairs" who programmed those monsters and I was suitably impressed with both the capabilities (as much as I could glimpse of that) and with the enormous infrastructure required to run them.

In those days, I was required to turn off my Motorola HT90 hand-held radio when I passed through the computer center lest the radio signal scramble a bit here or a bit there.

Today, my hundred dollar Motorola "Moto G Power 5G" smartphone from Walmart apparently has more processing power than the pair of Crays - but it also does extra duty as an alarm clock so I casually toss it across the room onto my pillow before climbing into the sack.

Progress marches on, but my car -still- does not fly.     ;)
Title: Re: benchmarks - Roy Longbottom - fascinating
Post by: gadget42 on January 05, 2024, 07:35:56 AM
Progress marches on, but my car -still- does not fly.     ;)
given the way people drive, one can only imagine the carnage if they flew!
Title: Re: benchmarks - Roy Longbottom - fascinating
Post by: Leee on January 05, 2024, 02:56:19 PM
I don't want -everyone's- car to be able to fly.  Just mine.     ;D
Of course, that still leaves us with "some idiot with no flying experience"...
Title: Re: benchmarks - Roy Longbottom - fascinating
Post by: gadget42 on January 06, 2024, 03:11:42 AM
Hoverboard Learners Permit Application is on the way. [grin-emoji]
Title: Re: benchmarks - Roy Longbottom - fascinating
Post by: vinceASPECT on January 06, 2024, 08:44:06 AM
Helllo  all,

......many  best  wishes  and  hny   2024

You  have  brilliant  senses  of  humor  .......so  many  thanks  indeed
and  it  shows  good intelligence...

    BILL  BURR ........offers  great   relief  with  laughter.............

......off  topic..........seeing   LOTS   of  "timing"  and  calendar  IT  issues   across  the  board   ......since  2024  rollover

many  thanks....