Tiny Core Linux

Tiny Core Base => Raspberry Pi => Topic started by: meo on July 24, 2023, 05:44:17 AM

Title: Repartitioning
Post by: meo on July 24, 2023, 05:44:17 AM
I don't know what mistake I'm making but I constantly mess up when repartitioning the second partition on the micro sd card. I try to follow the info on readme and use fdisk but after rebooting it doesn't resize. Is there a way to do this in Windows? i've been away from TC for years now but I was there from the DSL time to the beginning of TC. Now my age is against me and I've forgot many of the basics in Linux. If the resizing can be done in Windows 11 I'd prefer that even though I'm an Linux enthusiast from the mid 90:ties.
Title: Re: Repartitioning
Post by: meo on July 24, 2023, 09:09:14 AM
I managed to resize the second partition finally. During the process you are asked if you want to make the partition primary or extended. Now I chose extended and exerything worked like a charm. So here I'm using piCore 13.1 and it works perfect. In the README it didn't mention anything about what I just explained. It might be a good idea to enter that to the instructions.

Kind Regards,
Title: Re: Repartitioning
Post by: Greg Erskine on July 24, 2023, 05:35:40 PM
I think  primary  is the correct option.

Now  extended  may have worked but it doesn't make sense.
Title: Re: Repartitioning
Post by: chattrhand on July 25, 2023, 06:45:04 AM
hi meo,

this time-consuming problem was also mine.

After writing a picore-14.0.zip on a 32GiB mmc using balena-etcher, the mmc was booting fine on my rasp4 (first downloading all of the ssh keys).

Then to mount the fat32 partition:
  tc@box:~$ mount /dev/mmcblk0p1
and  to scroll and read.
  tc@box:~$ less /mnt/mmcblk0p1/README

It covers all of the steps to follow, but this is not easy for people with visual impairments like me, so I re-formatted it to fit on my display, so that its possible to  tce-load -iw  all of the extensions I need.

However, trying a 32GiB USB-stick instead I was stopped,- no way to access the stick and write to it permanently.
After some search I found that for USB-Sticks I need to add a  waitusb=5  to  sdb1/cmdline.txt.
This is also the right file to add a  tz=GMT-2  for MET timezone and  desktop=jwm  if you are using  jwm.tcz

Now I have both a mmc and a pendrive to boot on a RasPi4, each for 32Bit and 64Bit.

Next problem.
On piCore14.0-32 I can install and run  firefox.tcz  (I'm actually writing this post too),  version 68.0.5esr-32bit. A bit old, but it works for me.

On piCore14.0-64 I can install  firefox.tcz  too, but it will not run and only throws back this error message:

tc@box:~$ firefox
XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /tmp/tcloop/firefox/usr/local/lib/firefox/libxul.so:
libffi.so.7: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory
Couldn't load XPCOM. 

On piCore13.1 firefox is running fine on both 32Bit and 64Bit.

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Repartitioning
Post by: Paul_123 on July 25, 2023, 12:10:23 PM
install libffi7 for x64   Building firefox on 32bit is a challenge.

We are in the process of testing a chromium downloader which will download the latest chromium packages from RaspiOS, and build a local extension.     Its close to being ready.
Title: Re: Repartitioning
Post by: meo on July 26, 2023, 08:24:57 AM
I think  primary  is the correct option.

Now  extended  may have worked but it doesn't make sense.

Hi Greg!

You are quite right! Afterwards I saw that everything was residing in the RAM memory. I have struggled to make it the right way but it just doesn't work for me. I you have any suggestion, I'm all ears!

Kind Regards,
Title: Re: Repartitioning
Post by: meo on July 26, 2023, 08:31:00 AM
Hi guys!

Thanks for all the comments. They are all much appreciated. I have my Raspberry Pi 4 hooked up to my TV so it helps me se well since I can zoom in when I use Firefox etc. I suffer from the Parkinsons disease so it's a little fiddly to resize the second partition of the micro SD. Thanks for all your help!

Kind Regards,
Title: Re: Repartitioning
Post by: meo on July 26, 2023, 09:35:07 AM
Hi again guys!

FINALLY!!! Yes, now it works. It was my fault (it usually is) that I didn't succed before. It helps to read the inslructions CAREFULLY and ALL OF THEM. The README file is just fine. I'm writing this from my recently installed piCore 14.0. Thanks for your patience! I need new glasses but that I have fo fix later. Thanks again!

Yours sincerely,
Title: firefox not starting - solved
Post by: chattrhand on July 30, 2023, 05:55:52 AM
Hi TinyCoreTeam,

on tce-14.0-64 firefox did not start and reported missing  libffi

After installing   libffi7.tcz   using the AppsBrowser firefox 97.7.0esr (64-Bit) works fine.

BTW: feel free to move this hint to a better place
Title: Re: Repartitioning
Post by: Juanito on July 30, 2023, 06:12:42 AM
dep file adjusted - thanks