Tiny Core Linux
Off-Topic => Off-Topic - Tiny Tux's Corner => Topic started by: mocore on October 21, 2022, 01:26:18 PM
configuration configuration configuration
i have recently been forced to find an essentual extention "Auto Tab Discard" for this task
all though similar functionality is aparently achievable by altering about:config settings , ... by limeting the number of subprocesses ect
on systems with 4gb or less this is imho essentual , to avoid crashing browser or hung/infiatly swaping system ( or though ther are probably some other config options for tuning those cases ::) )
if any one care's to rescue old hardware before it goes to landfill *silicon heaven
or just want's to resist the advice paradoxic advice browser makers give users "Upgrade your computer"
"things you can do to have a safe, fast and secure online browsing experience is to make sure your browser is up to date." -
oddly it appears the defauts encorage hardware upgrade
as the best practice for "better performace" , rather than profiling older less perforant systems and ajusting the default config acordingly :-\
who knows perhaps this will happen when AIG starts deciding browser defaults configurations
* https://reddwarf.fandom.com/wiki/Silicon_Heaven
while ublock/ umatrix have helped me tame resources/unwanted conections
in the past its seams some browsers are expected to run on high end hw or crash by default
with "Auto Tab Discard" on a system with 4gb ram , i now have 200+ (sleeping)tabs and no shoratage of cpu or ram ;D