Tiny Core Linux
Tiny Core Base => Raspberry Pi => Topic started by: Ripley on June 22, 2022, 12:22:47 PM
Haha, rip.
So I was trying to delete specific files from usr/lib with .la extention as suggested in another topic, and I was doing so with the "sudo rm filename.la". I wanted to speed up the process, so I did a google search and found that I could delete all files in my current directory that end in a specific extension. "sudo rm * .la" is what I typed, as seen on the internet... I'm quite positive I should have done more research before trusting something so major.
long story short, im sitting here with only "X11, gcc, gconv, micropython" and "pkgnconfig" left in my usr/lib folder. Is there a way to fix this? Im aware that tinycore boots of ram and i was hoping that maybe everything I've done to mess up would be fixed when rebooting... but don't think thats gonna work because these are librarys.
Any suggestions or do I need to do a new tinycore install from scratch?
Reboot - everything will be fine
Thank you so much, everything is normal.
I'm curious to how that works? how is it that I can delete librarys and have them return... is that because I'm in usr?
Also is there a way to do what I wanted to do, properly. Delete all files with a .la in the current directory? I don't trust looking that up right now
The libraries are contained in the initrd and extensions and copied/symlinked into /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib on boot or when loaded - you can read the tinycore book for a fuller explanation.
To remove the la files: sudo rm /usr/lib/*.la
sudo rm /usr/local/lib/*.la
Thats a really cool way of doing things. Thank you so much for the help
Hi Ripley
... "sudo rm * .la" is what I typed, as seen on the internet...
If that is what you typed, you typed it wrong.
I've made this statement in some form on multiple occasions, but it bears repeating:
Hey, this is Linux, not high school. Spelling counts. Punctuation counts. Capitalization counts. Syntax counts.
You typed:
sudo rm * .la
That means first remove everything (*), then remove the hidden file called la (.la).
The correct syntax:
sudo rm *.la
This means remove any file whose name ends in .la