Tiny Core Linux
Tiny Core Extensions => TCE Corepure64 => Topic started by: tinycorelinux on September 01, 2020, 03:50:21 AM
If the TCE to be submitted is large (>=100MB), so it cannot be submitted by mail (E.g.Gmail). What to do in this case?
Would You be so kind to unveil what does appear to be so big?
such as chromium、qt、jdk、ffmpeg...and so on.
Do You want to submit all of them? Or You are asking in advance for further use?
ffmpeg is not so big, using existing dependencies, You can check it using Apps.
One possible way to solve the task is to make an extension, consisting of the script, which being executed builds another (target) extension and places it in the users tce directory. Exapmles are getlocale.tcz and get_mplayer.tcz (from earlier version's repos).
Well, I was actually wondering how to submit a large extension to the repository.
I'm using
Google Drive, but you can use Dropbox or Microsoft OneDrive also.
You can pack it in multiple 18 MB files with rar archive.
such as chromium、qt、jdk、ffmpeg...and so on.
ffmpeg and qt(-5.x) are already in the repo
I know. I'm just giving you an example...