Tiny Core Linux
Tiny Core Base => TCB Q&A Forum => Topic started by: greenfrogg on May 24, 2020, 12:31:51 PM
Hi guys,
I am a beginner. Have one computer (originally W7) switched to Linuxmint and a laptop switched to TinyCore. The laptop is an ACER travelmate 660, 1,6Ghz 500Mb. I changed in the Bios the start up sequence.
I burned a CD with TC 10.0 and started experimenting. Then I installed TC 11.1 succesfully on the HDD via internet and enjoyed TC. I installed (via the app browser) several programs with succes, like Abiword, Firefox, Links, Audacity and xfe. Everything works fine, only FF is very very slow.
After trying to install Skype (skype_get.tcz). Tinycore did'nt boot anymore (foto 1). I waited for ten minutes and stopped the proces by a hard reset.
Then I tried to start from the original CD (TC10.0)with the same result (foto2). Here I waited also for 10 minutes and stopped the proces by a hard reset.
The firmware remarks were already there from the first boot up.
Do I have to wait longer? Other suggestions how to handle, what to do?
[EDIT]: Resized attached images. Rich
Hi greenfrogg
Welcome to the forum. When posting images, scale down the width to about 800 pixels. 4000 pixels is way to wide.
Boot using the base bootcode. This will tell Tinycore not to load any extensions and leave you at the command line. Now find
anything skype related in your tce/optional directory:
cd /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional
ls -l | grep -i skype
Delete the files found by that command and try booting normally again.
I don't see anything called skype_get.tcz in the repo. Where did you find it?
Hi, Rich!
There is getskype.tcz. Built for TC4 ... And loading some ancient Skype...
Hi jazzbiker
Thanks, I saw that. Maybe getskype.tcz creates skype_get.tcz ?
No, the executable is script, downloading and creating extension skype-static.tcz or skype-dynamic.tcz or skype-oss.tcz. Definitely there are no Skype for 32-bit Linux systems now, it was dropped by MS. My mother uses Skype and I was forced to change her computer to 64-bit a year or two ago, because could do nothing with this.
This extension includes its own versions of wget and mksquashfs, not in the dependencies, but in /usr/local/share. I've never seen such a cases before, this two binaries are the main extension size.
What is downloaded i don't understand. Probably something absolutely useless nowadays.
EDIT: maybe 64-bit version
Hi greenfrogg
Welcome to the forum. When posting images, scale down the width to about 800 pixels. 4000 pixels is way to wide.
Boot using the base bootcode. This will tell Tinycore not to load any extensions and leave you at the command line. Now find
anything skype related in your tce/optional directory:
cd /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional
ls -l | grep -i skype
Delete the files found by that command and try booting normally again.
I don't see anything called skype_get.tcz in the repo. Where did you find it?
Thnx I will try this. First I will have to find a way to the command line.
First I will try to get on the HDD with the boot CD & TC 10.0
I am not sure but I think I found this version of skype with the search function of the app downloader.
I have to check this again if TC is back to normal.
I can't get to the command line. See prntscrn foto 3 and 4. TC is fast :-). foto 4 only last for 2 seconds.
Tried to make the foto's smaller but irfanview doesn't have the option to set the pixels. So I tried it with setting it to 50kb.
After these two screens the screen from foto 2 pops up. I can see that there is activity for 18 seconds on the HDD. After that the system seems to be in a loop and the slash stays rotating.
what could be the next step?
[EDIT]: Resized attached images. Rich
Hi greenfrogg
See what it says in red. Press the Tab key. This will allow you to edit the boot command.. Add the word base to the end of
the boot command. Then hit Enter.
Hi Rich,
Wow, for the CD it works. the tab and base command.
Yes, it is there in red, should have noticed it myself. :o
I had TC 10.0 working with the CD.
I downloaded xfe and could see the directory /tce/sysconfig/tcedir/optional.
I guess that is the directory on the CD.
Can I go from the CD version to the HDD of the laptop? if yes, how?
Hi greenfrogg
Look under /mnt , possibly /mnt/sda1/tce/. You want to open the onboot.lst file and remove the skype entry. It should be
the last item in the file. Then save and reboot.
Seems I can't get from the CD version to the HDD (See foto).
I managed to resize the foto on my W laptop. Wil have a look now for a resizing program on my linux mint desktop.
Thanks to make me aware of this.
Is it an idea to stop trying to solve this?
That I install TC 11.1 again? and overwrite the corrupted version.
Apps are easily installed again (except for audacity, but that was after all not the program I was looking for)
Have then at first a look after a backup with HDD or USB.
In the end this can happen again.
I have now a hard copy of the Corebook (Lauri Kassanen et al)
and work my way through the book more structural so I know better what I am doing.
I assume that by reinstalling TC 11.1 nothing of the old version remains on the HDD?
Or is there another suggestion for a step to try?
I will make study of the Corebook anyway. Exploring TC is really fun.
Hi greenfrogg
The drive may not be mounted, There is an icon at the bottom of the screen that looks like a disk drive. It will display the
text MountTool if you hover the mouse pointer over it. Single click the icon. When the mount tool comes up, click the sda1
button, it should turn green. Then check the drive again.
Solved! Thnkx @Rich
Mounted the drive and came on the HDD.
Missed the right save and exit/reboot command, but deleted the getskype files in Xfe. Checked if I found getskype with the search function of the app downloader and yes I found it that way. Now I learned to look carefully at the description before downloading. I have a 32 bit laptop so some programs don't run.
Issue solved.
Hi greenfrogg
Thanks for reporting your success. Marking this topic as solved.