Tiny Core Linux
General TC => General TC Talk => Topic started by: thl04 on August 16, 2019, 02:26:00 AM
I have tried to run TinyCorePlus (CorePlus-current.iso using core2usb via Windows7) from a 16GB USBstick but getting a boot failure, lots of white gobbldygook on a black background ending with something about a 'Kernel panic', 'sync' something and a 'kill' .
The m/c locks up and needs a power down to reset, fortunately, without the USBstick, it boots back into Windows. Phew!
Help ! Any ideas where to start testing/checking ?
I have googled 'kernel panic' and got lots of hits. Most seem to be for installed linux's and Mac, but one suggested too little ram or a ram fault. I used Windows Memory Diagnostic (mdsched.exe) which reports no errors.
Recently I have been playing with RaspberryPi desktop live on this stick and thought (because of many re-flashings to get back to sq.one, ) that it may have become faulty, but no, I reflashed RPi back over and it boots ok.
I will continue searching through google, but hope someone here can offer a quicker fix ! :)
Info :
64bit Pentium dual core E5300 2.6GHz
4GB ram
Hi, thl04!
In your place i would burn the cd and try to boot using it, not flash drive. But before i would examine bios setup for something unusual. Your situation looks strange. Maybe you should try http://tinycorelinux.net/10.x/x86_64/release/TinyCorePure64-10.1.iso
simply for an attempt for normal boot.
Hi, thl04!
In your place i would burn the cd and try to boot using it, not flash drive. But before i would examine bios setup for something unusual. Your situation looks strange. Maybe you should try http://tinycorelinux.net/10.x/x86_64/release/TinyCorePure64-10.1.iso
simply for an attempt for normal boot.
Thanks good ideas.
I've tried cds with Puppy, Knoppix etc in the past so I know that drive worked (but I didnt know what I was doing and no persistence didnt help !)
I have just realised I have posted in the wrong Q&A section, ooops sorry, mods please move !
Also, check that you got a good download, sounds as if it may have been corrupted.
(I regularly put it on a pendrive, so I doubt that is your problem.)
The puzzle continues !
files are md5 ok
TinyCorePure on USB or on DVD does not boot either, but this time after the menu, just a blank screen of death - no gobbldygook text.
When I said in first post that the m/c locks up I may have been premature. This time, with TCP and a longish wait it times out and tries to re-boot. Extracting the dvd at this time then allows a boot into Windows on the C:
all very strange :(
I have two USB hdd and a 4-port hub on it, I'll try again without those {later, when I can get at the back of the m/c ! time for a re-think and a coffee} in case they are causing a conflict.
EDIT and thanks mods for the move, sorry for that - I blame my sleepless night and too much head scratching :)
TinyCorePure on USB or on DVD does not boot either, but this time after the menu, just a blank screen of death - no gobbldygook text.
When I said in first post that the m/c locks up I may have been premature. This time, with TCP and a longish wait it times out and tries to re-boot. Extracting the dvd at this time then allows a boot into Windows on the C:
all very strange :(
I have two USB hdd and a 4-port hub on it, I'll try again without those {later, when I can get at the back of the m/c ! time for a re-think and a coffee} in case they are causing a conflict.
Hi, thl04!
If you see boot menu, means that boot device is recognized and bootloader started. You didn't mention what boot menu item you choosed. Try the "base" one.
What you name "black screen of death" may be delay, programmed in the bootloader config. Its purpose is to allow slow USB devices to enumerate and mount properly. This delay usually is 10 seconds, but there were reports for some system hardware configs, when it takes more time for the system to start. If you will see the black screen, try to be patient, and wait not longer than for a minute, maybe kernel will start.
Is it possible to disconnect all your external USB devices and try to load TinyCore? TinyCore is scanning all mounted partitions for some files during start.
And i highly recommend the book about TinyCore, names "Into the Core", which you can download from the project site. It answers a lot of questions and make system structure clear and explain very toroughly some aspects of its functioning, the boot process too.
And you are booting in legacy mode, not UEFI?
Hi thl04
... but one suggested too little ram or a ram fault. ...
I think a kernel panic can also be caused if the initrd can't be found or loaded.
HI, thl04!
I took a look on TinyCorePure64.iso, it is trying to start 1024*768 VESA video mode with fbdev. What is your video card hardware and monitor?
You didn't mention what boot menu item you choosed. Try the "base" one.
Hi @jazzbiker, thanks for your help,,
All 4 of them in turn ! All produced the same result :( :- a blank screen,
After waiting a while, it would shut down and try to reboot (after the menu count down or after I pressed return) After a couple of cycles of this was when I determined I could pull the DVD (or USBstick) and allow it to boot into the Windows on C:
Is it possible to disconnect all your external USB devices and try to load TinyCore?
Yes, all now disconnected. Still no boot.
And you are booting in legacy mode, not UEFI?
Errr, pass, what is that ? I am a dumb refugee from Windows, sorry ! :)
It is a very old HP miniDesktop
Hi thl04
... but one suggested too little ram or a ram fault. ...
I think a kernel panic can also be caused if the initrd can't be found or loaded.
Thanks @Rich the kernel panic text screen only appears in the TinyCorePlus variant.
Since jazz has directed me to TinyCorePure64-10.1 I dont get that text, just a blank screen which eventually times out and starts the re-boot squence.
I'll have to read the books to see what initrd is !
And you are booting in legacy mode, not UEFI?
Errr, pass, what is that ? I am a dumb refugee from Windows, sorry ! :)
It is a very old HP miniDesktop
You can enter BIOS setup and check, are there some entries concerning UEFI.
TinyCorePure64 iso is hybrid, both legacy and UEFI compatible, but if you will need to install TinyCore at some partition, you need to know exactly what to do, and UEFI persistence makes your way a little longer.
No UEFI seen in the bios pages.
If you see boot menu, means that boot device is recognized and bootloader started.
Yes confirmed, I have dug out my very old Knoppix cd and a Mint dvd from a few years ago and both run ok, but without persistence.
"Debian Jessie with PIXEL" from RaspberryPi
https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/pixel-pc-mac/ (https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/pixel-pc-mac/)
which is persistent, will run from USB.
So I dont know ,,,, :( ,,, what is it that Tinycore needs that they do not ? I am at a loss.
It's almost impossible, but you emphasize that PC is very old... What screen resolution you have on your running OSes?
As your pc has no UEFI, then you have syslinux boot menu after start. Entries can be edited simply pressing Tab key on selected menu entry. I can propose to choose the last entry (named corew), press Tab to edit it, and delete term "vga=791" in it. Then press Enter to boot.
What screen resolution you have on your running OSes?
On win7 I can set up to 1920x1200 but it is hard on my aged eyes so generally leave it at 1600x1200 or thereabouts
I have gone into Jessie on my USBstick for this post and it says :-
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ xdpyinfo | grep 'dimensions:'
dimensions: 1024x768 pixels (270x203 millimeters)
the ability to adjust it seems not to be in this PC_desktop_version (which is meant for windows newbies to familiarise themselves before attacking inflicting the hardware ! )
I'll try "vga=791" next
EDIT :- removed vga=791 and I am now back to a screen full of gobbldygook ending with
Kernel panic ,,, not syncing ,,,kill init! ,,, exit code 0x00000009
Rebooting in 60sec.
also waitusb=5,, so I tried editing that to =20 and booting again but no better :(
Hi, thl04!
Something goes very, very wrong. Maybe some hardware incompatibility.
My next advise (maybe silly one) is to try the older TinyCore version, even start with TinyCore 6.4.1, not necessarily Pure64 version, you can find this iso images in Downloads past releases. If you want try the minimal Core, not TinyCore niether CorePlus. Silmply to have some running system.
Maybe some kernel modules are to be blacklisted, but this means tight examining the hardware specifications of your box. By the way, what is exact model of your HP?
Maybe some linux kernel (not TinyCore specific) boot codes will repair the boot.
Maybe some hardware incompatibility.
My next advise (maybe silly one),,,,TinyCore 6.4.1,
I am also suspecting the hardware !
not silly, in fact an excellent idea :) I flashed TinyCore-6.4.1.iso and it boots! Yea!!
to a command prompt of tc@box
So then I flashed CorePlus-6.4.1.iso expecting it to give me a desktop ?? but no, it also booted to a cmdprompt of tc@box.
Anyway, it is progress :) and now I have some experimenting to do with the various archives and some reading of the books as well.
Thank you very much for all your help and suggestions, much appreciated.
time for a nightcap and then bed >>>>
thl04 wrote:
...I will continue searching through google, but hope someone here can offer a quicker fix !
.. Sometime back , when I came across this problem continuously - gibberish screen etc - , I simply replaced the old memory card with new one and used YUMI to install TC.
... And all was well with nice TC 10 desktop .
...This may not be actual soln , but since I was in a hurry , I didnt waste time to experiment with the old memcard !
Just my 2cents ! :)
Try to find the latest Core version which will boot sucessfully on your box, maybe start with Core 9.0. If it will boot you will be very close to success.
Latest news from the front :) is :-
The good news, I have Tiny10 running ok on a DELLlaptop so I know what it should be doing.
The bad news is - that m/c is heavily used by the family !
And 9.0 does not boot on the HPdesktop, so the idea of resurrecting the HP as a minimum learn-linux box is still unfulfilled :(
,,,,I am continuing to work through the archives.
Sorry for two posts in a row, but I cant add/edit to my previous.
The very bad news is that it seems that something changed in the world of Linux since I tried it live some years ago and my HPdesktop is no longer able :(
I have just tried a live Ubuntu and it will not boot either (same text screen ending in Kernel Panic but this time two beeps as well )
also,I said earlier that Knoppix did run ok, well that was with my old Knoppix on CD, I just tried the latest one and guess what, boot fail & KP again :'(
So it looks like I have a hardware problem with new versions.
And the only newish Linux that can 'see' my HP hardware is the Rasberrypi Desktop version of Jessie !
@thl04, if you have limited h/w specs, I think you can start from bare minimum TC2.5 onwards ! :)
It says tc-6.x booted earlier in the thread.
Hi thl04
... The very bad news is that it seems that something changed in the world of Linux since I tried it live some years ago and my HPdesktop is no longer able :( ...
Try TC10 again. When the menu comes up, hit tab and add:
debug text
to the append line. If you get to a command prompt, enter:
dmesg > dmesg.txt
and attach the dmesg.txt file to your next post.
.It says tc-6.x booted earlier in the thread.
Yes , but could'nt hold ... may be due to in-sufficient RAM...
Just guessing this, by his post of Knoppix 3 live was able to work, but latest Knoppix and Ubuntu not loading !
But if Rich's latest suggestion works , may be some clue comes out from dmesg.
Hi thl04
Try TC10 again. When the menu comes up, hit tab and add:
debug text
to the append line. If you get to a command prompt, enter:
dmesg > dmesg.txt
and attach the dmesg.txt file to your next post.
Thanks for your thought but,
I can append, then when I ENTER it still does not boot, still does the KP thing and locks up, no cmd prompt :( catch22
Hi thl04
... I can append, then when I ENTER it still does not boot, still does the KP thing and locks up, no cmd prompt :( catch22
Then try it with this:
debug base
Hi, thl04!
So let's assume that 6.4.1 is working. At least it is able to give us hardware info.
You will need net access to be able to load some extensions. So does your box have wired internet or wireless is the only possibility?
And one little question. Have You got http://tinycorelinux.net/book.html?
Then try it with this:
debug base
another fail to boot with the same Kp.
So let's assume that 6.4.1 is working. At least it is able to give us hardware info.
You will need net access to be able to load some extensions. So does your box have wired internet or wireless is the only possibility?
And one little question. Have You got http://tinycorelinux.net/book.html?
I am not sure it(they) did,
I tried :-
TinyCore-6.4.1.iso & CorePlus-6.4.1.iso
they both give a command prompt, but I thought CP would have booted to a desktop ?
However, yes. lets assume - I'm game for anything :) - I have wired connect to a router wired to LandLine.
I did
debug text
dmesg > dmesg.txt
on CP6.4.1
and LS at the prompt, showed it in a directory NEW that I created
(LS does not show any other file structure)
no way to save it to anywhere, and it was not persistent, it was gone on a subsequent reboot.
I think I have bitten off more than I can chew here lol!
I have both tinycorelinux.pdf and corebook.pdf
Edit Oooops ^^ I meant /new/dmesg.txt
Hi, thl04!
You say you tried both TinyCore and CorePlus, but you don't mention what boot menu entries you tried.
As I can understand every entry drops you to console?
Are You booting from cd or flash drive?
To work further you need to install TinyCore somewhere. In your case i would prefer to install it to (another) flash drive.
So You need to boot to console (tcw boot menu entru?).
Check your inet:
For example on my box i have:
tc@box:~/c/pentix$ ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:2 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:2 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:100 (100.0 B) TX bytes:100 (100.0 B)
wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:309677 errors:0 dropped:47 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:88044 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:429997913 (410.0 MiB) TX bytes:7773079 (7.4 MiB)
Wich means that my wired eth0 controller is out of net (no inet addr) and i am connected via wifi interface wlan0 and my network is
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
Check this to move further
Hi, thl04!
You say you tried both TinyCore and CorePlus, but you don't mention what boot menu entries you tried.
As I can understand every entry drops you to console?
Ah! Good question, I think maybe only the top entry in both.
(I think it was TC10 that I tried all 4, and CP10 that I tried the first 3, all boot fails)
I will have to reflash one of the 6.4.1 and try again to answer correctly, :( sorry.
My feeling is that You have issue wit video hardware, so attempt to choose console aimed entries, without any desktop proposed.
Are You booting from cd or flash drive?
All Tiny operations have been with 16GB USBflash
(the only time I have used CD and DVD have been when I referred to my legacy attempts with Puppy, Knoppix & Mint )
Thanks for your code/instructions, I'll give them serious thought soon when domestic allows !
A thought for now :- this HPdesktop only has CD/DVD ROM, could it be that recent (not my legacy) live persistent linux need to see a RW hardware present , even though it is not used for USBflash ??? If you see what I mean.
CorePlus is absolutely needed if there is no wired internet, as it includes wifi modules and firmware. In Your case TinyCore is sufficient.
A thought for now :- this HPdesktop only has CD/DVD ROM, could it be that recent (not my legacy) live persistent linux need to see a RW hardware present , even though it is not used for USBflash ??? If you see what I mean.
No need for CD/DVD RW, TC can be easily (using prebuilt extension tc-install) installed on flash drive. I use such a drive everywhere, even with different TC versions on it, including 6.4.1. It works on very old motherboards.
TC can be easily (using prebuilt extension tc-install) installed on flash drive. I use such a drive everywhere,
Yes, that is what I expected.
It was just a momentary silly thought !
Of course a lot of modern m/c dont even have optical drives, so any such glitch would have been spotted by now !! silly me.
(Bit of a coincidence that the working usbflash TC10 is on my Dell laptop which does have an RW !)
Hi thl04
... Of course a lot of modern m/c dont even have optical drives, so any such glitch would have been spotted by now !! ...
What is m/c an abbreviation for?
What is m/c an abbreviation for?
Ah, sorry,,,, machine.
So I went to re-flash TC 6.4.1 on my USBstick ready to do the ifconfig test and ,,,
flashed the wrong drive !!
I suppose it was bound to happen sometime :( I had forgotten that I had the SD card from my camera in a reader powered up on a 4-port hub.
It just happened to be 16GB the same as my USBstick :( hence my stupidity.
Only a months worth of pictures evaporated, it could have been worse if it had been the C: eeeek.
However, clouds and silver linings :-
I now have a working TC6.4.1 on an SDcard LOL!
Yep, it booted to a commandline and carried on going to a desktop :)
A pretty desktop with bouncy icons along the bottom , terminal, notepad, etc.
Haha, so now I have to
A) find out what is wrong with my 3 USB sticks that I have been using, they work with RaspberryPi Jessie, but nothing else.
B) get into reading the tinycore book and experimenting with Linux! Yea!
It isnt persistent yet but I will have to learn that bit ,,,,,, tomorrow,,,, it is 1/2past midnight local and I am not touching another thing tonight :) for fear of what else I might damage.
Thanks for all your helps and putting up with me.
So with TC 6.4.1 you have graphics? Great. So you can check inet, install browser and write to forum directly from the working system.
Probably your usb sticks (or the machine's usb ports/controller) are just slow, and for 6.4.1 you'd just need a longer waitusb= timeout.
>>and write to forum directly from the working system.
and Lo! here I am login on 6.4.1 on one of the USBsticks ( not the SDcard anymore, more about that in another post soon) on Chromium via Apps & Cloud. good init :)
>> waitusb= timeout
tried that a while back, the default is 5 and I tried 20 without effect :(
All looking good.
Next on the agenda : see if I can move back to TC10 and get it working with my new-found method.
Pats wrote:
.This may not be actual soln , but since I was in a hurry , I didnt waste time to experiment with the old memcard ! Just my 2cents !
thl0 wrote:
..and Lo! here I am login on 6.4.1 on one of the USBsticks ( not the SDcard anymore, more about that in another post soon..
.. :) :)
When I made the mistake of flashting to the wrong drive, (the SDcard) I had decided to use Etcher to do it.
Till then I had been using core2usb to do the various Tinys. But the RasberryPi PC Desktop Jessie that is working had been done via Etcher.
So, to try again with 6.4.1 on one of the USBsticks where it should have been I chose Etcher again,,,
and it worked ! (see previous post)
But it still doesnt work with CorePlus-current.iso (10.1 for anyone reading this in the future !) to the same USBstick. Very strange :( The experiments continue.
6.4.1 is good for me to get going and learn linux as a refugee from Win***s, but I will also continue to puzzle about these other failures to boot.
I have various other flash cards and sticks that I can try.
I am about to try "h2testw_1.4"
Anyone suggest other software to test usb flash ?
Rather than use core2usb or etcher, it might be better to use the tc-install extension to install tinycore to a usb stick, or failing that, standard linux tools to partition the usb stick and install a boot loader.
it might be better to use the tc-install extension to install tinycore to a usb stick, or failing that, standard linux tools to partition the usb stick and install a boot loader.
Good idea! But first I will have to read up on how to unambiguously identify my HDD in this new language, dont want any more writing mishaps :)
it might be better to use the tc-install extension to install tinycore to a usb stick, or failing that, standard linux tools to partition the usb stick and install a boot loader.
+1 ... if
booting other linux is posable ( esp with / from cd/dvd )
linux tools to partition the usb stick and install a boot loader.
is easy ....
Good idea! But first I will have to read up on how to unambiguously identify my HDD in this new language, dont want any more writing mishaps :)
;) the easy way to avoid problems with disk id is to DISCONNECT any disk you do not have backedup !!!
using partition labels can help make devices less ambiguous more identifiable
it reminds me of a story
the moral of which is something like
check twice; sudo once ;D
accidentally deleted a directory on the wrong server
wiped a folder containing 300GB of live production data that was due to be replicated.
Hello thl04
I have to agree, please disconnect all HDD’s you don’t want to accidentally erase.
Also, I don’t know if you’ve been successful booting off an SDCARD but most PC BIOS/EFI’s don’t support booting from SDCARD. To boot an SDCARD you usually require a USB interface .
By far the best option is to buy a new USB thumb stick.
Good luck
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
successful booting off an SDCARD ,,,,usually require a USB interface .
By far the best option is to buy a new USB thumb stick.
Sadly I was too successful, :( it was in usb card reader in a hub at the time and didnt outabin !
see my post #41 Arrrgghhhh!
So I went to re-flash TC 6.4.1 on my USBstick ready to do the ifconfig test and ,,,
flashed the wrong drive !!
and I did buy 3 new sticks (Sandisk Cruzer Blade) they run RasberryPi Desktop Debian ok but I had a struggle to get TC 6.4.1 running on them, and TC 10.1 doesnt want to run at all on any of them on this computer, but will on another laptop,
so all in all it has been quite a game and I think I must have a hardware problem on this spare HP desktop computer.
The experiments continue.
Hi thl04
... I can append, then when I ENTER it still does not boot, still does the KP thing and locks up, no cmd prompt :( catch22
Let's try something a little more aggressive:
debug text base norestore nolapic noapic acpi=off
Let's try something a little more aggressive:
debug text base norestore nolapic noapic acpi=off
Hi, thanks, did you want me to do that with the 10.1 that hangs on boot with a ",,, reboot in 60sec"
or the 6.4.1 that runs ?
On the 10.1 it does get further ! To a prompt and some 'stuff' :
tc@box:~$ e1000e NIC Link is Up 100Mbps Full Duplex Flow Control : None e1000e 0000 : oo : 19.0 eth0 10/100 speed:disabling TSO
and hangs there with a flashing dash, or underscore?, till I did an 'enter' whereupon it returned me to the tc@ prompt
My bads :
tc@box:~$ e1000e eth0 NIC Link is Up 100Mbps Full Duplex Flow Control : None e1000e 0000 : 00 : 19.0 eth0 10/100 speed:disabling TSO
Hi thl04
Yes, do it with 10.1.
tc@box:~$ e1000e NIC Link is Up 100Mbps Full Duplex Flow Control : None e1000e 0000 : oo : 19.0 eth0 10/100 speed:disabling TSO
and hangs there with a flashing dash, or underscore?, till I did an 'enter' whereupon it returned me to the tc@ prompt
Success, you got to a command prompt which is what we were shooting for. Now try these one at a time to see which one fixed it:
nolapic noapic acpi=off
while keeping these:
debug text base norestore
and hangs there with a flashing dash, or underscore?, till I did an 'enter' whereupon it returned me to the tc@ prompt
Sometimes the console needs an extra carriage return to get its attention.
My bads :
tc@box:~$ e1000e eth0 NIC Link is Up 100Mbps Full Duplex Flow Control : None e1000e 0000 : 00 : 19.0 eth0 10/100 speed:disabling TSO
That's also good. It means your network connection is running.
oh dear, sorry, I have mislead you (us),
in my enthusiasm to try your commands out
(in the middle of cooking the evening meal and other domestics)
I got my sticks confused and that in fact was with the 6.4.1 :(
so I had tabbed and edited before it had a chance to boot :( and show its true self.
However, it did give that stuff and hang whereas without it it would have (should have) proceeded to the graphical desktop.
So, I'll concentrate better later this evening and hopefully give you a true picture with 10.1 assuming that I have not overwritten it somewhere
The real 10.1 result ! :-
No change, still no boot, as in post #29
Hello th104
I am often not sure which version or architecture I booted too. To quickly find out simply enter these commands
uname -r
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good morning all,
uname -r
Thanks, those are good to know.
latest Core version which will boot sucessfully on your box, maybe start with Core 9.0. If it will boot you will be very close to success.
I have continued investigating the archive and I can boot the following :
TinyCore 6.4.1, 7.2, 8.2.1 and, CorePlus 6.4.1, 8.2.1.
I can not boot CorePlus-current, TinyCorePure64-10.1, TinyCore10.1, CorePlus9.0.
I have not investigated what changes were made but for now, for my humble needs, I guess that any of those 6 thro' 8 will be good to go :)
Hi, thl04!
As You can boot successfully TC 6, now is the time to know exactly what is Your hardware. This will help to understand why TC 10 kernel is panicing.
For example, show the optput of
and posting the resulting file "dmesg.txt" in your working dir to the forum.
Maybe a few words on finding the disks mounted. All disks found while system start you can see in
cat /etc/fstab
If You connect some disk, You can run sudo rebuildfstab
and see the changes in /etc/fstab file.
Another way is to load util-linux extension, using Apps or console:
tce-load -wi util-linux
and look at
Some hardware info can be obtained using lspci:
tce-load -wi pci-utils
Ok, i think it will be appropriate to continue with TC 8.
And to be more precise on Your processor
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name"
In general there are a lot of interesting files in /proc directory, You can investigate them using
cat /proc/<somefile>
or install text mode file browser Midnigt Commander
tce-load -wi mc
and posting the resulting file "dmesg.txt" in your working dir to the forum.
Errr, it is a bit big !
As a test I tried to send it as a PM to myself (before I foul-up and clog the forum !)
and got the error message
"The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (20000 characters)."
is that to be expected
and should I still post it here ?
Hi thl04
dmesg > dmesg.txt
Then attach the dmesg.txt file to your next post by clicking Attachments and other options and then the Choose button to
select the file.
That is a good idea! Thanks,
I have topped and tailed it with TC version number for my future reference.
Hi, all topic readers and writers!
Let me say a few words on the thl04's problem with his dc5800 HP Compaq.
According to specs, this box utilizes internal Intel GMA3100 series graphics, it is driven by i915 kernel module.
I conclude, that the issue is graphics-related because with vga=791 screen becomes black during boot, and without this parameter the booter can see kernel messages about kernel panic.
And let's take into consideration that problem is absent for 4.8.17 and present for 4.14.10 and 4.19.10 kernels.
So I've done
tc@box:/tmp$ diff config-4.8.17-tinycore config-4.14.10-tinycore | grep -i i915
-# CONFIG_DRM_I915_GVT is not set
# drm/i915 Debugging
# CONFIG_DRM_I915_WERROR is not set
# CONFIG_DRM_I915_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I915_SELFTEST is not set
tc@box:/tmp$ diff config-4.8.17-tinycore config-4.19.10-tinycore | grep -i i915
-# CONFIG_DRM_I915_GVT is not set
# drm/i915 Debugging
# CONFIG_DRM_I915_WERROR is not set
# CONFIG_DRM_I915_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I915_DEBUG_GUC is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I915_SELFTEST is not set
So working kernel and not working ones differ in
The other cause may be that i915 module changed after 4.8.17.
If it was not changed, then thl04 needs to recompile the 4.19.10 kernel, and seems that it would be a little hard for him.
How can we know, was i915 module changed since 4.8.17?
Or maybe firmware-i915 can in some way help?
He also reported many other distros with recent kernels fail, so it's very unlikely it's those two options.
Debian Stretch with Raspberry Pi Desktop
The Raspberry Pi Desktop OS for PC and Mac - based on Debian Stretch
Version:April 2019
Release date:2019-04-11
Kernel version:4.9
Not very recent kernel version for 2019 year.
I haven't found config of their kernel.
it would be a little hard for him.
Just a little above my pay grade at the moment* :) but watching with interest. Thanks for investigating, all very interesting.
[OT *the last time I did any compiling was with TCC when Kernighan & Ritchie were still in short trousers LOL! /OT]
He also reported many other distros with recent kernels fail,
Yes, very curious, I'll have another look at them later. Later because my three USBsticks are
(A) Raspberry (<-I think they have not udated the PC desktop since 2016)
(B) CP8.2.1
both working so I will keep them untouched,
and (C) corrupted and unwritable ! :( dont know what I did to it but I need more sticks now before I can experiment further !
I did some gooling on " i915 " and there were quite a few hits - including Kernel failures I think, but all from a few years ago and I didnt understand. ( My brain is still too full of Win***s and needs a defrag I think :) )
[OT *the last time I did any compiling was with TCC when Kernighan & Ritchie were still in short trousers LOL! /OT]
TurboC ? 2.0 was my first C.
TurboC ?
Tiny C Compiler.
Turbo was Borland I think ?* which was big and too expensive and I like small and free,,,guess why I am here :)
My ref to K&R was muddled by the mists of time and dyslexia ! I should have said PCC in that connection - there were two in those days : Portable C Compiler and Personal C Compiler I think.
Unbelievable - pcc started in 70ties, latest release - 2014-12-10!
" About 50% of the frontend code and 80% of the backend code has been modified." So the rest are working for near a half of a century?
From the mailing list:
2. 2019-05-17 [3] [Pcc] Porting pcc to arm/linux for Raspberry Pi pcc-list Pitr Kaye
Time to think on extension for TinyCore!
Unbelievable - pcc started in 70ties,
are working for near a half of a century?
Gosh ! Déjà vu or what !! Raised from the dead :) thanks for the heads-up.
I dont go quite that far back ! Just to DOS on a 286 a year or two before Windows3.11 was inflicted on introduced to the world.
Back to topic :-
He also reported many other distros with recent kernels fail, options.
Yes, the latest Mint was one of them that failed.
I have just tried a Mint from 2015 and that boots ok,
( in fact I was using it to torrent (Transmission) an older Ubuntu, all was going well until it ran out of disk space with 65MB to go in the 2.08 GB iso ! grrr )
So, we seem to have determined that it is not a TinyCore problem -it is more widespread.
so this isnt really on topic any more is it :)
Not sure what to do next, one of the famous attributes of Linux is its ability to run on older systems :(
And its ability to make small USB recovery drives ( to rescue Win**s et al !) perhaps I should go looking at those ?
Surely I can not be the only one in the world to have an old PC that isnt now supported ? !
Thanks to you all for sorting me out, at least I can run some Linux and have not (yet ! ) run away tearing my hair out, lol!
Hi thl04
Googling for:
kernel panic hp compaq dc5800
suggests you need a BIOS update due to a kernel regression that occurred somewhere around 4.13 or 4.14
This bug report shows several people with your hardware experiencing the same problem and solving it with a BIOS update:
The bug report also links to:
which provides a DOS Flash.zip file and instructions for updating your BIOS.
Hi thl04
... The bug report also links to:
which provides a DOS Flash.zip file and instructions for updating your BIOS.
Or you can try finding what you need at the HP website to update your BIOS to version 1.60.
suggests you need a BIOS update due to a kernel regression that occurred somewhere around 4.13 or 4.14
which provides a DOS Flash.zip file and instructions for updating your BIOS.
Thanks Rich, nice find !
Hi, Rich!
Interesting and somewhat unpleasant information on the kernel regressions. Hope that your advice will help thl04.
Ducking the kernel regressions information, i met one topic on arch bbs, discussing some bug around 4.13 kernel concerning input-output specific MMU operation. Guys fight the issue booting with intel_iommu=off parameter. From your point of view can it be usefull for thl04 trouble healing?
Hi jazzbiker
... Guys fight the issue booting with intel_iommu=off parameter. From your point of view can it be usefull for thl04 trouble healing?
It's hard to say. I haven't seen anything that nails down the exact nature of the problem. I read that someone got rid of the kernel
panic with the acpi=off nolapic noapic boot codes. I had suggest that to thl04 several days ago but it didn't work for him. I think
someone else said just using acpi=off fixed it for them. The dmesg from the 4.8 kernel shows this:
PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug
ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (domain 0000 [bus 00-ff])
acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC: OS supports [ExtendedConfig ASPM ClockPM Segments MSI]
ACPI BIOS Error (bug): \_SB.PCI0._OSC: Excess arguments - ASL declared 5, ACPI requires 4 (20160422/nsarguments-189)
ACPI Error: [CAPD] Namespace lookup failure, AE_ALREADY_EXISTS (20160422/dsfield-211)
ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed [\_SB.PCI0._OSC] (Node f4c1dc30), AE_ALREADY_EXISTS (20160422/psparse-542)
acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC failed (AE_ALREADY_EXISTS); disabling ASPM
acpi PNP0A08:00: [Firmware Info]: MMCONFIG for domain 0000 [bus 00-3f] only partially covers this bridge
It's possible the later kernels are less tolerant of these errors.