Tiny Core Linux

Tiny Core Extensions => TCE Talk => Topic started by: rhermsen on January 20, 2018, 06:16:36 AM

Title: 4 newly added extensions not visible in 'Apps' GUI
Post by: rhermsen on January 20, 2018, 06:16:36 AM
Hello All,

4 (+ 4 -doc) extensions that I submitted, and got added to the repo (see [1]), are not visible in the 'Apps' GUI.
They can be installed fine using cli with 'tce-load'.
These are x86 extensions for TCL 8.x

Can someone verify if you observe the same behavior?

The things I checked so far:
- With tce-load I can download and install them just fine.
- With wget I can download the files.
- The last extension that was uploaded [1] 'Hack-font.tcz' shows up fine in the Apps GUI.
- Another extension I submitted 'tree' does show in the Apps GUI.
- I do see the list of missing extensions in '/mnt/vda1/tce/optional/info.lst'.
- There is another ~similar named extension 'perl_xml_parser.tcz' which does show up in the Apps GUI.
- All other extensions with capitals in the name (cat info.lst | grep [A-Z]) show up normally in the Apps GUI.

Did I use a reserved keyword in the name causing these extensions not to show in the Apps GUI?

The list of extensions not showing in Apps:
Code: [Select]
- perl_XML-LibXML-doc.tcz
- perl_XML-LibXML.tcz
- perl_XML-NamespaceSupport-doc.tcz
- perl_XML-NamespaceSupport.tcz
- perl_XML-SAX-Base-doc.tcz
- perl_XML-SAX-Base.tcz
- perl_XML-SAX-doc.tcz
- perl_XML-SAX.tcz

Applicable links for the files:
Code: [Select]




[1] http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/8.x/x86/tcz/updates/updatelist.txt

Title: Re: 4 newly added extensions not visible in 'Apps' GUI
Post by: curaga on January 20, 2018, 02:01:31 PM
I see them?
Title: Re: 4 newly added extensions not visible in 'Apps' GUI
Post by: Rich on January 20, 2018, 02:12:33 PM
Hi rhermsen
4 (+ 4 -doc) extensions that I submitted, and got added to the repo (see [1]), are not visible in the 'Apps' GUI.
[1] newbielink:http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/8.x/x86/tcz/updates/updatelist.txt [nonactive]
It takes a day or so from the time an extension shows up at  http://www.tinycorelinux.net/  until it propagates to any mirror sites.
Title: Re: 4 newly added extensions not visible in 'Apps' GUI
Post by: rhermsen on January 20, 2018, 07:27:48 PM
Hi Rich, curaga,

Than it must be something at my end, but no idea what yet.
The extensions where already added to the repo about a week ago.

I'm running the same version:
$ version

I'm running TCL as a nested-VM under EVE-NG (http://www.eve-ng.net/).
But don't really get how this would change the behavior.
I'm running the x86 cdrom with a 10GB disk-image, and all my settings are normally saved.
It looks just as if the last added extensions might not show up in Apps.
I submitted two other extensions, so hopefully I get a better understanding what is wrong once these are available on the repo.

Search result with 'perl':
(link to image: https://imgur.com/7efLJlD)
Search result with 'xml':
(link to image: https://imgur.com/gQSvhxw)
Title: Re: 4 newly added extensions not visible in 'Apps' GUI
Post by: Rich on January 20, 2018, 08:12:47 PM
Hi rhermsen
Well, the images you posted show you are accessing the repo and not a mirror, so I'm not sure why your extensions
are not showing up.
Title: Re: 4 newly added extensions not visible in 'Apps' GUI
Post by: rhermsen on January 20, 2018, 08:16:44 PM
Update of my previous post:
without a search 'filter', the extensions do show in the left-explorer window, only not if I use a search term.

Curaga, do the extensions still show if you search for 'perl' or 'xml'?
Title: Re: 4 newly added extensions not visible in 'Apps' GUI
Post by: curaga on January 21, 2018, 04:07:50 AM
Yeah, not visible in search. I see it's because your info files are missing the Tags field.
Title: Re: 4 newly added extensions not visible in 'Apps' GUI
Post by: rhermsen on January 21, 2018, 06:41:12 AM
Hi curaga,

Thanks for identifying my mistake!

I found this missing just after I submitted the extensions, and already have my templates updated including tags.
Title: Re: 4 newly added extensions not visible in 'Apps' GUI
Post by: Juanito on January 21, 2018, 06:45:24 AM
tags added to *info files
Title: Re: 4 newly added extensions not visible in 'Apps' GUI
Post by: rhermsen on January 21, 2018, 08:17:59 AM
Thanks Juanito,

Confirm now Apps shows the filtered results as expected.

Sorry for the extra effort needed...