Tiny Core Linux
Tiny Core Extensions => TCE Talk => Topic started by: deeepdish on March 15, 2017, 10:38:50 PM
I successfully booted Core 7.2 using PXE, however an unable to automatically install TCEs at boot via on boot.lst.
I've created my own cpio.gz with all modules listed under tmp/tce/optional .. I have a tmp/tce/onboot.lst.
I've tried the following PXE config, with and without the APPEND line.
I can load any module successfully by manually running tce-load -i (mod name) . eg. tce-load -i bash
LABEL Media Installer
KERNEL images/tinycorelinux/7.2/x86/vmlinuz
INITRD images/tinycorelinux/7.2/x86/core.gz,images/tinycorelinux/7.2/x86/custom.gz
APPEND pretce showapps
Use an nfs tce directory as described in http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:netbooting
You can also pass the name of a http server and file with the extensions to load via httplist on the boot cmdline. I use lighttpd for this.
True, but httplist does not automatically resolve dependencies. You have to include them all in the list.
NFS is cleaner because it works just like a hard drive installation. You just install from the cloud to the nfs based tce directory using the standard "apps" or "tce" programs and they are there on the next boot.
Doesn't NFS require the nfs-utils package? I'm using the 11MB core. I'm trying to keep things simple and contained.. Given chain loading INITRDs is possible using pxelinux ( and it works - e.g. INITRD images/tinycorelinux/7.2/x86/core.gz,images/tinycorelinux/7.2/x86/custom.gz), The part of the init scripts that doesn't seem to work is enumerating onboot.lst.
Is there something I'm doing wong? Docs state to structure the directory structure as tce/onboot.lst and tce/optional/(packages).
I had a look at the tc-config script and all I could see TCEDIR="/tmp/tce" and TCEOPT="/tmp/tce/optional".
Looks like the scrips access the mounted INITRD via /etc/sysconfig/tcedir -- all of which are accessible. Just onboot.lst isn't loading at boot time.
/tmp/tce is the default directory in RAM, but it's not checked at boot as it's assumed empty. The dir that is intended for this is /tmp/builtin.
That worked! thanks for your help!