Tiny Core Linux

Tiny Core Base => Raspberry Pi => Topic started by: lykkedk on November 01, 2016, 02:14:50 PM

Title: Am i lost?
Post by: lykkedk on November 01, 2016, 02:14:50 PM
 :) Hi here... long time since i wrote something here last.

Well, i just recieved a new PI B+, and placed the Picore8 (newest stable) on my uSD card, and booted etc...

After installing nano editor, i was surprised seeing this ::

tc@box:/mnt/mmcblk0p1$ nano
Error opening terminal: xterm-256color.

Is this version supposed to run on a screen, and not by default headless ?

I have been surfing around the forums here, but limited information is to find i think ?

Anybody care to explain a bit?

Title: Re: Am i lost?
Post by: bmarkus on November 01, 2016, 02:17:59 PM
Connecting with putty from a WIN10 machine via SSH opens fine here as expected.
Title: Re: Am i lost?
Post by: lykkedk on November 01, 2016, 02:22:42 PM
Connecting with putty from a WIN10 machine via SSH opens fine here as expected.

I connect fine from my Linux-laptop with SSH; no problem...
But when i execute nano, it does not execute, but giving me the error instead!


Title: Re: Am i lost?
Post by: bmarkus on November 01, 2016, 02:34:16 PM
Is it a remote X connection?
Title: Re: Am i lost?
Post by: lykkedk on November 01, 2016, 02:40:50 PM
Is it a remote X connection?


Installing : ncurses-terminfo.tcz didi the trick ? - So nano is working now!

Maybee the nano.tcz, should call in this? Otherwise it does not work i think?

Title: Re: Am i lost?
Post by: Paul_123 on November 01, 2016, 05:26:04 PM
Connections using Putty will work fine, from both Linux and Windows environments.

Opening a Terminal window in Linux, and then using ssh to open the connection to a rpi will yield that error.
Title: Re: Am i lost?
Post by: bmarkus on November 02, 2016, 05:16:38 AM
Thanks for reporting, ncurses-terminfo.tcz added to nano dep list.
Title: Re: Am i lost?
Post by: Misalf on November 25, 2016, 01:26:05 PM
I'm in the Raspberry Pi gang as well now. Got a RPi3 today.

I used URxvt to ssh into it and got an error message when attempting to run  nano  or  mc .
Code: [Select]
Error opening terminal: rxvt-unicode.

However,  rxvt-unicode  is not provided by  ncurses-terminfo.tcz .

I had to copy
from a Debian install to the RPi and added it to backup.
Title: Re: Am i lost?
Post by: bmarkus on November 27, 2016, 03:07:26 AM

However,  rxvt-unicode  is not provided by  ncurses-terminfo.tcz .

See http://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ncurses-urxvt.html