Tiny Core Linux
dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions => dCore X86 => Release => Topic started by: Jason W on December 25, 2014, 04:30:52 PM
I think one thread is a good place to announce updates to the dCore x86 ports since they all get the same changes each time, there is really no need ot have to say the same thing 4 times.
A bug in importsce options has been fixed, as well as the use of a blocked packages list. The list is found at /tmp/PKGEXCLUDELIST. It is only downloaded if there is not already one in place, so the list can be edited and backed up in the case that one wants to test blocked packages. If a package has a blocked package as one of it's dependencies, the blocked package will not be imported and a warning is issued giving an option to cancel or proceed anyway.
The files in release candidates have also been updated with this fix.
To start with, wicd, gnome, kde, and unity are blocked since they do not work 'out of the box' and no fix has been found.
hi jason,
the last cut shows some problems for me... perhaps there are some misunderstandings, too!?
what do you think about that following commands?
do i use them in the right way?
updatesce -c -a
should show all update-able packages?
in the last week i had the feeling that sometimes some updates were not reported,
for such a long time no updates were requested...
now i think that more packages are reported than need updates (i didn't proof that yet)
importsce -s -d -u <package-name>
-u should update the debinx files,
but i get the message that in my tce-directory this file is missing.
tc@box:~$ importsce -s -d -u alltray
Using the -d option.
Using the -s option.
Using the -u option.
#################### 100.0% 35.5 kBps DONE
verifying download...checksum matches OK
used 10725376 local, fetched 0
Using the repo http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian debian jessie main
grep: /mnt/sdb2/tce/debinx*: No such file or directory
Do you want to import alltray? (y/N):
with the last cut the importsce breaks without any merging...
with the older cut my command line gives me following reply and i have to call the package-name a second time...
importsce -s -d -u <package-name>
Using the -d option.
Using the -s option.
Using the -u option.
basename: option requires an argument -- 's'
Try 'basename --help' for more information.
Enter starting characters of package sought:
after entering the package-name a second time the merging works.
thank you for your help and all your hints.
As far as updates, Jessie is seeing a flurry of package updates this near to release. Updatesce depends on our server syncing the Packages files, and that is run about once a day. If I miss a day, then 2 days will go my and nothing available to update. But normally, it is synced at least once a day, sometimes several times since any file changes on our server will mean running a sync.
The issue you saw will alltray was a critical bug introduced in the latest release.
the grep "file not found" command is purely cosmetic.
I have fixed both along with armv7 support added in, and since there was a critical bug I have updated all the dCore x86 ports in release and release_candidates.
hi jason,
thank you for your reply, i've downloaded and use your last cut.
something is difficult to understand for me:
i checked my system with
updatesce -c -a
and the report told me that a couple of packages need an update.
after a flawless update and a reboot with this updated packages,
the following update-check reports the same packages that they need an update.
is this the common behavior of updatesce?
thank you for your help.
I will look into it, thanks.
Please specify the packages so I can help test.
tc@box:~$ updatesce -c -a
#################### 100.0% 15.7 kBps DONE
verifying download...checksum matches OK
used 10725376 local, fetched 0
Using the repo http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian debian jessie main
Searching for availbe updates for chosen SCEs.
Do you want to review the list of packages that have updates available?
Enter y to view and q to exit reading the package list. (y/N):
SCE: 000-base-jessie
Available package updates:
libhogweed2 debian jessie main
libnettle4 debian jessie main
tzdata debian jessie main
SCE: 100-desktop-jessie
Available package updates:
libjasper1 debian jessie main
libllvm3.5 debian jessie main
SCE: 200-multimedia-jessie
Available package updates:
SCE: libreoffice
Available package updates:
tzdata-java debian jessie main
SCE: vbox
Available package updates:
after an update the same update-requests remain :(
hi jason,
has this topic something to do with a sync on a regular basis?
everything is in sync now.
now after a couple of hours:
SCE: 000-base-jessie
Available package updates:
SCE: 100-desktop-jessie
Available package updates:
SCE: 200-multimedia-jessie
Available package updates:
thank you for all your help and commitment.
If an SCE is loaded and an update on it is run, another update without rebooting will show the same available updates as the last. A reboot should then load the updated SCE and show no available updates.
I thought I would mention in case that was the case.
hi jason,
i guess the problem is solved in the last cut.
before the update-requests remained even after a reboot and a successful updated sce.
thank you for your help.
Updated the x86 dCore ports per the latest changes made in release candidates.
Updated the release cuts of the x86 dCore ports to the latest stable release candidate. Refer to the release candidate thread for actual changes.
Also, ub-dCore-utopic.gz is released, and it has the 3.16.6 kernel. After a time period of a released 3.16.6, dCore-jessie will move to this kernel as well.
sounds exciting!
keep on hacking :)
hi jason,
this cut is so stable, so flawless that it's a dream, a really stable basement...
... on the other side it's sooo boring stable ;-)
i'm looking forward testing new cuts!
do you give us new material, especially the new kernel that you announced recently for the ubuntu-line?
thank you for your great work and commitment.
I have good news, look in release_candidates, hopefully at least something has been broken (until it is moved to release, that is).
Kernel I am waiting to have Virtualbox modules built, hopefully soon.
The x86 dCore ports have been updated to the current release candidate.
hi jason,
heavy testing and i did not notice any bug.
great work!
... but you know, sometimes bugfree stable software is not very exciting and can be really boring ;-)
so i'm looking forward for the new kernel.
keep on hacking.
only something cosmetic, there is a typo:
tc@box:~$ updatesce -c -a
Searching for ###availbe### updates for chosen SCEs.
Ok, I will correct. Thanks.
dCore x86 ports have been updated with the same release in release and release_candidates as this typo fix should require no testing or potential breakage.
hi jason,
the last cut is so stable, stable, stable...
never mind, but it's a kind of boring!
... i could need some more testing material ;-)
thank you for your great work.
x86 dCore ports have been updated to the latest release candidate. Changes include:
3.16.6 kernel
update-alternatives bugfix in base.
Renaming of the SCE tools to fit TCE standard.
Please remember to use the new vmlinuz image available. Also, it is best to import the needed 3.16.6 kernel modules before updating the base.
Hi Jason,
This is only to say you that the migration to 3.16.6 with the update of my base.sce was flawless.
- First changing the base.sce.lst with the respective 3.16.6 versions files and then updating this base.sce
- Continuing with changing to the new ub-dCore-trusty.gz and wmlinuz-trusty 3.16.6 versions in the boot directory
- Rebooting... and... voila!.
Tomorrow I update all the rest .sce who have the base.sce as dependency
Thanks for your work!
hi jason,
the kernel-update seems to be so bug-less that we could start to look to more or less cosmetic details ;-)
never mind, but in the panel there is still the starter for importsce that is broken.
thank you for your work.
I am glad to hear the kernel upgrade is simple and working as expected.
Oh, I see the importsce menu item. I will fix that.
Xprogs contained the broken desktop menu entry, fixed now.
Minor bugfix release, all x86 dCore ports updated. Refer to git changelog for details.
Hi Jason,
in the new cut there is persistence of "loadsce" not "sce-load" in /usr/bin/ondemand line 99
if [ "$EXECITEM" ]; then
if [ ! -e /tmp/tcloop/"$APPNAME" ] && ! grep ^"$APPNAME": /tmp/.debinstalled > /dev/null 2>&1; then
(trusty version)
Thanks, fixed for ub-dCore-trusty, ub-dCore-utopic, and dCore-jessie.
A new bugvis release for the sce-update bug as well as one in debGetEnv that did not delete unnused debinx.* friles from extra repos that are no longer referenced in /opt/debextra.
All dCore x86 ports updated.
Minor bugfix when only one /opt/debextra file exists. All x86 dCore ports updated.
/bin/lsmod busybox symlink was misspelled, now corrected. All dCore x86 ports updated.
Bugfix when sce-remove is exited, removed confirmation of blocked packages when "sce-import -n" is called.
dCore x86 ports updated.
Bugfix in sce-remove.
dCore x86 ports updated.
Another bugfix in sce-remove. All x86 dCore ports updated.
Added the creation of a missing /opt/.filetool.lst and the creating it's own entry if blank.
All x86 dCore ports updated.
Updatd with the "-c" option of sce-import. Returns an exhaustive list of packages that contain any of the entered phrase.
All x86 dCore ports updated.
Uploaded new cut adding the -r option to sce-update to pass the unpack in RAM option to sce-import.
All x86 dCore ports updated.
New utility - sce-debpurge, removes stale Debian and dCore packages in the import/debs directory.
All x86 dCore ports updated.
hi jason,
sce-purge - great new feature, works fine for me.
i really appreciate your work, thank you.
hi jason,
you told us that sce-debpurge can remove not only .deb packages,
but also tar.gz prebuilt ones, and -data.tar.gz data files.
perhaps it could make sense to name your tool sce-purge?
thank you for your work
But it doesn't remove SCEs. :-) Only packages that make them. I can't think of another name for it, as >98% of what it deals with are .debs.
yes, you're right :-)
Uploaded a new cut, sce-debpurge now does not ask for confirmation and also just echoes removed files.
All x86 dCore ports updated.
Changed remaining references of loadsce to sce-load in /etc/init.d/tc-config.
All x86 release dCore ports updated.
I downloaded http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/x86/release/ub-dCore-trusty/ub-dCore-trusty.gz yesterday and sce-debpurge is not available. Am I overlooking something?
Apparently it was overlooked when I was repacking the base images. I will look into it tonight.
I just downloaded http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/x86/release/ub-dCore-trusty/ub-dCore-trusty.gz and I haven't uploaded any changes since you downloaded it. I see that it has /usr/bin/sce-debpurge.
Many thanks for double-checking! I must admit that I did overlooked something obvious, indeed, as I just found out. Short story: I re-booted the machine and -- ta-taa -- there was a shiny new sce-debpurge.
Long story (to keep those entertained that still are reading): I had been so fond of my shiny new suspend and hibernate buttons (http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:migrating_from_flwm_to_lxde#menu_entries_and_panel_buttons_for_suspending_to_ram_or_disk) that I completely forgot to really re-boot into the new initrd.
Sorry for the noise and thanks again for your support! BTW, I have not only been busy suspending on and off but have a final bulk of writing for the wiki about handling extensions in the works.
The dCore x86 ports are updated to support the use of the /cde directory on an ISO image. Details are in this thread:
All dCore x86 ports have been updated to remove a couple of unneeded confirmations during sce-import.
All dCore x86 ports have been updated with a cosmetic fix during booting in the case of nonexistent /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/update directory.
All x86 dCore ports in release candidates have been moved to release. Review the forum or the git changelog for details.
All x86 dCore ports in release have been updated in release regarding the gdk-pixbuf and gtk2 and gtk3 immodule loading. Review the forum or the git changelog for details.
All dCore ports have been updated with a slight change in /etc/skel/.profile to allow for Xvesa. A small change and no need to not udate release.
All dCore x86 ports have been updated to the latest release candidate changes.
Moved the release cahdidate ports to release as there have been no bug reports.
dCore-wily is now in release. It is still in testing in Ubuntu package wise, but as for the dCore structure it is as stable as the others.
Updated to fix the su command, small change. All dCore x86 ports updated.
Help menu and other enhancements per nitram.
Current release candidates have been copied to release.
Current release candidate is now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidate is now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidate is now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Permissions fix in base files.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
the latest release of dCore-trusty is the same as one before.
and md5sum: 3f564200d237da42411e3a29924db2d1 dCore-trusty.gz
tc@dC-tr-ordjd:~$ version -c
System using dCore-trusty:2016., the latest release.
Is this OK?
It appears there has not been an RC update since last release, I should have announced the addition of the dCorePlus-trusty, dCorePlus-wheezy, and dCorePlus-xenial ISOs instead. Thanks.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.
Current release candidates are now moved to release. See git change log for details.