Tiny Core Linux
Tiny Core Base => TCB Talk => Topic started by: floppy on February 09, 2013, 03:05:22 PM
Few advices would be appreciated.
Xavier a member here, has such a PC and I will translate him the result (in french).
I was thinking about
- start TC in text modus
- make a 64MB on the HDD (rest ext4) with fdisk
- start tc with vesa
- jwm, no wbar, links or minefield as a browser
comments/remarks are appreciated
With such a small disk, I wouldn't divide the data partitions - just one for data (ext4) and one for swap.
hi Floppy,
it is good to see somebody installing TC with as low as 64 MByte RAM. Use a TinyCoreCD (not CorePlus) with the boot option noswap and download gparted.tcz .
(I assume you just have tried this)
Probably you will not need ntfsprogs.tcz to re-partition it. You need a SWAP of twice the RAM: 128 MByte, the rest of the HDD format with FAT32.
Reboot TinyCore and omit noswap. Now download TC_Install.tcz and try
- Frugal
- On an existing partition
- hda1 or hda2 depending on what you formatted SWAP -
- Mark Partition Active
- Install Boot Loader
- no formatting, use existing
- none from BootOptions Reference List
- Core and X/GUI Desktop (if it works, if not, Core Only)
- wireless probably not needed
- Non-US-keyboard layout
Adjust vesa and setup the keyboard of your choice and reboot.
After rebooting download jwm.tcz and whatever will match into RAM.
Would be fine to read whether this worked.
Hi floppy
You might also want to consider the nozswap boot code. This should leave a little more RAM available for your apps.
With only 64M of RAM, you should put home and opt on the hard disk and remove them from .filetool.lst.
Hi floppy
In addition to gerald_clarks suggestion, stick to an EXT file system to preserve ownerships and permissions.