Tiny Core Linux
Tiny Core Extensions => TCE Q&A Forum => Topic started by: aus9 on October 31, 2012, 09:42:43 PM
AFAIK I can't easily find a way to tell what packages use libportaudio so feel free to tell me how to do that please.
2) anyone using this as a dependency package?
(I think its highly unlikely but I am not an expert) Its not a depend of the devs for alsa or PA
if not, I may take over package but rename it
portaudio-dev as the current contents appear to be dev file structure
and we already have a number of packages that convert sound including sox, ffmpeg so I don't intend to build the actual portaudio, just the dev package, if maintainer agrees
thanks for reading
AFAIK I can't easily find a way to tell what packages use libportaudio so feel free to tell me how to do that please.
if not, I may take over package but rename
portaudio-dev as the current contents appear to be dev file structure
Ideally it should be two packages:
..and portaudio-dev.tcz
and we already have a number of packages that convert sound including sox, ffmpeg so I don't intend to build the actual portaudio, just the dev package, if maintainer agrees
Doing this would break the extensions at the top of the post - they need usr/local/lib/libportaudio.so* to be present
Juanito (the following assumes I might be the next maintainer )
1) How did you get that list please?
2) I prefer 2 packages versus the original combined package.... 2 reasons
i) each package become tiny and most won't need the dev files
ii) People hearing of portaudio are more likely to look for that and not libportaudio?
b) won't 2 packages mean that I can submit a new dep file for each affected tcz?
c) and pm each maintainer what I have done for their future builds?
3) if I was to maintain, should I cull this list of dev files to just the basic one? (new build not submitted yet)
or is it better to leave them in case the other tczs can use additional features?
1) How did you get that list please?
$ grep -l 'libportaudio' *dep
..but this requires access to the repo - I don't believe "normal" users have a means to achieve the same objective.
2) I prefer 2 packages versus the original combined package.... 2 reasons
i) each package become tiny and most won't need the dev files
ii) People hearing of portaudio are more likely to look for that and not libportaudio?
By two packages, I take it you mean (lib)portaudio (todays extension without dev files) and (lib)portaudio-dev (only the dev files)? IMHO it's better to keep the same name as the source if possible/practical.
b) won't 2 packages mean that I can submit a new dep file for each affected tcz?
c) and pm each maintainer what I have done for their future builds?
If you send JasonW a pm once/if you submit, he can correct the dep files to suit (or you can post in this thread once submitted and I can correct).
or is it better to leave them in case the other tczs can use additional features?
IMHO it's better to keep the same name as the source if possible/practical.
the tarball unpacks and renames itself portaudio and not libportaudio
offtopic, the TC maintainer, mcewanw is also the maintainer of espeak
hopefully my last question on this one, for portaudio not the dev file
Firstly compile works and files are good.
I unpacked some other lib*.tcz files and I can't see any post script for installing.
The compile message refers to ldconfig so I was thinking of making tce.installed script something like
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
sudo /sbin/ldconfig
Do you think I need it and if so, have I got it right please?
No need.
tc@box:~$ grep ldconfig `which tce-load`
sudo /sbin/ldconfig 2>/dev/null
ahh that explains why I couldn't see any.
and why the dev team are smarter than me eh.
Thanks for advice
I think we don't have to overcomplicate the issue, we already had a libportaudio.tcz being an ancient build, the new one doesn't change anything to major/minor versions, so upgrade will be smooth. As for the name of the package I'm not really convinced about leaving it named like the original source, especially for libraries it would be "easier" if you would know that libportaudio.so is in libportaudio.tcz and libcurl.so is in libcurl.tcz e.g. But since we're not following that rule at all and we have maybe 50/50 mixture of names, I feel it doesn't make much difference either way now for libportaudio.tcz and we might as well keep it named like that.
but sending another pm