Tiny Core Linux
Tiny Core Extensions => TCE Talk => Extension requests => Topic started by: _blue4meridian on February 23, 2012, 01:45:51 PM
ndisgtk (@http://jak-linux.org/projects/ndisgtk/) is a gtk frontend for ndiswrapper which is in the repository. This could be an interesting alternative.
Whilst I don't want to stop a keen (potential) extension maintainer in his tracks I wonder whether a GUI on top of 'ndiswrapper.tcz' is really that helpful. In my experience this extension is required when users are having problems to get their wireless device to work.
Frequently those users don't have network access via ethernet. So adding the need to download a GUI extension plus all it's dependencies might rather increase their problems instead of lessen them. All this to "save" them from having to enter a few commands (that are spelt out in the *.info file) might not really be in the users best interest.
Well, but that is just my 2 cents from the "anti-bloat" side of this possible argument ...
This could be an interesting alternative.
For what?
I do not see any practical use of such extension. Ndiswrapper is a device driver, a shot and forget type. Once it works, you can forget.
One more thing. Please read quoted WEB page:
"Development of ndisgtk has stopped." Latest version is more than 2 years old.
That may well be the case... but that still hasn't stopped other light distros (eg. Puppy, Slitaz) from using frontends for ndiswrapper. Since one mans bloat is another mans user friendly, why not let the user decide the question, "to bloat or not to bloat". I thought this was a toolkit... as in choose your own poison. The issue of bloat has not stopped the repository from including Ecomorph (a beta testing headache on old equipment) so why is this "idea" taboo. Is the problem a bloated remaster or a bloated repository? If someone might be willing to make the extension, when posted the resulting downloads would decide the merit. Also... is it being implied that suspension of a project is a deal breaker?
The problem is that without a network connection, you cannot download the frontend to setup the network connection.
Hi _blue4meridian
I didn't see anyone saying it was taboo. All I read was some members voicing their opinions and raising some
questions on the practicality of that extension. To the best of my knowledge, there are no restrictions on the
size of extensions submitted to the repository. You can however be certain that size is taken into consideration
when deciding what gets added to the CorePlus ISO. As far as deciding merit based on downloads, I don't
think number of downloads are tracked.
Although, it is not being said it's taboo, the critique doesn't suggest it's been done already either. In reference to the repository, I was referring to the size of the repository not the submissions. If merit cannot be implied by downloads from this repository... then perhaps merit is implied by popular inclusion in other small distro repositories. In addition... as far as my own approach to extensions I've done all my downloads to usb stick by wifi and ethernet @ the public library, later adding the extensions to the same stick created by the multicore live disk.
Hi _blue4meridian
the critique doesn't suggest it's been done already either.
???? If it had been done, you wouldn't have posted an extension request. At any rate, whether an extension gets
built is not decided by merit, rather by whether someone takes an interest in building it.
Also... is it being implied that suspension of a project is a deal breaker?
It increases the chances that the project may not compile and/or work.
I'll echo what Rich said.
"Done" as in other distros. As for merit... dialogue (both pro and con) examines merit (or lack thereof) which "might" (as in "nothing ventured nothing gained") justify and/or generate interest in the creation of an extension.
Why dont you make an extension if you need it? It is good motivation to start learning. WiKI and Forum is a good source how to do that and for sure you get help when stucked. Do not wait others to build if they are not interested. Most of the contributed extensions are built by its creator because it was not in the repo. beleave me, it is a fun to make an extension and requires less time than talking about.
I agree... my requests are to avoid redundancy. I' wait and see and then tackle it myself if that's the only game in town.
You will need to consider how you are going to copy in the windows driver when the CD is already in use by coreplus.
I guess I haven't given much though to a Live CD solution. Perhaps a session only PE style ramdisk approach?
Perhaps copy the windows driver to a thumb drive first?
WHy? Isn't already on the terget machine, expecting installed WINDOWS which is most likely the case? Just mount /dev/sda1
I was not expecting an installed windows.
The only use for ndiswrapper is to use windows drivers when there is no Linux driver.
That in no way suggests any desire to run windows.
My experiences with windows drivers under Linux have been less than satisfactory.
I was not expecting an installed windows.
The only use for ndiswrapper is to use windows drivers when there is no Linux driver.
That in no way suggests any desire to run windows.
My experiences with windows drivers under Linux have been less than satisfactory.
Few years ago I used ndiswrapper on my Windows Vista notebook when WiFi chipset was not supported. I alternatively booted SLAX from USB and used ndiswrapper. It is a realistic scenary for sure in the beginning when someone is playing with LINUX but do not want to put it production.
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let it live :)