Tiny Core Linux
Tiny Core Extensions => TCE Talk => Topic started by: remus on November 16, 2011, 07:37:19 PM
Hi all,
I'm experimenting with ezremaster to produce a boot cd that is a samba file server with a static ip, and allows ssh access.
I was reading the wiki about ezremaster at http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:remastering_with_ezremaster#planned_features_for_future_releases (http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:remastering_with_ezremaster#planned_features_for_future_releases) and in the list of supported features it has Supports setting static IP address on your network interface
However when I went through the ezremaster program I could not see anywhere that I could set a static IP address.
Also the wiki i've linked above has a screen shot of a boot code setup gui that I did not see in the actual program, is there a chance that there is more than one version of this program ?
Hi remus
The wiki also lists a thread for questions on ezremaster.
http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=6645.0 (http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=6645.0)
Older versions of ezremaster supported setting a static IP through the GUI, but the current version no longer does. Older ezremaster versions had become bloated with features so the current version is just back to the basics. I updated the wiki page.
Thx for the link Rick,
Thx for the clarification ixbrian, I will search the forums for info to set a static ip address in tinycore. And make the change persistent. I guess my custom settings will be saved when I remaster :)
If any of you guys have know a (best way) to set a static IP, your input is welcome.
I use a static ip on my box so I can reliably ssh into it. Real easy.
Boot with "nodhcp" in the boot codes.
Place something like this in /opt/bootlocal.sh:
ifconfig eth0 # Address for your box
route add default gw # Your internet router or firewall address
Then include in the backup, of course.
Don't forget to edit /etc/resolv.conf, add "etc/resolv.conf" to /opt/.filetool.lst and do a backup.
Hi remus
The ControlPanel in Tinycore has a Network function that can create a script for you. Here is a
sample called eth0.sh located in /opt
pkill udhcpc
ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast up
route add default gw
echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf
It also adds the following line to /opt/bootlocal.sh
/opt/eth0.sh &
Adjust it to your needs.