Tiny Core Linux

Tiny Core Base => TCB Q&A Forum => Topic started by: okmijn666 on September 03, 2011, 05:00:16 PM

Title: [SOLVED] How Run TightVNC - help plase
Post by: okmijn666 on September 03, 2011, 05:00:16 PM
Hello I have problem, I installed tightvnc on my pc but i can connect via vnc I only see black and grey screen

Xvnc :1

after use settings from:

wow now Im confused.  so in a nutshell, how can I simply get Xvnc running at boot with wbar and flwm?


ok, after a little fiddle i have a down and dirty way. 

1, apply the tightvnc from the repo
2, edit ~/.xsession and on a newline after "waitforX" add :-
           Xvnc -geometry 1024x768 -depth 24 :1 &
3, at the bottom of the same file add :-
           DISPLAY=:1 "$DESKTOP" &
           DISPLAY=:1 setbackground fill /opt/backgrounds/"$BACKGROUND" &
4 as root, edit /usr/bin/wbar.sh and comment the two lines in the middle containing WBARPID (by putting a # at the beginning of the line)
then add this file to /opt/.filetool.lst for persistance.
5  your vncserver will now start on boot, use your vncviewer on linux or ultr@vnc on doze and point it to 192.168.0.?:1 or the ip of your tc no password needed.

this sort of thing may make some people scream but ittl work if your in a hurry.


somethink work (can see mouse pointer) but dont see desktop / wallpaper

please help, I waste 2 days for VNC

sorry for english still learning ;|
Title: Re: How Run TightVNC - help plase
Post by: gerald_clark on September 03, 2011, 05:06:33 PM
You have not given a clear description of the problem.
What machine is running the vnc server?
What machine is running the vnc client?
Did you also launch a window manger?

You might be better off with X0vncserver.
Title: Re: How Run TightVNC - help plase
Post by: okmijn666 on September 03, 2011, 05:15:53 PM
What machine is running the vnc server?
tinycore fresh install runing xvsa(?) and Xvnc (tinyvnc)
What machine is running the vnc client?
W7 (vnc viever)
Did you also launch a window manger?
I think ... yes

You might be better off with X0vncserver.
please more details, im newbe :)

thx for fast anserw

/ screenshot V the problem - I cant see wallpaper etc
Title: Re: How Run TightVNC - help plase
Post by: gerald_clark on September 03, 2011, 05:32:33 PM
Read the info tab in AppBrowser for these programs.
Title: Re: How Run TightVNC - help plase
Post by: okmijn666 on September 03, 2011, 05:44:36 PM
OK i fix problem  8) thx for pointing me in wright direction
Title: Re: [SOLVED] How Run TightVNC - help plase
Post by: gerald_clark on September 03, 2011, 06:47:44 PM
You're welcome.