General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks
Success on HP 6910p
I tried TCL on this laptop.
Starting point:
- a nice hp6910p without HDD.
- USB-Adapter with CF 8GB (CF prepared with Syslinux; multiboot with different Linux; Menues adapted during the try with TCL LAN/WLAN; see below).
- LAN via Ethernet Home Adapters. WLAN in the house.
- 2 buttons+wheel USB mouse
- the laptop (TCL3.6) was in the net via LAN within few secondes. With the same method I used for my other PC, I was in my WLAN within 3 hours (Im a bit slow) after loading the intel wireless extension drivers for this laptop: see my WLAN method in I could not understand how to use WICD-radar and the whole other WIFI stuff. Sorry. I will perhaps try it in my next life or when I have to go via Wifi in foreign WLANs. Very good the new boot options mydata=hp6910pu and lst=hp6910pu.lst I could use for making different start setups for this laptop (LAN/WLAN). I can send you my hp6910pu.tgz on request.
- Knoppix booted quick into LAN. Not so quick, not so impressive than TCL. WLAN did not work because I could not make the setup (keyrings were asked. I did not understand stopped further activities).
- MagicParted has to be modified a bit for the boot code with LAN. It booted fine (not so impressive than TCL) and WLAN was very easy to connect via a good WICD menu. There is something to learn for TCL.
- Slitaz did not start the Xorg. I did not try to make it working.
Conclusion: I stay with TCL. This laptop is a space shuttle with TCL (I did not try the sound; not so important for me; on request, I can test it).
Conclusion of the conclusion: if you have such a laptop (with or without HDD), make quickly an USB-Stick or a CF-card on USB-adapter with TCL and boot it via USB. THIS IS REALLY GOOD.
- the background "bretagne" is not coming. This could be the only reason for throwing TCL out of this pc..;-). probably in syslinux, TCL dont like the path opt/backgrounds/bretagne.jpg?
- firefox (after full screen modus, only 2 times I can made it disappearing by clicking "-" on the top right, then only the "X" button on the right top is functioning and other issues with full screen modus coming automatically.. I will post when I understand when it comes up)
# CF 8GB Syslinux.cfg
# UUID=8172-30FF
# Default boot option to use
default menu.c32
#Deutsche Tastaturbelegung
KBDMAP german.kbd
# Prompt user for selection
MENU TITLE Boot Main Menu cf 8GB which can be connected to ide adapter or usb adapter
F1 boot.msg
F2 f2
F3 f3
LABEL tcl3.6 OldBoy1 basis
MENU LABEL tcl3.6 OldBoy1 basis
KERNEL /boot/tcl/bzImage
APPEND quiet vga=ask tz=GMT+1 ide_core.ignore_cable=1 noacpi noscsi nozswap showapps tce=UUID=8172-30FF kmap=qwertz/de-latin1
initrd /boot/tcl/tinycore.gz
# ide_core.ignore_cable=1 for OldBoy1.. make different config files.. or menu for different computers?
LABEL tcl3.6 HP Laptop hp6910p DE LAN
MENU LABEL tcl3.6 HP Laptop hp6910p DE LAN
KERNEL /boot/tcl/bzImage
APPEND quiet vga=791 tz=GMT+1 noscsi noacpi loglevel=2 bkg=bretagne.jpg showapps tce=UUID=8172-30FF mydata=hp6910p lst=hp6910p.lst kmap=qwertz/de-latin1
initrd /boot/tcl/tinycore.gz
LABEL tcl3.6 HP Laptop hp6910p DE Uhl Wlan
MENU LABEL tcl3.6 HP Laptop hp6910p DE Uhl Wlan
KERNEL /boot/tcl/bzImage
APPEND quiet vga=791 tz=GMT+1 noscsi noacpi loglevel=2 bkg=bretagne.jpg nozswap showapps tce=UUID=8172-30FF mydata=hp6910pu lst=hp6910pu.lst kmap=qwertz/de-latin1
initrd /boot/tcl/tinycore.gz
LABEL knoppix
MENU LABEL knoppix kbd_DE
KERNEL linux
# APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 lang=en vt.default_utf8=0 apm=power-off vga=791 initrd=minirt.gz nomce quiet loglevel=0 tz=localtime
APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 lang=en vt.default_utf8=0 apm=power-off vga=0x311 initrd=minirt.gz nomce quiet loglevel=0 tz=localtime
LABEL slitaz DE
KERNEL /boot/slitaz/bzImage
APPEND rw root=/dev/null quiet home=UUID=8172-30FF kmap=de-latin1 vga=788 sound=no modprobe=mga lang=en acpi=off tz=localtime
INITRD /boot/slitaz/rootfs.gz
LABEL PartedMagic
MENU LABEL PartedMagic kbd_US
KERNEL /boot/pmagic/bzImage
APPEND directory=boot quiet edd=off load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 rw loglevel=9 max_loop=256
INITRD /boot/pmagic/initramfs
LABEL memtest
MENU LABEL memtest
KERNEL memtest
KERNEL hdt.c32
APPEND modules_alias=modules.ali pciids=pci.ids modules_pcimap=modules.pci quiet
Menu label GoToHDD00 (10GB OldBoy1)
kernel chain.c32
append hd0 0
Menu label GoToHDD01 (CF8GB OldBoy1)
kernel chain.c32
append hd1 0
Menu label GoToHDD20 (6GB OldBoy1)
kernel chain.c32
append hd2 0
KERNEL memdisk
APPEND initrd=balder.img
LABEL failsafe
MENU LABEL failsafe
KERNEL linux
APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 lang=en vt.default_utf8=0 vga=normal atapicd nosound noapic nolapic noacpi pnpbios=off acpi=off nofstab noscsi nodma noapm nousb nopcmcia nofirewire noagp nomce nonetwork nodhcp xmodule=vesa initrd=minirt.gz
LABEL reboot
COM32 reboot.c32
LABEL poweroff
the onboot.lst in this laptop:
Looking at the first link in post, there appears to be no relation to "Netbooks"...
Hi floppy,
this is my first post on this forum.
I had to buy a Win device to use my wireless-modem, so I got a cheap
HP 1101 [or something] netbook, and it's now got a 8GB CF too;
apart from the 2GB RAM.
Apart from the fact that I'm operating from the 3rd world; relying
on 'the cloud' is IMO, like those who thought their house value would
keep increasing. So I want to try the 'model' where the apps are loaded
from CF.
I've d/l-ed and preliminarily read the FAQ, wiki ..etc.
I normally d/l a dozen URL's via lynx and automatically, append all the texts
to a file for later reading. I can't pay for spurious 'live browsing' with
childish active-smilies - like here.
Please tell me:-
* will my existing bash-scripts work, or does 'busy box' mean TC uses `ash` ?
* can it run [16 copies of] mc [midnight commander] ?
* is 'FW??' that windows manager [which I used a decade ago] which showed
a 3x3 to represent the 9 'desktops' ?
I can't remember if it could conveniently have multiple terminals per
desktp; so that you could easily 'switch' to desktop 3, terminal 2 ?
* I can't remember the details, but loadlin once worked ok: does it enable
a linux session to be run-and-exited, without losing the win-stuff?
I guess not, because it would have to know what RAM, WIN was using?
Because I use an OO approach, rather than the MONSTER-app approach of eg.
a 'universal browser/mailer/news-reader'; i.e. each project has its own
dir-tree, where the files related to THAT project reside;
I need to have several `mc` open at the various dir-trees,
and be able to 'switch' to the corresponding mc, when a related item
Under Mandrake9 & kde3, I wrote a script which showed which
<path/file ie. dir-tree> had which Desktop,VT
so that, if I received an item for eg. "tinyCore" I could see that it could
be 'handled' by Desktop 4, VT/consol 3;
instead of hysterically searching through 20 VT on the 4 desktops.
When I upgraded to slak13+xcfe my script no longer worked, and my whole
work-style is disrupted.
== TIA.
Hi labeas
You probably should have started a separate thread for this but I'll try to give you some answers.
Busybox uses ash, however, you can get bash by installing util-linux-ng.tcz
Tinycore comes with the fast light window manager. It does offer multiple desk tops.
You can open multiple terminals and copies of mc. I don't know what the limit is, I just opened 20
terminals with no problems on a machine with 512MB and no swap.
There are several different boot loaders available which allow Linux and Windows to co-exist.
Thanks for confirming that TC can manage 20 terminals, even with restricted
RAM. I had a look at the screenshot of the <desktop>,and it's not clear how/if
the VTs would be kept in ORDER. The last thing we need, is another M$-like
mess where the <papers are scattered over the desk>.
Has any body seen the superior way that Oberon [S3 & V4] does it - dating from
decades ago. Imagine if paper books, didn't have <ordered binding & a fixed
location index>? Why does computing replace proven functionality by arty-crap?
Apart from manually keeping an index of which VT has a certain <path>, how
would you know that VT:17 had the <path related to the email which has arrived>?
How would you swith to VT:17? KDE & xfce can be swithed eg. to Desktop4, VT3.
== labeas.
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