General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

Suggestions for purchasing a Netbook?

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uh with the laptop chips do you mean that the AMD chip is double the speed
of the lower Intel because it's simply a dual core?

my understanding is that multiple cores are only used when the apps being
used are multi-thread apps.

how many linux apps are multi thread?.....i know some that are multi thread but what the percenage
is i am not sure. (it's low i think....maybe less than 5 percent of apps are multi thread) . Povray is multi-thread and Ardour music tool.

Otherwise, my understanding is that a dual core chip will allow the OS to perform
better because the OS is multi-thread. Dual core will also deal better with having several "single thread" apps open at the same time. Say you had some "single thread" app in the background
doing processing of an audio file (Audacity), while in the foreground you had some other "single thread"
app like FireFox working. (the dual core chip would give "some" improvement over a single
core chip in that scenario)

Dual core chips are more common now and i am not sure how much more expensive they
are than a single core chip.

As for doing virtual computer work, i was told that the AMD chip is capable of hardware
virtualisation where-as some intel chips are not capable of this and would be slow at the

I notice that quad core laptops are not ridiculous in price. About $399, although i would need
to check that.

I hope this helps out in some way.


There seems to be a lack of netbook/laptop hardware about at the moment, what would you guys recommend as the go-to netbook/ultrabook/small laptop these days?

(I realise that this is reviving a very old thread indeed - apologies)

I would still recommend AMD, just the updated model (E-450). Though within some weeks there's going to be a refresh (clock increase) with those chips (Brazos 2.0), so waiting might get you a price drop on the E-450 or a newer chip.


ye....spence....these comments about Brazos seem about right...

You have your budget also. Fits into it.


The Brazos platform does seem quite good. Has anyone got any experience with Brazos under Linux/tinycore?

The ultrathin segment is still too pricey, but hopefully that will change in time.

Aside from that, the only thing that has turned my head is the Asus transformer Prime - A seriously good looking piece of hardware but I just don't think that I'd be able to use Android as a sole replacement for what can be done on an X86 laptop at the moment...


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