coreplayer2: Thanks. To go "up", you can double-click the ".." directory item as long as "show hidden" is enabled. Do you know that you can also click any of the thin bars along the top edge of the path input box and go to the corresponding ancestor directory? So there are many "up" buttons already, just kindo of small and they move around a bit.
The desire to add 'just one more little thing' (not quoting you, just the general sentiment) is strong and needs to be checked and balanced by consideration of the various forms of cost that a new thing would impose. And I'm trying to be very stingy with code size in this app. Fluff can be more "lavish".

IF I do a "back" button in DirWin, it would be a trivial "go to the last place I was" version. Clicking it several times in a row would just cycle between two directories over and over. It would not "unwind" a history of visited places like most web browsers do. Fluff already tracks multiple previous locations, so I could do a full "rewind" kind of back button there.
Rich: Yes, I have thought about forking the process, or maybe having a child process do this. It can be done, I'm sure, one way or the other. But my stingy-ness with code size in DirWin may not allow it. We'll see.