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Author Topic: Modern Browser Problems with less than 256M RAM  (Read 5071 times)

Offline larrys4227

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Re: Modern Browser Problems with less than 256M RAM
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2011, 08:20:29 AM »
Hello - New member and first post .... 2 days into TC using an old Compaq Armada 7400 (PII300Mhz, 128Mram (now 256M), 6G HD). All I need the laptop for is to be able to browse 2 websites. I'm a virtual race car driver and my wife and I are sick of fighting for the 'good' laptop that runs another Linux OS.  I dug out the Compaq from the attic, and TC is doing better than anything else I've tried. Good job developers!

In response to the original post, with 128M memory, I had the best luck running the Minefield browser. I need a 'modern' type browser to see the 2 sites properly, and while it was abit slow at the beginning, after 15 minutes or so it would pretty much die. Running 'top' in Aterm showed every bit of memory used up.

I took a shot at a local computer place, and they sold me 2 used 128M memory cards for $12.00.  While Minefield is still abit slow, the 256M has certainly improved performance.  I left the laptop on overnight, with Minefield running, and woke up to over 200M of the memory in use .... but Minefield was still working.

I went back and tried some other browsers (Firefox, Seamonkey, Epiphany) and while they all worked, Minefield is still the quickest.  I've done some other experiments with different apps and the laptop handles those perfectly, but the purpose of this setup is very specific to 2 sites on a modern browser.

Apologies for mixing 2 subjects within this post .... but I had to comment on how pleased I am that I've found a useable purpose for this laptop clunker thats been in my attic for years.  TC is going to serve my needs quite nicely!

I'm sure I'll find other uses for TC, cause I'm too curious about it.  Next app .... Matt's Traceroute (mtr) .... abslutely love that tool.  Off to go get it ... :-)

Thanks for the rambling .... very pleased with the product!   Larry

Offline SunBurnt

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Re: Modern Browser Problems with less than 256M RAM
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2011, 10:13:41 PM »
Lots of responses, I didn`t read them all so someone probably pointed this out.

I have a AMD Sempron 2400+ with 256mb ram. Firefox is okay until a video is played.

Setting up a swap file solved the problem of course.

You can make a 256mb swap ( Better: 384mb, 512mb, etc. ) on your USB flash drive.
BUT... Be warned that the USB flash drive probably will only last 6 months or so.
Newer ones can be written to more times than the old ones, so maybe longer...