General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

TC 3.6 on EEEPC 701: synaptics touchpad not recognized by the kernel

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Ladies and Gentlement, It's time for my to apologize to the forum.

A series of deficiencies on my part, the most prominent of whic is the careless use of "dmesg | grep syn" when looking for Synaptics (upper case), have led me to waste your time, focus and good will. It never was a kernel issue. It just was Xorg not loading the Synaptics driver.

Juanito sent me back on a track I previously failed, the xorg.conf road. More persistance, and it works! I now have two-finger scrolling working, and synclient is willing to talk to me. Thank you Juanito.

My current xorg.conf is a mess and I'm travelling. I hope I'll trim it a bit and post it in, say, a week for the next poor soul trying to config a first generation eeepc...



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