Off-Topic > Starter Packs


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oh you wrote an answer while me asked more questions.

--- Quote ---You are not listening to me, but are following others still trying to use the ntfs extension.
There is no need to umount or remount, if you follow my instructions.
--- End quote ---

Then one need to sort out what it means to follow your instructions indeed.

I do my very best to grasp what you tell me to do.

What you write here

--- Quote ---1. loadpack tc-grub4dos.gz
2. copy /tmp/ntfs-3g.gz to /tce/boot directory along with tinycore.gz and bzImage
3, edit grub4dos menu.lst with the entry for tinycore to be as follows.
--- End quote ---

Maybe work if one are booted from CD or USB but does it really work if one are already booted from the very hdd one are supposed to install the grub4dos on when one already have a grub4dos there that one are very satisfied with and already have at least ten working os on it?

 I did go to Panel and click on load starter pack and I found the file to load and did that and it said okay to it too and  it failed when I did this

2. copy /tmp/ntfs-3g.gz to /tce/boot directory along with tinycore.gz and bzImage

I tried to ways to follow that instructon. Using Fluff as sudo and tried using the Terminal as root.

That does not work for the hdd is still set as read only. So how does one change that?

I did follow these instructions. The reason I tested what Maro suggested was that it did work for him.

@jur, Why not follow the instructions I posted in original post? Or my follow-up post when an existing grub4dos is already in use.

Is there a wiki entry for this specific starter pack?

Why on earth would one start my creating a tce directory?
Was that in any of my posted instructions?
Neither is opening an terminal.

It is one thing if you want to hack, another if you want to test per my posted instructions.

I cannot figure out when I post a new program with instructions, They are not followed.

Boot options home=hda1 opt=hda1 work as expected. Of course the level 1 directory of your Widows Xp now has /home/tc and /opt directories populated. So then Tiny Core now occupies three directories on XP.

Everything is easy when one know how to.

I have finally success doing it my way. But how to retell it is not so easy.

This part of your text works well if one knows what it refers to which a newbie would not know.
Even I fail to despite me have long experience of trying to get what real linux users say to me.

loadpack tc-grub4dos.gz

So I did place the tc-grub4dos.gz in a place easy to find the /mnt/sda3/tce/boot/

I followed your advice to use the Panel and Load Starter package so I marked it and clicked on the button and that worked because your next instruaction work on my gear to the first part.
/tmp/ntfs-3g.gz  yes I see that part there but am not allowed to write it to the hdd. Copy it does but not write to so

so being Newbody one try work around. Where am I allowed to write? To an usb memory stick
so I plugged in one such and mounted it and used Fluff to copy and paste as sudo just in case.
And that worked.

So now the problem TCL has no way toi write it over to to /tce/boot directory along with tinycore.gz and bzImage because that hdd and partition is read only.

When is it not read only? well in Puppy and Porteus and in Knoppix if one tell them to accept to write to the sda3. Puppy was the one I used due to me most familiar with it.

And now after booting again I am in tinycore_v3.7rc2  using your boot entry for grub4dos and I have edited the menu.lst too and edit another file and tested that it works to write to the hdd.

But this was the easiest way to do it. Trust me.

The easiest way is to run the automated install script instead of manually editing and copying files.


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